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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    96 Royal Star
  1. Hey everyone, My bike is having some starting problems, or rather, a starting problem. Yesterday, I went out to start the bike and nothing would turn on, when I turned the ignition. I hooked up some jumper cables and was able to jump the bike. I took it into work, there I went to start it to go home, and the same thing. Except this time it wouldn't take a jump. A few things: 1) The lights on the instrument panel are not turning on, nor any of the electronics (headlights, tail light), when I turn the ignition. 2) The battery is completely charged, I tested it and it is at 100%. 3) We tried to roll start it, and it started up, but it was not firing on all cylinders, nor would it create enough electicity to turn on the instruments or lights. Thanks in advance, -Chubbs
  2. So, I changed the spark plugs and the air filter, it is still lugging. Just as a heads up, I generally shift into 4th gear at about 40 MPH and 5th at about 60 MPH. The best way that I can describe what it does, is when I give it a little bit of gas to go, it doesn't want to create any power, but haphazardly, after a few seconds it will go like it use too, and then lug again like it's not creating any power. Is the next step to see if the carbs are synced, and are there any other suggestions. Thanks for all of your help, Jason
  3. Everyone, first I'm new to the forum! I just bought a 96 Royal Star a few months back. I have loved the bike, but have one problem that has come up. The needle in the carbs were sticking and I was losing fuel so I gave them a good seafoam bath (thanks for everyone that posted this tip in previous posts). That stopped the leak, but now the engine seems to be lugging, it is especially noticeable in 4th and 5th gears, is there anything that I should try. I did replace the spark plugs about three days before the carbs decided to gum up. Thanks for all of the help!
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