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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Sun Jul 28 Sunny and delightful 75°Lo 52° Mon Jul 29 Partly sunny 76°Lo 60° Tue Jul 30 Mostly cloudy 82°Lo 60° Wed Jul 31 A blend of sun and clouds 81°Lo 58° Thurs Aug 1 A blend of sun and clouds 79°Lo 60°
  2. There will be a group of riders meeting at Sapp Brothers travel Plaza on I-80 in Peru, Illinois at exit #73 on Sunday 7/28/13 at (9:30-9:45) if any others are close and want to meet up. We will then head to Dixon Il. to meet EUSA1, Cherie and B2Mom & Dad and whoever else to ride on up to the International. I believe Mike (EUSA1) has set for us to stop in Savana, Il for brunch at a nice Buffet then afterwards we will head on up to the Resort (about 25 miles). Please let me know if you plan on meeting us there so we will wait. Ride Safe Rick & Shirley (Slim) ps Should be a group of around 8-10 bikes.
  3. It can't be your birthday again can it.............seems like you just had one this time last year. Have a great day Rick,
  4. Almost here folks. Wanted to thank everyone who has registered and is planning on coming. If you have any questions please feel free to ask away. If you need help while you are at the rally we will be there to help out as much as we can. The committee members will all be wearing the same color shirts so you will be able to pick us out. The color will change everyday. I do have numbers for taxi service in case people want to go to Galena but don't want to ride or plan on drinking. The staff at Chestnut Mountain as been very helpful and said if you need anything, have any questions about the resort or surrounding area please feel free to ask them and they will help in any way they can. Don't forget to sign up for any or all rides if you plan on going (Sunday signup) Everyone please be safe and have a great ride over and we will see you all Sunday.
  5. Patrick, I am heartbroken to have to say I just received word a few minutes ago that since there is no brain waves or activity from the brain of any kind the decision has been made to take my friend Larry off of life support.
  6. Don, If you wanted a Knock Off of the Venture why didn't you buy another Venture
  7. We are gonna be at JP Cycles on Monday of the international.....
  8. Your CB will work on the receiving end without the headsets plugged in. Just make sure it is set to speakers.
  9. Hary yoo hoo Harry don't forget my seat
  10. Great price but it says it's a 2013 then says its a 2012 Color tells me its a "12" and is stripped down, no airbag, no navigations no cb radio not sure about anti locks didn't read all of it. you can buy a brand new one with nothing on it for about $19,000 the place in Union City TN usually has them under $20,000
  11. You are getting bent over. An 08 is worth about $13,00-$15,000 max. they are giving you about $5500-$6500 for both your bikes.
  12. Don, no matter what you by (I bet you don't) we want you to know you are always welcome on the venturerider site.
  13. No not the pump it will run if the tank is full even when the pump is out maybe filter could he plugged vacum line. Remove the gas cap and see if it releases pressure cold be a line problem or may not be fuel related at all. Lot of help wasn't I:confused24:
  14. best route to Chestnut Mountain is to take us 52 which you catch just North of Peru on I-39 Follow this to Savana, Il then up 84 to Hanover and just on the north side of Hanover you will see a sign for Chestnut Mountain and Blackjack Road turn left great ride and you miss most of Chicago and all of Rockford. We will have signs out around noon Sunday at the turns for the north end (off us 20) and south end (off hwy 84) of Blackjack road
  15. I love when mine helps me get it UPright:whistling:
  16. Very good friend of ours had a very bad bike crash Wednesday evening and is in ICU on life support. Many broken bones and skull fractures, had to remove part of his skull to allow for swelling. Very little brain activity. The accident was his fault so please keep him in your thoughts Rick & Shirley
  17. Wow, I'm hurt. He didn't even mention meeting me and my group in LaSalle Sunday Morning Then heading to Dixon
  18. it is very hot right now but I have ordered mid 60's at night and low 80's during the day for the rally:thumbsup2:
  19. Don't decelerate................you knew someone was gonna say it:whistling:
  20. There's a crush washer on the Venture?
  21. Larry, You know Don can always use more stuff for his bike so keep up the good work:whistling:
  22. Well I ran the 130 for awhile on the front and went back to the 150 due to ride and handling. When I went back to the 150 I added risers and raised the angle of my handlebars up about 1/2 inch and it gave me more leverage when turning. I use to drop mine about 2 times a year when making moves in a parking lot but with the difference in the height of the bars I now have no problem. By the way I ride about 27,000 miles a year so dropping it a couple times a year isn't as bad as it sounds.
  23. I live 100 miles away Todd.
  24. If you end up needing new starter cutoff circuit relay don't order one. I have a brand new one still in the box Rick
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