Hello everyone first time reader long time poster. LOL:whistling: I am a quiet person and don't talk much and for you that know me you can vouch for that.
Hey Tom Shirley and I will be there from the 9th through the 12th. Let's get together for a ride and a meal. Are the last 4 of your cell number still 5431? My number is in my profile
Hey Eck I have a friend who owns a shop where they build trikes and they mainly do gold wings so depending which 1/2 of a arm you have left ( I need a left shoulder) I"ll see what he has laying around or maybe what his cost is for new. I assume it is for the 1800
Bought my venture july 27th of 2010 with 17, 000 miles on it
Now has 109, 364 miles put on 92, 000 miles in 3 1/4 years so we ride about 25, 000 a year:cool10:
In Florida if you wear a helmet you are not required to have liability insurance. This is what my brothers tells me who lives there and rides and who was hit by a bike that wasn't required to pay because the guy riding was wearing a helmet and had no insurance.
Happy New Year to You and Alan From Me, Shirley and Jennifer
PS Happy New YearTo All our Friends on here that we have met and to the friends we haven't met yet
The bags are VERY EXPENSIVE to replace and without the bars they will get destroyed when you drop it.......and believe me YOU WILL drop it at some point. In a parking lot on an angle with a little gravel under foot trying to back up and wamo it is on it's side. Not trying to jinx you just warning you because it will happen at some point if you rdie it.
Hwy 191 is the only way to go, I would take 287 about 15 miles after it splits off of 191 to ride along the lakes then turn around and come back to 191 north. On 287 after you leave the lakes it is a pretty boring ride. I have been on all 3 and as a whole like 191 better.
I have a 2000 Venture with 109,000 miles on it and have not had any carb issues, for that matter I haven't had any trouble with the bike other than ignition switch went out at 35,000