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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Well lets see....................My parents gave me mine
  2. Not trying to be a smart A** but why would it be more balanced without the bags and pipes? Arent we taking the same weight off of both sides.
  3. He will be missed by many. I always enjoyed sharing a table with him. Fond memories of Jerry
  4. I know a bunch of guys who use Dairyland and Markel and they seem to be reasonable.
  5. It is the ignition switch. There is a write up in the tech sextion on how to by pass it with a toggle switch and I did this and ran mine that way for 2 years before I decided to tear the old one apart and rebuild/clean it up. It has lasted about 25,000 miles and is starting to give me problems again so will clean it up again this winter. Yu will have to join our little family to get the tech sections but it will be the best 12 bucks you ever spent
  6. Thank You I will also look at that location does the heated jacket pull down the stator or does it keep up OK
  7. Mr Shoemaker, I love the idea about behind the cassette deck door/ Mine is still installed but I have the bike and fairing tore down so would be a great time to remove and install. If I do that I will probably go with the small Küryakyn one. I am like you I do not need to see it all the time. I am only concerned when we have both heated jackets running. By the way some of us (5 bikes) are headed to Maggie Valley for 8 days of riding arriving July 4th and we have rented a house for the week. Let's try and get together and ride a little, Maybe you could meet us in Robinsville for a ride or maybe Franklin. Let's talk later.
  8. I bought mine in August of 2010 with 17,800 miles on it and now have 130,000 miles on it and I pay through Esurance 194.00 per year. with $500.00 deductible and $3500 accessories coverage No Accidents ot tickets and they only write the bike
  9. Brian can you tell me about how big it is (dimensions) the amazon web site says it is almost 8 inches by 6 inches and I find that hard to believe.
  10. How did you mount it? is it just 2 wires/
  11. Thanks Don.
  12. Looking for a Voltage gauge for RSV. Wanting something that mounts clean and looks good. Added heated jackets for me and the wife and want to keep tabs on the charging system while using them. Anybody have one on their bike that they love?
  13. DIN DING DING we have a winner for best purchase price. :clap2:
  14. In July of 2010 i bought my 2000 Millennium with 17,000 miles for $5800. I love the thing and it has been a great bike with very little trouble. It now has 130,000 miles on it. Looking for another one to add to the garage.
  15. heck Eck 46 degrees is short sleeve weather up here
  16. The wife and I are headed for San Antonio in March for a couple days and then to the Texas Hill country for 3/4 days for some riding then over to Austin for a couple days. Any suggestions of things to see and do in Austin and must roads to ride in the Hill Country area? Have friends in San Anton to help there. Thanks Rick & Shirley
  17. So everyone on the FB Page is a member here? I didn't know that. I know a bunch of members by name and I hardly see anyone on the FB Page I know. Maybe I know them but not by their full name.
  18. Need to get this done by first of march for our trip to the texas hill country and San Antonio. I am changing: anti-freeze brake and clutch fluid rear end oil air filters new plugs adding mood led lighting splitting fairing and rewiring all my add on electronics oil change of course fuel filter color tune carbs sync carbs, change all vacuum lines. (they are starting to crack and leak) Almost forgot having Rick Butler do seats
  19. try to work in hwy 43 in soutwest Indiana
  20. That Is CowPuc's Daddy
  21. history of the internet. First used in 1969 http://www.walthowe.com/navnet/history.html
  22. Well I talked to my sisters next door neighbor who has a nephew who knows a guy who has an uncle who is a lawyer and his secretaries daughters boyfriend has a cousin who changes oil at a Yamaha dealer and he says it is true.
  23. Somewhere close to $12,000 worth.............. Of you meant at one time 5.1 gallons
  24. rain suit chaps gloves sunglasses tools my wife and a 9mm:thumbsup2:
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