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About mshowe

  • Birthday 04/28/1967

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Orange City, United States


  • City
    Orange City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1993 Yamaha Venture Royale, 1983 Yamaha Vision
  1. Never Mind. I won't even tell you what I did incorrectly. This thread can be deleted. I'll look how to do it also.
  2. I have a 1993 VR. I just installed a cigarette lighter for charging my cell phone. I tested the cigarette lighter with the lighter, no issues, in 20 seconds it was hot and popped out (as expected). I plugged in my cell phone car charger adapter and in a couple of seconds I heard a loud pop and smoke coming from my adapter. I hooked red (center wire) to positive terminal and black wire to negative terminal. What did I do wrong? Thank you.
  3. I felt a little guilty for posting another reply prior to doing what was recommended in prior posts. So, went to pull the freeze plug. How hard does one need to pull on this? I gave a tug and it seemed pretty tight. I am sure that is the case, but a sense for how hard would be good. (yes, I did drain coolant). Thank you.
  4. I have not taken the time to spend a lot of time on this, so I apologize for posting another follow-up to it. It sure seems like what is leaking is oil, but not I wonder if it is a oil / antifreeze combination. I want to give a couple more observations and then I can take everything into account moving forward. I went on about 120 miles ride this weekend. After every stop, several drops of "something". It was a poker run, so about 8 stops. I had my oil-level window on the lower 1/2 of window. Now, it's approaching the top of the window. Troubling indeed, but maybe someone here can rest my fears. Maybe I just have my bike on a different leveling plane, but it's where I always park in (in general). Is it possible that I am getting coolant into my engine oil? My oil light did come on once, after it had been idling a while at one of the stops. That is the first time that had occurred. Again, thank you for all of your "experienced and knowledgeable" thoughts. It is truly appreciated.
  5. Thanks to everyone. Gives me a lot to go on. Yes, I understand the washer concept. That was what I was trying to describe. I saw the thread the other day (fellow who gut gasket material to use as a washer) when I began to think it may be the valve covers. I appreciate everyone's input. This site is a great resource!
  6. Here are some more pics. I saw another post about a repair to valve gaskets which involves allowing them to be tighted just a bit more to accommodate for the age of the gasket and shrinkage. Will this address this problem. Apparently, this weep hole is from the spark plug bay? I don't see any oil where the spark plug is. What am I missing?
  7. Oh, and thank you all very much!
  8. It is definitely oil. How big of a job is the valve cover? Is it harmful if I drive it until i fix it?
  9. Their is a cover, mid-cylinder, with a phillips screw (seemingly) holding it. I have a flow of oil coming from bottom right side of it. What is this cover? Any thoughts on the leak?
  10. I recently purchased a 1993 VR. On the right hand side, part of the water coolant lines, I noticed a grayish tape around a joint. I took the gray tape off to get a better look at what it was covering. Is this tape normal? If so, I guess I'll need to know what kind of tape to put back on. If it's not normal, any thoughts on what I should to do fix what he was covering up. Thank you. file:///C:/Users/sean/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/OLK3A13/IMAG0130.jpgI have attached a photo for explanation.
  11. I just purchased a 1993 VR. The previous owner said he had new progressive springs in the forks. Sounds great, however, the front right fork is leaking. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.
  12. What about a place to buy the pull tab for my 1993? I went to the link above and it wasn't there that I could find. Thank you.
  13. on the sea foam soak, is that with the carbs on or off? Describe that process a bit.
  14. what is typically the problem when the idle increases? I am looking at purchasing a 1083. The current owner indicates that is has something with the set screws slipping, but then says he isn't familiar with it. Any advise is much appreciated!
  15. I am looking at purchasing an '83 without a radio. How difficult are they to install. Are there speakers in the 83 by default, just no radio. This bike is stock, not Royale. Thank you.
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