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10 Good

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  • Name


  • Location
    Oklahoma City, United States


  • City
    Oklahoma City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 Venture
  1. I just got my seat back from Rick Butler... I have not been able to ride yet cuz of the flooding rain here in Oklahoma. But it sure LOOKS like an outstanding job. And just to sit on her in the garage has a real nice feel under the ol keester. I just wanted to publicly THANK YOU Rick for a great job... and also check this out... I sent it on Monday of this week and got it back on Friday... how's that for a quick turn-around??? AND... since Rick says I overpaid him (and who am I to disagree, right?) He'd be glad to send a set of his seat nuts that require no wrench to remove. JEEZ! I feel like I've just hit the lottery! Well maybe not the LOTTERY, but I AM a winner! Thanks again Rick for a super job!
  2. I have one made by Show-Chrome. I think its 17" high... a lot shorter than the stock one, it is also about 2 inches wider on each side. Looks real good and my eyes are right at the top of the glass. I think I only gave about $110 for it. I THINK its the same one offered by JC Whitney. Someone else may have to confirm that.
  3. thanx guys. just never noticed it before.
  4. I have a concern about the rear wheel on my Venture. I had her in for some work recently and while it was up on the rack, I noticed that it appears that, from looking from the rear of the bike, it looks like the rear wheel is mounted closer to the right side of the bike than right in the middle. In other words, it doesn't appear to be centered in the fender. Anyone ever seen this and what could be the problem (if there IS a problem.) I'm kinda wondering that when I had her in for new tires, did they do something wrong, leave something out, etc. Any Idears???
  5. Just checking this out. I have been lurking here about a couple times a month for a couple years now. Don't think I've posted much, if ever. I have gained a ton of knowledge from this site from you guys. 12 Bucks...well spent. I usually don't say much, but when I do... it's usually either important (to me anyways) or something that cuases a ruckus. Hope I don't cause too many ruckuses here. You guys are great! Thanks. OK.. I'll shut up now.
  6. yeah... they merged, but I think if you have Sirius, you can only get "the best of" XM for an add'l cost. Or if you have XM you can get "the best of" Sirius for an add'l cost.. neither is free with your present subscription.
  7. Thanks, Bubba...kinda what I tyhought too. Actually, this is a dealer I have never used before. I bought my Venture about 60 miles from here. That's where I got the best deal (saved over $2500.00). But I'm starting to get weary of going way over there every time I want a part or any warranty service (had the rear shock replaced and bought some chrome and tires over there.) We'll see what this dealer has to say. If I think he's not doing me right, I'll check with the other one and see what he says. Thanks again.
  8. I talked to the Stealer this morning about my CB not working. It is an intermittent problem. I can hear everyone else talking...can not transmit. I can hear my passenger talking... she can not hear me. I thought maybe a problem with the headset and Mic, traded mine out for my wife's ...same thing. I am also having another problem with changing radio stations. The bike is an '04 RSV with about 30,000 miles on the clock. I also complained about the cassette door hanging closed. I don't use the cassette player but I do use the Aux jack for Sirius radio and for my MP3 player. Also mentioned that whenever I get the horn wet, either by washing the bike or getting caught in the rain...the horn quits working. The Dealer told me to call him back on Tuesday with the mileage and the se`rial numbers from the bike.... said that he would have to contact Yamaha for warranty info, cuz the warranty has "levels" on the audio equipment. Anyone ever heard of this???? and what can I expect? I thought the warranty was bumper to bumper unlimited milage for 5 years. I feel like he's setting me up to screw me out of some money. Any comments?
  9. I talked to the Stealer this morning about my CB not working. It is an intermittent problem. I can hear everyone else talking...can not transmit. I can hear my passenger talking... she can not hear me. I thought maybe a problem with the headset and Mic, traded mine out for my wife's ...same thing. I am also having another problem with changing radio stations. The bike is an '04 RSV with about 30,000 miles on the clock. I also complained about the cassette door hanging closed. I don't use the cassette player but I do use the Aux jack for Sirius radio and for my MP3 player. Also mentioned that whenever I get the horn wet, either by washing the bike or getting caught in the rain...the horn quits working. The Dealer told me to call him back on Tuesday with the mileage and the se`rial numbers from the bike.... said that he would have to contact Yamaha for warranty info, cuz the warranty has "levels" on the audio equipment. Anyone ever heard of this???? and what can I expect? I thought the warranty was bumper to bumper unlimited milage for 5 years. I feel like he's setting me up to screw me out of some money. Any comments?
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