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Everything posted by steamer

  1. Your thinking of the one in Avon.
  2. Tom, if your coming in on the thruway get off at exit 44, go south on 332 several miles to tom whals on left. Can't remember if its past Kia dealer or before. It's real close to the Kia dealer.
  3. Its posted on the calendar for August.
  4. Check your rear exhaust pipes for pin holes. the rear pipes are made out of steel covered in chrome shields. they can rust through. I had that happen on my first 99. Had to replace both rear pipes.
  5. Eating's good. besides the long range forecast for that weekend sucks. Temps in the 40's to 50's. Enjoy the temps we have right now, looks like this is all the spring we're gonna get.
  6. No helmet and yes.
  7. what happens if you get the Vulcan and end up hating it? You know what you have now. Just make it fit your needs. Everyone makes mod's to there bike until they get it to fit.
  8. It is a little early in the season. Most are working on getting there bikes ready to ride. It gets better as the season goes on.
  9. Would be nice if a couple more folks would sign up for this. How about it guys? Anyone want to take a short Finger Lakes ride?
  10. Me and RR took a Ride out to KC's Helmet World today. After Robin found something to spend $$ on, We headed out the door to get on the trike and continue our ride and low and behold what is parked next to the trike but a 06 RSV. So I turned around and went back in to see who it belonged to. That's were we met Danh. So we talked for a few minutes when I asked if he has heard of VR...He says yes, he just signed up as a paying member. Small World.
  11. If I'm off that day we will be there.
  12. steamer


    Did you check the rubber caps under the carb where you hook up the carb tune? they dry out and crack.
  13. Not that close!
  14. automatic trans fluid:confused24: Just kidding.
  15. steamer


    carb problem? Sounds like it. Try a seafoam treatment. Or what ever treatment you prefer. If that doesn't work, time to pull the carbs to clean and set floats. Also check diaphragm's. check for vacuum leaks before you pull the carbs. Hit the easy stuff before you dive in.
  16. Three days ago we had no rooms available. Next day she calls and comes up with a room for Friday and Saturday. so I ask what about Thursday?...Back in the dog house:doh: So yesterday While at work I get a message, " got a room for Thursday" I don't know what she did to get this room, but we went from 2 beds, smoking room, to a king non smoking room for Thursday and a promise to do everything they can to leave us in this room for all 3 days. I wonder if we will walk in to rose's, chocolate, and champagne:think:
  17. Look at the side bar titled main manu, click on VR tech.
  18. When she wants something, Ain't nutten gonna get in her way. She got us a room at the Oberlin Inn. She told them she wasn't gonna take no for an answer. I think she scared them. I know she scares me.... Only problem.... I still need a place to stay. RR said something about the dog house.....Don, you do have a dog house, don't you?
  19. Well...Yeah! You think she's going to let me sleep in the same room after this screw up?
  20. Well seeinz how I'm now in the dog house for forgetting to book a room at the Oberlin, And we need a place to stay, I guess we're in on this contest.
  21. We forgot to reserve a room at the Oberlin Inn and now they are all booked. So if anyone has reservations and has to cancel, please let me or RockinRobin know before you cancel your room. Thanks
  22. My joints were severely cracked, Didn't think much about it until I removed the carb's and found that some of the cracks extended all the way up to where the carbs are seated to the joints. I was not getting a good seal between the carbs and the joints. Had to replace the joints. Unfortunately you have to remove the carbs to check this.
  23. all ready laid it on it's side..... my neck is staring to hurt.
  24. um, the picture is side ways and that's not a tour deluxe your sitting on:confused24: what up with dat?
  25. My battery did the same thing, work fine one day, nothing at all the next. Put it on the charger, still nothing. New battery, been fine ever since.
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