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Everything posted by steamer

  1. This is a triwing kit. Jonesy can fill you in on this kit. He owns one that looks a lot like this one. Some one did butcher the rear exhaust pipes on this trike. They completely remove the rear chrome Y pipes. Don't know why. I have seen several Triwing kits with the stock Y pipes on. Looks kind of ugly with those black pipes on the rear cylinders.
  2. I have the same problem with the chrome trim. it will not snap in, it is secured only by the two outside screws. I haven't had time to look at it yet. Does anyone have a answer to this problem?
  3. I didn't have a deluxe model. It didn't have that big mud guard. My exhaust went straight out the back.
  4. How close are they? If you have more then 3" it shouldn't be a problem. If its less, then it will probably make the exhaust sound different then without the mud guard. I don't think it will cause more back pressure on the exhaust system, just a different sound.
  5. I had a voyager kit for awhile. But nothing on it was anywhere near the carbs. Are you talking about the exhaust pipes being close to the fenders?
  6. Very few trikes out there for 10 grand. occasionally you can find an older RSV for around $14000.00 or a 90's Goldwing for around the same $$.
  7. That's... FREGGIN AWSOME! Good luck and god bless.
  8. Can't fix STUPID!
  9. That's a lot of bad gas to get at just one station. The only bad gas we got for sure while we were in Ohio was from Big Tom while riding in the back seat of buffalo Bodners suv. All though I had a problem with the bike running poorly while we were there last year also. Wonder if it was from that Marathon station down the road from Don's.
  10. This is NY! Just another day in paradise:starz:
  11. I guess no one has ever tried rebuilding a gas cap. I'm trying to figure out why when we returned from MD in Ohio I had about a gallon of water in my gas tank. When we where about 12 miles from home I shifted to the reserve and the bike almost died. Made it to a gas station and filled up. Still wouldn't run until I shifted back to the main. When we got home I drained about 1/2 a gallon of water off of the reserve. the seal on the cap is dried out and has a bunch of small crack's. We ran in heavy rain for about 4 hours on Thursday. Its either that or we got one really bad load of gas somewhere. Ended up draining all the gas out of the tank and cleaned it out with a good dose of heat. gave it a good cleaning. All is good now, but I don't want a repeat in the future.
  12. 2nd gen gas cap seal, can it be replaced? I checked partzilla and they only show a part number for a complete cap. Don't know if it comes with a lock and key or can I install my own? Has anyone rebuilt or replaced there gas cap?
  13. WHO ? them or us?
  14. reminiscent of last year. cool and wet going, not bad on Saturday, rain and cold on sunday. Don I know you have pull with the big guy for Saturdays weather, but can't you put in an order for 4 days of nice weather? RockinRobin says she's going to melt if she gets wet. I told her sh... she won't melt
  15. When ever you get there till when ever you leave. Saturday is the main maintenance day. I will bring my carb tune. I had same problem with my last rsv. we can check a couple of things that can cause this. Also many other folks will be there that will be more then happy to help. Look me up I ride a RSV trike named RockinRobin. Looking forward to meeting you.
  16. Gotta remember the camera for this.
  17. Can't believe I forgot Annie .... Gonna have to get a good seat and an extra large popcorn for this one... maybe a couple of beers also.
  18. Mini, RR, Big Tom and Don all together:starz: Where's the popcorn?...This should be good.
  19. Not a day over 30, right? Happy Birthday:sign woo hoo:
  20. You know this really stinks, I was really looking forward to Mini and RockinRobin finally getting together.....
  21. Buy it! Bring it to MD. We will go over it with a fine tooth comb..... I could use some extra par....I mean we will make sure it is in tip top shape.
  22. 91 ethanol free when I can get it. other wise I use 89 and add startron.
  23. Safe?... NOT LIKELY!
  24. It's like anything new. It takes time to adjust. After a couple of 100 plus mile rides it will become easy and comfortable. Remember, Its all about the experience of being out on the open road. What ever it takes to keep riding is all worth it.
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