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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Orlin did you get rid of the red RSV. :95:
  2. 112, 000 miles only trouble is the ignition switch and the clutch spring
  3. My thoughts also.
  4. 1\2 dozen rum balls and 2 plates please. :-)
  5. What's going on
  6. There is another thing that goes with riding....the family you belong to as a biker. You know they have your back.
  7. I put Honda Valkyrie mirrors on mine they are bigger and tinted and anti vibration. bought them from Pinwheel Cycles
  8. Jeff, The led lights when the fuse is blown? Where do I get them.
  9. OK Learned a couple things today. I checked all the fuses and they all showed good so I checked them with a meter and the turn signal fuse tested bad even though it looked good. Lesson Learned. I also learned that if your turn signal fuse is bad then you turn signals, brake lights, fuel gauge and speedometer will not work. Who would have thunk it.
  10. Really the ignition switch, when it went out the first time nothing worked accept radio, Now it will still start and run and lights work but nothing else. Can it still be the switch?
  11. I turn the key to the on position. Bike starts and runs fine. Stereo works dc plug workd but I have no fuel guage no speedometer no turn signals and no brake lights. I checked all the fuses any ideas.
  12. I received the same email but it was for texaco and I was only going to receive $400 per week:confused24:
  13. If you are by peoria illinois and need a place to stay for a few days you are welcome at our house. We can also do a little riding and we"d show you the sights
  14. If you used the cancel buttonto shut it off itmayhave stuck a little. Mine does that. As for the shudder I felt mine did that and the bike run ok but not perfect I had muffin man set my carbs with his color tune and that was 40, 000 miles ago and it has run perfect ever since no more shudder. Of all the things I have ever done to this bike to make it run right this one thing is by far made the best improvement in it
  15. Wish I had known you were here I would have liked to meet you all
  16. Well there goes Shirley and my place to stay the end of next week. Man you didn't have to move just to avoid us. Suppose Karen would put us up
  17. Some of us are going to Lafayette, Indiana for Demo Rides on April 4th and 5th. Hope the weather is OK
  18. At this point you can count Shirley and I in.
  19. First of you would have to change the back rim to accomplish this, I'd put a leveling kit on it to accomplish the same results
  20. I have had one since September of 1977 use to wear it pretty long back in the day but keep it trimmed up nice and neat now............
  21. Those of you that are or might be in Daytona let's pick a date for a meet and eat for lunch. I can only do Monday or Tuesday the 10th and 11th for lunch or supper for that matter. I can also do Sunday the 9th for supper. When we can come to a date and time I will pick a place a little ways away from all the hoopla so we do not have any trouble getting in. ps we could also do a breakfast meet and eat....whatever works best. my cell number is in my profile if you need to call me
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