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About mhaigwood

  • Birthday 07/04/1954

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mark Haigwood


  • Location
    Canyon Lake,Tx, United States


  • City
    Canyon Lake,Tx


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSTD
  1. Happy Birthday to my son Chris and to all Marines. Thanks for your service and be safe. Mark
  2. What goes around, comes around. Hope it is returned to you and your family a 100 times over. Hope everything is going good for you Mark. Come back to Texas sometime. Mark
  3. That is awesome
  4. I have been on this site for a short time. Only been to one MD, Brad bent over backwards trying to help me with my bike. Couldnt happen to more deserving person. Only got to meet Don that one time, my loss. Mark
  5. Only got to meet Don once, it was a pleasure. Prayers sent Mark
  6. Happy anniversary Brad and Lonna, many more. Today is my daughter and son in laws too.
  7. Welcome, this site has some amazing people on it!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Happy birthday Hal, thanks for help on my bike at MD. Mark
  9. Poor you, I dont miss it. Got tired of the rain, moved to Texas. Mark
  10. Have had them on my bike around 3 years, no trouble. I didnt rejet and cant tell a difference. I lived in Yelm,Wa. for around 20 years. Mark
  11. Good job Brad, looks like you got your hands full. Hopr life is treating you and your wife good. Thanks for the help on the bike again. Been busy, havnt done anything on the bike since MD Mark
  12. Miles I lived in Yelm fo 17 years, I moved down to Texas partially to get away from the rain. I hope you have good weather. Kevin on your way stop by and say hi to my mom she lives up the hill from the ferries in P.A. Hope you have a good time at the Ram, ate there many times. Mark
  13. Mark Boerne is only around 22 miles from me, come on down and we will ride over and check it out. Mark
  14. Thanks for your service and the sharing. Great bike and awesome paint job. Mark
  15. Not a PGR member, thought about joining several times. Just thought I might take a ride to honor a fallen veteran. Thanks Mark
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