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    Paradise, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 royal star venture
  1. I'm thinking of returning the Show Chrome headsets and going with the Scala Q2's. Does anyone know how long the rechargeable batteries last before you have to replace them? How does the intercom feature compare with headsets wired directly through the bike's intercom? As some of you may know if you've read my earlier posts, I've been getting interference on the wired set. I'm pretty sure that I can solve the problem (thanks to you guys and the great advice), but if I can get the Q2's for the same price as the wired set, maybe that would be a better option? Cheers!
  2. Thanks again guys, really appreciate it. I'll try Goose's suggestion first. If that doesn't work, I'll pop off the tank. I'll report back with the results. $12.00 bucks a year for membership is a real bargain - our dealer here, although really great, charges $75.00 / hr. If I can fix it myself with your guy's help, I can use the money saved for more accessories! Cheers!
  3. terrysears

    My Favorite Toy

    Nuff said!
  4. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I turned the forks all the way to the left and right and the ticking stopped. I guess the intercom wire is pickup up some interference from the plug wires. Now I have to figure out how to get at the wires to move them, or insulate the intercom wire. Not much room to get your hand up under the tank. Will this require tank removal to get at the wires - or is ther another way? Should I remove the engine side mounts to better get my hand up under - or just remove the tank? I hate the idea of doing either! HELP!!
  5. I have a set of bits that are specifically designed for removing stripped screws. They have a head the bites into the screw head when turned counterclockwise. I bought them at Canadian Tire, but you can get them at almost any hardware store. Cost about 10 bucks a set (in Canada), probably half that in the U.S. They work great - should have a set in every toolbox. Cheers Terry
  6. Thanks Mike, never thought about that. Is there any way to test the plug wires to see if one is bad? Engine seems smooth, but the ticking does increase with revs.....
  7. Has anyone experienced electrical interference on their headsets when plugged into the intercom system? i am getting a ticking noise in the speakers when the engine is running. Ticking is there regardless whether using the headsets in intercom, Cb, or radio/audio mode. Any ideas or suggestions? The sets I am using are sold by Show Chrome Accessories...maybe part of the problem. Only cost $100 per set. Get what you pay for? Is there an inline noise filter available to eliminate the interference? Thanks!
  8. Does anyone know what the failure rate is for the rear shock on the 2nd gen ventures? I have a 2004 with 30000 kms on it and the rear shock is leaking oil. Any and all advice is appreciated! Cheers!
  9. I am looking for passenger armrests for my 04 RSV - any suggestions?
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