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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Where's the URL...
  2. Annie Shirley and I are sorry for your loss......be strong The Haywoods
  3. Shirley and I will be there unless our house is sold then we will be retired in Lakeland Florida.... Swat Team optional............LOL
  4. I use 1/4 inch fuel line as the nuts. It will thread on tight and if you make it about 1 inch long it is easy to twist on and off. You can not see it and it solved my problem of dropping the nut down inside the bike.
  5. How come no Middle Finger Smiley
  6. A couple of them defy logic. The guy snow skying and jumping of the mountain and the snowmobiler
  7. Rick Haywood


    I can't wait til our house sells so we can get down that way. I'll swap 5/6 months of cold, rain, snow and wind for 3 months of hot and humid weather. In the heat I can still ride, I can get in the pool, Go to the beach plus I would rather change a flat tire in 98 degrees and humid than 7 below zero with 25 mph winds
  8. As with most things today it mus be Bush"s Fault
  9. You seem to be upset over nothing in my opinion. You are upset over an advertisement and if I understand this correctly their price is $55 more for the same product and from what I have experienced from the members on this board most buy from other members first. You also are upset when you don't really know that people bought from super brace verses you. A monopoly doesn't work in any society. I find it hard to believe you are going to lose any sales to them if the member knows about your product. I for one didn't know you made them.
  10. Sort of answered the question then
  11. If the price had went up by $10 between the time you ordered and it shipped would you have been OK with them charging you the extra $10? :confused:
  12. Or pictures of the operation or where they cut you to remove.......Thank You in Advance
  13. Dam Dan we think alike
  14. Put in pickup only and cash only that solves the bull crap
  15. What Whine............................
  16. Dan You are going to get me in trouble.................................I told Shirley it was an educational event so she'd go with me. Hummmm I guess since she has never been to a big bike rally like this it WILL be educational:whistling:
  17. We aren't winning the war so let's go at it a different way. Just another fact that our politicians do not have a clue. They believe they can stop it and they have proven they can't. I agree with this guy.
  18. Rode It & put gas in it
  19. Just booked 4 nights in Daytona for bike week. We should try a meet and eat for those who are going. Rick
  20. Kevin,I hate to post the obvious but you did make sure it was turned on?
  21. I do not believe you could go after the dogs owner. If you didn't hit the dog he didn't cause the accident. The actual cause was the tires being wet causing the bike to slide after applying the brakes. Now I could be wrong:scratchchin:
  22. Just one more liberty taken away and and one more tax for the greedy to get from us. No more no less:confused24:
  23. When you get it back put on a set of Carbon Ones crash bar braces and they will save the bar and lower cowling if you ever drop it or lay it down, plus if you have highway pegs they will not move back and forth which can break off the mounting tabs in the lower cowlings. Some of the best money I ever spent.
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