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Everything posted by GilbertHall

  1. One of the VR members sells 4 little nylon washers (I want to say .024") which sets the metering rod deeper in the jet (less fuel).I use to get 27mpg, once I installed the nylon washers, it jumped to 37mpg. On a side note, winter grade gasoline yields up to 10% reduction in mpg. Keep in mind, Gasohol absorbs moisture, water and aluminum = aluminum oxide
  2. The tuning forks are definitely harmonizing now. Three day fall foliage tour around Columbia, MO. I had monkey butt by Sunday.
  3. The re-connectomy was a total success. These are amazing machines, and thanks for all the advice.
  4. I read once the warning light blinks and when the light stays on constant, you best be close to the gas station.
  5. "All bikes run on used parts" "used does not mean used up" "This is not a junk yard, we are a parts recycling center":fingers-crossed-emo
  6. It is the Rear Spline of the Driveshaft. When you talk of the "axle" & "coupler" I'm sure you mean the driveshaft & female coupler gear. Now I'm off to find replacements. P.S. The stripping noise telegraphed to the transmission end of the driveshaft.
  7. The stripping rear spline noise transfers to the transmission side (unless the front splines stripped) As soon as I get the drive shaft out, I'll know. Thanks for the input.
  8. I have never had the rear end off. Thanks to your bolt by bolt description, I'll start tackling this next. Thanks so much.
  9. I like Clymer's bolt by bolt (driveshaft removal) guess I'll see if there is a Clymer for the V-max
  10. Loud shifting clunks starting out, right before it left me a pedestrian. when we loaded it into the pick-up bed. it starts to move, then slips (like the splines or middle pinions stripping) I first thought the u-joint was in two or more pieces, but a visual inspection yielded u-joint intact. I figured I'd ask the 1st Gen gurus. I have down loaded the factory PDF manual. Thinking about looking for a Clymer V-max manual for rear swing arm removal. Thoughts/suggestions.
  11. I put on a Metzler Marathon (I won in a raffle) I'm real happy with the way it is wearing, and will consider another. If they still make it.
  12. I/we discovered the bleeder screw & clutch release (slave cylinder) today. The pdf manual acted like they are re-buildable (kit) or do you just replace (if available on a 28 yr old)?
  13. Not much help from me (Don't know what brand of floorboards are on my 83), but the heel/toe shifter or the hydraulic clutch caused the transfer shaft housing support to break. Sorry
  14. Haynes didn't list one either, any suggestions.
  15. The intermediate/transfer shaft housing is what is broken. We (my students) are in the process of removing the housing so I can GTAW weld it 1G instead of 2G.(welding lingo, 1= flat, 2= horizontal, G= groove). On to the clutch "feel". The pdf "manual" talks about bleeding the clutch. It does not show any bleeder screws, so I assume you loosen the line fittings at the "slave cylinder"or "clutch release"? The pdf "manual" does talk about rebuilding the "slave cylinder" or "clutch release"?
  16. 83 model, bought the bike w/22k, now 33k. Pulled in the clutch (didn't "feel" right) shifted to first, lunged forward. went to shift to second, still in 1st. Housing is broke, hav TIG access, I'm not concerned, as I can weld it back together. I am concerned with the way the shaft "feels"(might be broken) The 437 page pdf manual doesn't really address the transmission shifting shaft. Thinking about purchasing a Clymer manual. Thought I would check with all the Venture Rider wisdom first. Previous owner installed floor boards and heel/toe shifter.
  17. Just changed out a Bridgestone that had 11k on it, but I don't have a hack.
  18. I used compressed air also, to remove the original grips. I installed heated grips (1st pair quit working) repacement heated grips are in garage waiting for fall/winter. The end caps keep the "weight" in. The heated grips have closed ends.
  19. I saw windshields for 1st Generations in JC Whitneys.
  20. Thanks for the info. Guess I should check with my local dealer and see if the factory style is still available. This organization is the best. Cody Wyoming keeps catching my eye.
  21. Haven't looked very hard. I was going to get opinions first.
  22. I want to see him do a stoppie!
  23. Thanks Sky doc 17! 37.6 mpg:dancefool:Idles slower, no more bog between 2,000 & 3,000 rpm, smoother starts. Back in 91', I had access to 4 vacuum guages (especially for syncing motorcycle carbs) Can I get by with two guages, being how you sync to #1 anyway?
  24. I'm waiting for the shims to arrive from sky doc. ran a tank of fuel going no faster then 55mph. was shocked @ 28.9 mpg. the next tank, I ran the posted speed limit (65-70) it jumped to 30 mpg. Go figure
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