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About bjstone

  • Birthday 10/31/1957

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    cantonment, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    riding, ham radio
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 royal star tour deluxe
  1. thanks all for the help. I think I'll see if I can modify the kurakyan grips to retain the stock end weights. I'll let you know how it works. thanks again
  2. I didn't find what I needed when I searched so, I thought I hope someone can help me. I want to replace my 08 stock rstd grips with kurakyan, or arlen ness. Do I need to retain the stock end weights, and if so will these grips allow me to? thanks in advance.
  3. that right star fan. that's the piece I'm talking about. It's looks like I'm gonna have to send it off to have it chromed. damn!
  4. didn't see what I needed when I searched. I'm looking to replace my neck trims on my 08 rstd with chrome ones. Anyone know where I can get them? googled it to no avail. found plenty for other bikes though. If I can't find any who can tell me about having mine chromed?
  5. thanks for your help all. I double checked and my instructions specifically said to instal the sensor in a relativily water free area and point it toward the road. I'll try it the other way, but cant see why it'd leave me with no low beam only at night. strange!
  6. great, how do I reach him? I dont see him on here.
  7. I installed a signal dynamics plug and play module on my 08 rstd. works during the day as stated. at night it stops pulsating as it should but I have only one beam, and I think it's high. I have both beams in the daytime. My optical sensor is located under the front frame poiinting toward the road. can anyone help? i did two searches but no one has encountered this problem. thanks bill
  8. Hi all, I've searched the forum and cant find an answer. I see that yamaha sells chrome hole insert plugs for this backing plate. However, I cannot find the backing plate itself in chrome. I assume that since yamaha makes the chrome plugs for it that they would sell the backing plate too, but I can't find it. I've checked the starmotorcycles and all they sell is the plugs. can anyone help?
  9. The battery I took out of my bike is an energizer. Walmart has the identical wet cell 18 lb battery for 50.00. However, I can get a sealed battery for 97.00 but the terminals are slightly different. So, I thought I'd ask someone with experience.
  10. I'm old school. Saddle soap works well as a preventative. Doesn't make the seat slick like armor all will.
  11. That's awesome Mike. I just brought home an 89, and am going through it now. I will probably have it done by fall. You're right, these are nice riding bikes. Be safe! Bill
  12. Bike has 6000 miles on it and just yesterday I began having probs with the cruise control. It'll turn on, but when I set it, it will hold momemtarily then kick off. I tried it a few different times, sometimes it would engage after a couple of tries, but it'd only hold a minute or so before kicking back off. I know it's supposed to be under warrenty, but if I could fix it myself I'd rather do that. I hate letting people work on my stuff. Any ideas? tks in advance!
  13. I know someone makes these. Anybody know who? Is it better (that is cheaper) to make my own? I'll try is as long as they are solid.
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