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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Thanks Larry, I dont know how long it needs to be since it sprung off the bike with the velocity of a Scudd Missile, never to be seen again,.. I will do some checking on part numbers to day to see if it is interchangeable and let you know. Thanks again!
  2. I Like the looks of that, Thanks,..! http://cozywinters.com/shop/heated-motorcycle-seat.html
  3. I know exactly what you mean, I can get some from a Volvo Seat that may able able to make work, but I would rather have an experienced professional do it, so I dont ruin an expensive seat. I admit that I have not removed the rear seat to see what it would take to remove the leather, as I just had this wild hair idea last night but will look more into it in the next day or so...
  4. We got a ride in today, possibly the last one of the season. About 70 miles in, I was casually leaning back and forth, and noticed a light grinding noise when leaning to the left, about the 3rd time I heard a BOING,... we pulled to the side of the country back road, looked down and saw the Kickstand swaying in the breeze. It appears that the nut came loose and the spring Sprung to who knows where... Well we bungie corded it up and completed our 130 mile trip. So now I will need a spring, the Bungie Cords work but look a little tacky, So if anyone has one form a parts bike or any suggestions on where to get one, before I hit the dealer I would appreciate it It is a 97 Royal. Thanks! Darrin
  5. I have decided what to get Lori for Christmas this year, Heated Seat for the bike. We have a 97 Royal with aftermarket Studded Mustang Seats. I would like to add a heated element to Her Seat only, I don't really need it but she would Love it! Is there a way to do this or any suggestions to someone that can do this for me? I would love to have it done and have just Her seat under the tree. Oh hell who am I kidding, I love to have her Seat anywhere, but that is a story for another forum,... Thanks for the input,..
  6. Cool thanks guys, straight Amsoil it is!
  7. I have tried searching for threads on this but none show up because REV is only 3 letters,.. We have used this on Diesels with some good results but was wondering about putting it in my 97 Royal. I will be doing an oil change tomorrow and have an extra bottle on the shelf that I could put in, but didn't know if it would be bad for the clutch? or had any other effects, positive or negative. If anyone has experience with it I would appreciate input Thanks!
  8. I got to ride my buddy's new Roadmaster, pretty awesome bike!
  9. After you get your Millions,... I am sure you will be buying a new bike, I could use a 006 Black Cherry RSV - because they are the the prettiest color of them all,.. Just sayin,.. Good Luck!! lol
  10. ,.....Agreed!,, We were very blessed,.. could have been very bad,. Thanks!
  11. Thank you Kevin, We had no obvious problems on the way home, I will continue to monitor it, I am riding tomorrow into the shop to get it cleaned up from the trip, we will see how it feels,. Thanks again! Darrin
  12. Don I watched yours yesterday. You asked "why did you wreck my bike?" Yours was the first one , now puck just added one so it's the second one down.
  13. This is So Disheartening to hear, Prayers Up! Lori and I were going through our pics over the weekend, We both agreed that Eagle Eye had one of the nicest bikes there, We just loved the look,...
  14. Thank you all for the well wishes, we are very fortunate to have the option to wait another day to head home. It took a while to make the decision to stop and get a motel, being a stubborn Biker, but we both agreed that it was the correct and safe decision. Since I am self employed and Lori has a flexible schedule we didn't have to risk the trip to be back to work on Monday So we found an nice motel, with an AppleBees right in the parking lot. We got out of our wet riding suits, relaxed for the afternoon, hit Applebees for dinner and some drinks. since we could just walk back to the Motel. Lets just say we made the best of it!!! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20150531_211030_zps4y3cqcca.jpg
  15. It was great meeting you as well. Let me know what your timing is, if you are able stop by Car Lot and say hi or hit lunch. I am pretty flexable, just give me a call if you can make it work out 616-318-0118. My shop is D&L Auto Sales 7876 Division ave S Gr Mi 49548. Hope to hear from ya!
  16. We had a Great Ride home today, It was cold to start out with, we headed out from Sandusky at 10am, hit highway 2 to Toledo and up 23 into MI to Cabellas at Dundee for our first stop. Then it was all Back Roads from there, 50 across to towards Jackson. It was heading North out of Jackson where we Literally had our Death Defying moment, There is a part of 50 that turns into a highway for a few miles, I accelerated to 75 mph, following a cager in the hammer lane passing a couple others. I saw my exit coming up, so I made my move to the right lane to hit the exit. As I did this, the Cager that I was following, hit his brakes, headed to the Left Sholder, towards the Median, ,..why,..? There was a White 91 ish Ford Ranger coming SOUTH, the Wrong Way on the highway in the Hammer Lane that I just got out of. He was going 55 MPH ish, with his left turn signal on. I am pretty sure I said a Bad Word, and hit the Air Horn. Then I watched in the mirror as he flew by me south and ALL of the traffic SPLIT, and no one got hit! Missing this had nothing to do with me being an expert rider and making the move to get out of the way, It was just sheer timing that we were out of that lane at that time. Just God watching over his dummy's,.. The rest of the way was slow, warm sun shiny and uneventful! Happy to be home..
  17. Quick update, we made it home safe, only one death defying close call. Stay tuned will post more when we get settled.in for the evening.
  18. Thanks guys, the trip today is going great, were in MI, 3 hours to go, 60deg and sunshine is on the horizon!
  19. We had a great time for our first trip to MD! Big Thank you to Freebird for putting this together. More on that later We started heading back on Sunday, rode for about an hour but with 30+ mph winds, downpours, and cold temps, we decided to call it and get a motel and head back on Mon. More to come tomorrow when we get back home. Update, Made it home Monday Evening!
  20. Looks like he was traveling with AKRefugee and TDunc, any word from them?
  21. So sorry to hear.. praying for a quick recovery.
  22. The Bike is packed and ready to roll, Hopefully we get some sleep tonight then we will be heading out first thing tomorrow morning, See yall tomorrow, praying for safe travel's for all.
  23. Vance and Hines Monster Ovals for HD, Easy to make work on the Venture, and a Beautiful Bad Ass Deep V8 sound. Love em!
  24. What year bike do you have?
  25. Rain,....It Aint Scariin ME!!
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