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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Side note, A buddy of mine uses Argve on one of the Diesel Forums, How he got his screen name is a great story,.. Way back when AOL was popular he was signing up, and every name he wanted was taken, After trying for half hour to come up with something he SLAMMED his hands down on the keyboard in frustration,... he looked up and saw that he typed "Argve", he hit Enter, it took and he has been using it everywhere ever since,
  2. DarrinGT, because when you add "GT" to anything it becomes much cooler, Mustang GT, Torino GT,.,. GT40, ,..Ok it just happens to be my initials, Darrin Glenn Tosh,..
  3. Yup, Thats our Buddy Todd, They got rid of thier Road Star for the Victory a while back and they love it. They are headed out for a 2 week trip to Utah, Colorado, etc next Friday with another couple on an Indian Roadmaster. Were a pretty diverse group Lol..
  4. Just getting in here but this KillDrag65 Character happens to be a good friend of mine, Great guy, thanks for helping him out guys! DJ3h, So the 2 Relay bypass kits that I got from you today, One was for My bike the other was for his, He is installing it tonight, were riding tomorrow night. Oh, and just to stirr up some crap, Someone ask him what fuel mileage he gets with his Venture,.. Pics of our bikes on a fall trip last year,..
  5. Got it, Pinched a wire changing out the Highway Lamps on to the New Scoot. Thanks, you've been very helpful!!
  6. Just found that the turn signal fuse is blowing when I hit the left turn signal, Digging into it more now,..
  7. So I am getting my 97 RSTC ready to sell, Got it all cleaned up, rode it up to put gas in it, and the Speedometer quit working, it flashes in and out, Turn Signals and brake lights dont work ether, Headlight and running lights work, I have power to the Aftermarket Fairing, Starts and Runs normal. Just looking where to start, Signs of the Ignition Switch failing possibly? thanks for any input, hope to have it up for sale by tomorrow if possible,..
  8. You will Love them! If you need a set of clamps let me know, As of today I have a set.
  9. Just got back form a ride this weekend, we were beating a storm, had the cruise set at 85, no problem,. 07 RSTD
  10. WOW,.. Looks Great, When can I bring my 97 over,..?
  11. Nice Congrats!
  12. Got a new one coming from Ill. Thanks!
  13. Lori and I are taking off Friday- Sunday, on our "new" 07 Royal for our 31st Anniversary. I was able to find some good used Mustang seats, but since the bike had Corbins installed, I need to find the bracket that sits on the top of the rear fender that the back seat slips in. I would just hat to loose her on our 31st Anniversary,. Here is a link to a new one. http://burntrubber.com/frame/26290-yamaha-xvz13-seat-bracket.html So if someone here has one to sell and would be willing to ship it out quick I would be glad to pay for your efforts. Thanks for any help,.. Shipping would be to Darrin Tosh D&L Auto Sales 7876 Division Ave S Grand Rapids, MI 49548 616-318-0118
  14. The Bags for sale are mine, but like what was stated you would need to change from 4 into 4 exhaust to the 4 into 2 exhaust. Then you would have to purchase the complete Saddle Bag Bracket,.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/99-13-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-SADDLEBAG-MOUNT-BRACKET-MUFFLER-STAY-/381672126190?hash=item58dd6e76ee:g:iwQAAOSwGIRXYq1m&vxp=mtr The Muffler Hangers for the 4 into 2 exhaust are integrated in the Saddle Bag holders as well. All it takes it Money and time!
  15. Makes sense, Just so I know I am not going crazy,...ok maybee a little,.. Thanks!
  16. I just dont see how that is possible,.? Yea I have been here a while but I dont consistently post like a Freebird for example that has 13,000 plus posts.. Can the count be inflated somehow,..? Not that it matters, Just saw that number and thought , No way.. There, had to get that off my chest,.
  17. Well we have put about 500 miles on the bike and are leaning towards keeping and selling out 97 RSTC. I want to swap some parts off of the 97 to the 07 and then put it up for sale. That said, as part of our decision, I am going to be looking for parts for the 07. Most I can find new, but I wanted to throw it out there in case someone here had parts that they would want to sell, or have leads on them; Here is the parts list: Studded Mustang Seat, w/wo. drivers back rest. We will be selling the Corbins that are on the bike now. Lower fairing tinted deflectors Harley Muffler clamps and bracket. Possible that I may need the Flanders Pullback Bars. Highway pegs. Batwing Fairing. Those are the major things we would do, most of the right away for comfort, except the Fairing will most likely be over the next winter. So let me know if anyone has some parts or suggestions, I would appreciate it. Also any other ideas on things that I may have missed to make your ride better. This was, and still is a hard decision for us, especially with all of the work we have done to our 97, but overall to move into a 10 year newer bike, with 60K less miles on it for about $2,000.00 out of pocket, makes it a little easier to go with the 07. Thanks for yalls help!
  18. No doubt the bike is a Beauty, Here are some pics: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20160517_125939_zpsg8yrw2gl.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20160517_125858_zpsohwddbp6.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/20160517_125959_zpsdktfazue.jpg .
  19. lol,.. Good Eye, I didn't even see that, Must have been to the Blessing,...
  20. Well it was just too good of deal to pass up, A 2007 Yamaha Royal Star with 11K miles on it for $4,300.00 Just had to pick it up, Should have it before weeks end. Still not sure what I am doing with it but will decide once I get my hands on it. Might be our new ride, might play with it for a minute and put it up for sale. Well see, Meanwhile, here is a pic,.. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2007%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Burg_zpslmn3jehm.jpg
  21. A buddy of mine Keith is a Dealer, that was one of his bikes. My shop is 5 minutes away from that auction. Seemed like a decent deal, and he said it was a good bike. He does not write the ads, the Auction does. They always get the Royals and Ventures incorrect!
  22. That is what I was hoping, Since I don't own a Venture and did my own exhaust on m Royal, I have not seen the bottom end of the venture exhaust system. Thanks for the input, still no other news to report at this time,.
  23. Just gave Ron a Call, Was not him!, He thanked for the concern...
  24. Sorry Guys, I was at the auction today and just got back on the computer. Thank you for checking into it also, Yes Lester Ott was another accident that happened in the S Curve here in Grand Rapids a couple days ago, and they just released his name yesterday. Very Sad indeed. There have been quite a few Bike Accidents this year. Here is the only information that I have on the Blue Venture, I am in contact with Angie who took the pictures and she is working getting information on the accident. She did say that she initially heard the it was a Teenage Male with serous injuries, but is not able to confirm that on record. Scott is not a teenager but does look young. It is pretty rare that a Teenager would be cruising on a Venture,.. Here is the only thing that I can find on line, just pics, no article yet: http://photos.mlive.com/4469/gallery/motorcycle_accident_on_s_curve/index.html#/0 My questions is, Can anyone tell from the pics if those are Harley Mufflers? It appears that they are, and I do know that Scott put some on his bike a couple of years ago. I have called and texted Scott to check on him but have gotten no response. I left him a message saying that I would like to help in some way if needed, specifically, go and pick up his bike from impound and bring it to my shop and store it here. Again no more info but I will post up as soon as I do. Thanks again guys!
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