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Posts posted by IdahoRon

  1. Got a chance to take the bike out again this afternoon. Every thing seemed to be working just as it should going out. But on the trip home it stopped working once. when stopped working the SET & RES was flashing together, they would flash twice then pause and flash twice again continuing this until I shut the Cruise switch to off and turned it back on. Then it worked fine again after that.

    Other than that one time everything seems to be working as it should now. With the exception of the response time is faster since I adjusted the slack out of the actuator cable.

    I read in the other thread about the cruise flashing trouble codes does anyone know what the codes are?



  2. Just a passing thought but you do know your bike has to be in fourth going at least 45 mph or fifth going ? mph for the cruise control to work... It will not engage in every gear.


    Yes, I knew that.

    Pouring down rain today. I won't be doing any test rides today.


    Thanks for the input


    It's working now, I just don't know how well until I can get out for a real shakedown ride. Maybe next weekend. Suppose to rain & snow this week.

  3. I thinks that's whats wrong with mine also . Either the switches on the levers or the cable is to tight.

    I got this problem shortly after lowering my my bike one inch in the triple clamps. I took everything off the handlebars and now the only light that comes on is the cruise light when I first turn it on. None of the other lights work at all.

    Will let you know, I'm getting caught up in the garage now and should be able to work on her today,,, :smash2:


    As i have carpal tunnel in my righ hand only ...cruise control is not an option...


    I also have carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands that is why I'm trying to get it fixed as quick as I can.


    You might want check the throttle cable tension, even if you got it working.

    While checking everything I found mine was tighter than it should be. Probably the reason for that is, last year I rolled the bar higher to fit me better. I have the 1 1/2" extensions on the bars (they were on the bike when i got it) when rolled the bars up I must have put cables in a little bit of a bind. At full lock with the bars to the right the throttle would bind. That is fixed now. I don't think that is the problem with the cruise, but one less problem to give me grief later.

  4. A little more on the history of the bike.

    I bought the bike used last summer.

    The guy I bought the bike from had it for 2 months, and put less than 200 miles on it.

    The person he bought it from told him the only problems was the cruise and the horn didn't work. He said the cruise worked for him. And it work for me until now I put 4,500 miles on it last year, and it work flawlessly. The horn was fixed soon as I got it home, the wire connections on the relay were bad.

    Could the cruise problem be the same problem and not show up again for 4500 miles and a year later?


    A friend that I ride has had a first gen venture and and now ride a second gen venture. Yesterday while on our ride, he thought the problem was in the handle bar switches. That's, why I took them apart first. Unless you have to Don't take the handlebar switches apart. What pain to get them back together right.

  5. After I got home from church this morning, I took it for a test ride to see if anything I did last night helped. And yes, Gained the light functions back. But when you let go of the throttle it just rolls back and goes to RES.Throttle would not hold.

    So after the test ride. I removed the lower fairings, checked the vacuum lines & wires, the only thing that I found was the cable on the vacuum pump was loose I adjusted it. Since I was in there I pulled all electrical connections apart and put dielectric grease on the connections. Then checked then I checked the brake and clutch lever switches again. I also adjusted the throttle cables, they seemed a little tight.

    Took it out for another test ride. It seemed to be working the same as the previous test ride going out, but on the trip home it started working like it was suppose to, although it still seemed to disengage rather easy when any load was on it.

    While I was out on the second test ride when I had the cruise control working. I checked the disengagement points on both the brake & clutch levers. they were right on where they should be.

    Still I don't know what the problem was, or is, but at least I've got it working again.

    Where is the speed sensor located at? Is it on the swing arm?


    Well I will let you know what happens the next time I ride.

    Back to work tonight, and it is suppose to rain all week.


    Thanks, for your suggestions


  6. The switches on the brake & clutch levers are good. I tried holding them out, while on the ride yesterday. That was my first thought. Rechecked them in the shop last night. Brake light functions off the switch fine. The start function on clutch switch works fine. With bike in gear bike starts with clutch engaged, bike won't start with clutch disengaged.


    I will check under the front lower fairings today when I get home from church.

    I read in other cruise control thread about the cable and vacuum pump. I had them off while working on the air filters.




  7. Last season the cruise control worked great.

    Today was the first time out this year, And the cruise didn't want to work.

    When I left this morning the cruise did work going in to town. We left on our STAR chapter ride, and the cruise would turn on but the set button would not work. After about 75 miles we stopped, and when we started again the cruise worked until the first time I disengaged it, the RES light came on came on as it should, but then nothing. Hit the RES button nothing, hit the SET button nothing. I shut the cruise control off and turned it back on and and the on light comes on, but SET button doesn't work.

    Though out the day it worked about 4 times with me messing with it, trying to figure it out while on a 400 mile ride.

    Everything else is working perfectly.

    When I got home this evening I checked brake switches, clutch switch, and wiring. Went for a ride to see if anything helped, and no go. Got home from the test ride, and decided to check the switches on control switches on the handle bars. Took those apart and cleaned and checked the contacts in them. Everything looked good there. Haven't a chance to try it again. But I don't think that was the problem either.


    Over the winter I changed the motor oil & oil in the final drive, replace the rear tire, put chrome side covers on, serviced air filters, put billet air filter covers on, put chrome clutch & brake levers on.


    Any ideas on what & where to check next.

    Help is always appreciated.




  8. Here's a trick I have used for locking bolts and screws, when locktite is not desirable.

    I keep a small tube of RTV silicon in my tool box for such instances. Just put a little silicon

    on the threads. It will lock the threads, fasteners are removable, it withstands vibration well, and it will also seal pipe threads.

  9. I'm kind of in the same boat. Since I just bought the Venture, now I have 3 bikes in the garage. I also have 2 650 V-Stars. Last year I got a second V-Star for the wife. She decided she didn't want to learn how to ride, she wants to just be a passenger. So I got the Venture for both of us. Now it's time to thin the herd. It doesn't make sense for me to pay insurance and license on 3 bikes, when I'm the only one riding them.


    Good Luck & Good Riding


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