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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. To the dump .........Maybe:confused24:
  2. I Can See You
  3. July 27 th, 2010. I have out 90,000 miles on it and love the bike.
  4. with 2 pivot points you couldn't back it up over a couple of feet
  5. The Venture has 4 and 5as overdrive if you are considering a ratio of less than 1 to 1. 4th gear in a venture is like .95 and 5th is .87 or something of that nature
  6. Just Invite Monty and Angel over for the night and let them put their extra Apple Pie in the garage Fridge. When they leave the next morning they will forget it and Viola you will have a batch.
  7. 15 of us on 10 bikes went on a 100 mile ride yesterday just riding around the back roads looking at the fall colors. 55 degrees and sunny. Was a great day. Here is the route we rode for TheCoffsKid to look at if you want. https://www.google.com/maps?saddr=101+Dennis+Drive,+Eureka,+IL&daddr=40.7562772,-89.4794283+to:Upper+Spring+Bay+Rd+to:Lourdes+Rd+to:Co+Rd+400+E+to:Banta+Rd+to:40.8797499,-89.316798+to:Co+Rd+1700+E%2FTax+School+Rd+to:Tax+School+Rd+to:Tax+School+Rd+to:S+Prairie+St+to:IL-26+S+to:Black+Partridge+Rd+to:Black+Partridge+Rd+to:101+Dennis+Dr,+Eureka,+IL&hl=en&sll=40.89744,-89.393534&sspn=0.607247,1.352692&geocode=FYkIbQIdoc6t-ilxRRlZxKgLiDETvue0lwXnzg%3BFTXkbQId_Kaq-imRNxgdglEKiDEmFrv73H1xnw%3BFQLTbQIdFCWq-g%3BFTaHbgIdXSCr-g%3BFWNBbwIdX8Cq-g%3BFfiJbwIdFAus-g%3BFYXGbwIdQiKt-ilj1V5Jq7YLiDEt6S_nlo5euA%3BFWPncAIdXkSt-g%3BFYDmcgId9fCs-g%3BFY4OcwId972s-g%3BFTn1cQIdmLur-g%3BFYDkcAIdmGyr-g%3BFXdEbwIdFCar-g%3BFXspbwIdvsus-g%3BFYkIbQIdoc6t-ilxRRlZxKgLiDETvue0lwXnzg&oq=101+dennis+drive&mra=ls&via=1,6&t=m&z=10
  8. Take all the bolts out of the fairing as if you are removing the front half and then it will move enough up and down to get to it. Make sure you remove the screw under the headlight so you can move the outer fairing up and down
  9. A friend of mine has this trike for sale great trke and a really good buy if anyone is interested let me know 2000 honda valkyrie 1500 36, 000 miles Road smith kit lots of extras. $16700
  10. I didn't think they worked above a certain temp
  11. Was the new rider Karen
  12. Ruffy, You put this is the wrong forum..........................--1
  13. Better slow speed handling. easier movement in parking lots and driveways. I tried it and loved it at slow movements but didn't like the handling and ride on the road so went back to the 150
  14. That is Menards Normal everyday price. Only place to go if you have one close
  15. I love my Satellite radio could not imagine being without it...........but I hate trying to talk to or get anything done with Sirius customer service. I am to the point when I call in the first thing I do is insist on talking to customer retention. You can spend 45 minutes on the phone just trying to get a 3 minute deal taken care of. I also always shut my off (close the account) at the end of the year and have the balance put on my wife's car then after a couple of months I get a please come back for six months for $25 with free activation coupon.
  16. most people that I know that have them that road motorcycles most of their life don't like them those that never rode that own them seem to love them.
  17. The R&R is bad on my bike. I am down due to shoulder surgery and can't ride but there are some things I want to do this winter so figured I'd get things ordered so they are here when I can work on it. Is $70 a reasonable price to pay for a new one Thanks Rick
  18. when they start leaking it is time for a valve adjustment anyway so for a little bit more you can get both gaskets replaced and valves adjusted.
  19. I'll be riding in December or 1st of January I'llride here and i will haul it down to my daughters in Pensacola alright all over Florida for a month or two
  20. surgery went well not near as messed up shoulders I thought I'll probably be back on the bike in two and a half months what a great day:thumbsup2:
  21. The time has come for my shoulder surgery. It is tomorrow about 8:00 am I hate not being able to ride for the next 5 months or so. Wish me luck
  22. CONCEAL CARRY I have nothing more to say
  23. Bryan you guys now you did it so you don't need any patch to prove it:thumbsup2:
  24. Take it back and have them put the tire on the wheel the proper way. If the rotation of the wheel didn't matter it wouldn't be marked. Plus if it solves the problem then it will tell us for sure if it matters:confused24:
  25. Count us in if we haven't sold the house and moved to Florida:thumbsup2:
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