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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Yes
  2. You know Nemo you can nominate Larry for an award if you ask Freebird.
  3. Jeff they will fabricate and twist something for their own gain. I stopped watching the news programs years ago because of this. Twisted crap to sell and make money. Greed
  4. Headed To Galena, Il today to finish up the last few little things for the 2013 Ventureriders.org International Rally Great day for a ride up. Remember if you haven't registered there is still time and if you decide at the last minute to come you can still register when you get there. Also don't forget to bring your money there will be 50/50 raffles, 2 homemade afghans will be auctioned off, there will be 2 other items to be auctioned off and you can also buy the winning ticket for the trailer raffle. The trailer will be on display at the rally for you all to inspect. Also remember if you want to do horseback riding or take a hot air balloon ride to reserve your time now. It is your responsibility to do this. If when you get there you need any help you can see one of the committee members or the people at the resort said to let you all know they will be there to help us out anyway they can. Ride safe
  5. Todd my friend how are you? You will get some people offering because we have a few members within about 40 miles from there.
  6. Yes pretty booked right now.
  7. Ben if you win this trailer any idea what we need to do to get it into canada for you? The bill pf sale has not been issued yet due to not knowing whose name to put on it. When the name is drawn I can have it it hand in 2 days.
  8. Kevin, the group leaving my house will meet you in Peru at the Sapp brothers truck stop at exit #73 on I-80 at 9:00 am if that works into your plans
  9. of course. I'll even pay half for ya Dan if you show up:thumbsup2:
  10. Yes It is,after tonight it is 10 bucks more so everyone hurry up
  11. To late Only 17 days and a wake up till the Venturerider.org internatioal Rally in Galena. Dont forget to register:wel_ani3Tay:
  12. why would you pay $160 every 8,000 miles for a tire? I get 20,000 out of my e's
  13. Talked to Jay-Bird today and he was interested in coming to the Rally In Galena to do some pinstriping, I told him we would love to make to have him so he is going to make the 9 hour trek over and set up things for us. SO if anyone is considering getting their bike done at the rally would be a great time to do it.
  14. order a seat from Diamond International and you won't be without your old one
  15. If you run Satellite radio split the fairing and run a splitter inside from the original aux jack so you can hook it up without the tape deck door being open. You can also mount the antenna inside the fairing so it is out of the way.
  16. hit set then resume and it will hold the speed as soon as you do this
  17. Rick Haywood


  18. Wanted to let everyone know that the resort does have WiFi so bring your laptops
  19. Got it Leo, everything is good watch your mailbox Rick:thumbsup2:
  20. Exactly what was going on with mine. Cleaned the baldes on the fuse and filed the spos where the fuse goes and solved my problem.
  21. Wanted to let those who are going to the rally know that they are opening early for breakfast so we have a place to eat since our rides leave at 9:00am so the committee would like to ask that we try and support them.
  22. I wasn't going to mention that:stirthepot:
  23. Only if I am following Bryan Ruggles:whistling:
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