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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Good to know, I assume you were not in Grand Rapids today either,..
  2. On My way home today they were loading up a Blue Venture on a flat bed tow truck, lots of other flashers. so I did a search and found this pic. I am pretty sure it is a customer/acquaintance of mine that has stopped in quite a few times in the last couple of years and just bought a car from me 3 weeks ago. There are only 2 blue Ventures in the area and he has HD Mufflers on his, It appears to have HD mufflers in the pic. His name is Scott, he is a Vet. Please pray for this rider and I hope to confirm soon if it was him or not, I sent him a text but did not get a response back, I m worried about him. More updates as I get them. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/Motorcycle%20Crash%20Yamana%20Venture%20Blue_zpslsaltdkf.jpg
  3. I like the looks of the Nasty Boys but I think the sound is too high pitch because of the small diameter of the pipes. The larger the diameter the lower the tone. Again, Like Vzudden said, small block Chevy with Glass packs, To me that read's raspy and high pitch. IMHO, the Best Sounding muffler on these bikes are the Vance and Hines Monster Ovals. Not the ones that I run, since they had to be modified, and I think they sound Very Good, but my buddy has them on his Midnight Venture that have not been Modified. and they sound Perfect! Low deep rumble that sounds like a Big Block, and not loud and raspy when you get into it, and not too loud for the back seat passengers. Here is a quick vid of what my bike sounds like on an acceleration run: Again, this is simply my opinion and what I like, do what you like and were all ok with that.
  4. It depends on what you are going to do, If you are going to lower the bags like I did, the pics are on post #129 , I made brackets out of Aluminum Stock. If your not lowering the bags, it will be different than what I did. Either way, your prolly just gonna have to make your own bracketry.
  5. There are plenty of pics on the thread that I posted, Check post #10 ..
  6. WHen you have a chance, paruze through one of my threads here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?83141-Tearing-into-the-bike-part-Deux&highlight=DarrinGT I replaced my 4x4 exhaust on my 97 Tour Classic with the Venture Exhaust but added Vance and Hines Monster Ovals. Lots of pics and info there. On the rear brackets, I did buy the Lower Venture Saddle Bag brackets, and cut them off right behind where the Muffler bolted on. and it worked perfect. However after I bought them and got them fitted, I found where another member purchased a couple of old school, chrome Chevy small block alternator brackets and used them. That worked well, was chrome, and inexpensive. Wish I would have looked into that before buying the lower brackets. One other thing that I did was lower the bags, you will see that in the thread as well. Good Luck, keep us posted!
  7. I was playing around last year and ran across this video, thought I wold put it up here to show the sound of the 97 Royal with 4 to 2 exhaust and modified Vance and Hines Monster Oval mufflers,..
  8. Thanks Puc, I wish I would have taken the time to do some pics of this process, but I was more concerned and nervous about getting it done correctly since It was all new territory for me. Just hope it helps someone else out.
  9. Pretty Funny Spell Check doesnt know Corvair!, but that is a 63, and it looks pretty good, untill you look underneath, it is rusted Very Bad, at this point it appears to be a parts car. It is the Machanics Dads car. Could be bought for around $1,500.00 but no really worth restoring. This Corvair is Literally Unsafe at any speed,...
  10. Sounds like a plan Puc, That would be Great, looks like we are getting a bit of an early spring so hope we can be on the bikes soon. I will plan on seeing you soon My Friend. Thanks!!
  11. So I own a car lot, and had an interesting customer last week, Check out the Video for the full story,..
  12. I finished up the job today, After I removed the twinkie I was doing some cleaning up in that area, it is almost impossible not to spill Antifreeze down the Oil Gap. So today I drained, flushed, and filled the oil a few times to clear out any antifreeze, then filled it with new Syhtnetic. I plan on doing another oil change in about 500 miles or so just to be safe. So the bike is back together and running, Done with that project, now on to a rear end Re Gear, new front tire, windshield and other misc maintenance,..
  13. I agree, when this started leaking I did all kinds of searches to see how it was done, and found nothing. Seems that I was the first,..
  14. So, Almost a Year Later, I decided to fix the leak, Drove it all last summer with no issues, just kept an eye on the coolant level. I had to tear into it to answer my own questions, it happens, so if anyone else needs to reseal the Heat Exchanger here ya go. Sorry, no pics. No, you can not remove the Twinkie with out removing the Carbs. I tried, but to no avail, just make it easy on yourself, disassemble the bike and enough to have the carbs removed. You dont have to take the carb boots off. There is a Oil flow Tube that runs up into the heat exchanger and down into the motor, you have to be able to lift up the heat exchanger high enough to clear that tube. It simply pops in and out. Once out it is easy enough to clean and replace both top cover and bottom unit gaskets. Getting some other things done on the bike along the way getting it ready for Spring,.. Later..
  15. A Blast from the Past,... Ready to get rid of winter, SOON,..
  16. Hey Jonas, and Michael. First of all thanks for the props on the bike Jonas, it was a pleasure meeting you and Bike Swapping with you last year. Also great observation on the different pipes from the Royals to the Venture. That does make a difference in pipe dragging for sure. I have not installed leveling links on my bike so as far as I know the ride level is stock, unless the previous owner did, I believe it to be stock. One difference is the Mustang Seat sits higher than the stock Yami seat, so that is what you may have noticed in ride height. When loaded for touring and riding 2 up I am able do drag the pipes on aggressive cornering. When I am riding alone, the Floor Board will drag before the pipes. Another thing to note for the pipes, if you want to change from 4 to 4, to 4 to 2, you only need the Rear Y pipe on each side from the Venture. The Front Pipes are interchangeable. Michael, Yes I have done a lot of work on my bike and considered it to be a fast, strong performer. Until I had the pleasure to ride Jonas's 97 Royal.,.. Wow what a difference between the 2. I have to say that I did not show the came courtesy to his bike as he showed to mine (but was given permission also) so I hit it hard and wound it out. Our bikes performed close to the same until the higher RPM range. His bike has the VMax Cams and just comes to life and keeps pulling right up to the red line. I was surprised how much harder it accelerated, where mine falls off. Hie bike is tuned perfectly and is a joy to ride. Since then I have actually gone back closer to stock on my bike, I put in the stock ignition box instead of the Dyna 3000, and will also go back to stock gearing as I plan to do more longer trips and am striving to get better fuel mileage. Here is my advice to you Michael, Make the bike comfortable for you to ride, (fairing, Seats etc) make the pipes how you want them. Just keep in mind that the closer to stock you keep it the less you will have to mess with it in the future. The 32mm Carbs and Sweet and so are the VMax Cams, but it is a LOT of work, finding parts, and tinkering, and if you cant do it your self you will pay a lot of money to have it done for you. Might be worth it, might not, its up to you,... just wanted to give you things to consider. Keep us posted on the progress! Jonas good to hear from you and the Red Venture looks Bad Ass Also! Nice work!!
  17. Praying for a quick recovery Puc!, Hope you are able to Twist a Wrist as soon as our weather allows it!
  18. Thanks ToyOdie for posing these links. These Links are from my build, and I did a lot of what you are looking to do. Fairing, 4 into 2 Pipe with Monster Ovals, (No dragging problems) 32MM Carbs etc. If you have not, please take your time and read through the threads,Lots of pics as well,... Also the questions you have been asking on the Fairing (now that you bought one) Bottom line, the 96 to 99 RSTC have the same stock windshield as the Roadstars. so if a Fairing will bolt on a ROADIE, It will fit on a RSTC. The one that I bought was for a Roadstar. It will bolt to the stock windshield brackets usually with Minor modifications. Check the first thread,... Sorry I have been off here for a while but will chime in more in the next few days, You got a NICE bike there!
  19. Well the Headed Seats were a Success! Lori LOVED it and was Totally Surprised! It was fun to watch her open her new Heated Seat. Now I just have to install the Switch in the bike and hook up the wires. However I had the Rare Opportunity to go for a Ride on Christmas Day It was Sunny and 46 deg and the roads were clear, so I slapped my saddle back on the bike and took it for a spin. Great Day all together!! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20151225_160247_001_zpsi30jmhnk.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20151225_160305_zpsvcmxis5b.jpg
  20. Congrats on the New Ride, Great Bikes, Our friends ride a 12 Cross Country the love it. One thing that I was not impressed with the Vision was the room in the rear bags, They are Huge on the outside till you open them up, not a lot of room inside, Especially compared to the Cross Country. Gonna be a LOONG winter,..LOL!
  21. I love the Truck Lite LED's I installed Passing Lamps and Head Light, Literally a Nite and Day difference. http://www.ebay.com/itm/TRUCK-LITE-80275-LED-PASSING-LAMP-S-FOR-HARLEY-PHASE-7-NIB-/151041625595
  22. Second seat, Same as the First,.. Mustang Studded Drivers Saddle: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-30%2015.46.18_zpsvjg8jh3u.jpg Drill Out the Rivets: I only had to do the Fronts and down the sides. Did not have to remove the Back like of rivets. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-30%2015.46.07_zps6c9tj6oj.jpg Pull Back the Leather and position the Heating Element, and drill and drop the heater cord through the seat. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-30%2016.03.17_zpsmgjse93w.jpg One option that you have is to add this foam pad on top of the seat grid depending on how much heat you want. so for Lori's I did not add the foam pad, She loves it HOT, and also there is a Solder Joint inside the pad that is pretty thick, Hers ended up where she will not feel it. On mine, I dont need it as Hot as she likes, and the solder joint ended up on my right butt cheeck, so I installed Both Foam Pads on top of my seating element. First One before cutting: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-30%2016.03.35_zpssm6v8vpg.jpg Here are both pads trimmed and installed on the seat. They have Adhesive on the backs. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-30%2016.05.52_zps525dyzqy.jpg Pull the leather back over the seat and re attached the leather to the bottom of the seat. It was really easier than I thought, The wiring will be easy as well, might not be able to do that till after Christmas when I get my bike down to my shop for some work, Right now it is in my garage at home. Now I will box up her seat, wrap it up and stick it under the tree and watch her sweat it out till Christmas. That's it for now...
  23. Started working on Lori's Christmas Present, Here is the progress: Heating Element Kit: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2010.39.35_zpsa8twr8yh.jpg Heater Controls: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2011.11.16_zpsm9wtnhbg.jpg Removing the Leather, First drill out the Rivets: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2010.39.19_zpsma8x1puv.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2010.39.22_zpscd4pe2vp.jpg Position the Heating Element: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2010.56.18_zpsdymjuhlb.jpg Run the wire down through the seat: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2010.59.23_zpsfndoettf.jpg remove the Adhesive Tape from the heating element, stick it to the foam and fight the Leather back over everything: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2011.10.42_zpsh0xgojwc.jpg Now I need to get new rivets and fasten the leather to the Underside. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2015-11-28%2011.10.58_zpsawhcau9f.jpg That's it for now, Will be doing my seat next week.. Gotta Run,..
  24. Well I decided to purchase the Heat Demons seat warmers and do both seats. Gonna do them myself and see how it goes, Hopefully I wont wreck a perfectly good pair of $500.00 Mustang Seats. Here is what I am getting, Will post on the project when I tear into them. ,...dont tell Lori,. http://www.ebay.com/itm/HEAT-DEMONS-Seat-Warmer-Kit-with-Hi-Low-Switch-Panel-Dual-210172-/231730521940?hash=item35f4372754:g:TYgAAOSw9mFWK6v9&vxp=mtr
  25. Ok Larry, I searching for part numbers I was able to find a new one for about $10.00 shipped, so I just bought that one, so I should be all set. Thank you for your willing to help I appreciate it!
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