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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Hi All, I have been lurking for a while and posted a few things, mostly trying to get some more knowledge before tearing into my bike getting it ready for Spring. Great site and lots of information here! Here is the story, My wife and I started riding 2 years ago and just fell in love with it. We have a great group of friends and family who we get to ride with and it has been a new and awesome experience for us. We started on a 1982 Honda Silverwing Interstate with 7,000 original miles on it. We put 10K miles on it over the last 2 summers and it was a great starter bike for us. I sold is on E-Bay and it now has a nice new warm home in Florida. I have been looking at Royal Stars for about a year and decided that is what will be our next bike,.. Well I found this 1997 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Classic with 32K miles on it: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1996YamahaRoyalStar001_zps4b5dccf3.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1996YamahaRoyalStar002_zps5db08446.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1996YamahaRoyalStar003_zps3b34d541.jpg http://inlinethumb01.webshots.com/33920/2141459730101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb63.webshots.com/47038/2219161110101950171S600x600Q85.jpg It was at the Auto Auction (I own a car lot) late last fall. I was high bidder on it for 2K and bought it for $2,220.00 and rode it 60 Miles back to my shop the same day. It was too great of a deal to pass up! My wife and I are very excited about it! I put a new rear tire and rear brakes on it last fall, was able to put about 200 miles on it before snow flew and it has been sitting ever in my shop since. Few other things that I have done to it was buy a stock windshield, rear floor boards, front lowers, and a luggage rack. Since I got it from the auction I have no idea where it is as far as maintenance is concerned So now it is time to start working on it. Here are the plans: Do all of the basics Full Fluid: Change, Oil, Rear Drive, Front Forks, Tune Up, Plugs, Clean the K&N's Sync the Carbs Adjust the Valves. For Modifications: Install Fairing with full gauges: volt, Temp, Oil, and tac 6x9 Speakers Small Amp for a MP3 Player, dont want a big car radio. Tall Riders Back Rest Luggage rack Few more saftey chrome items. The plan is to start working on it in the next few days and have it all done before spring. Here are some pics of it so far: Fairing test fit: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover002_zps08625be4.jpg Side Shot tank, seats, side motor covers removed: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover003_zps8573ebce.jpg http://inlinethumb44.webshots.com/45931/2789621260101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Didnt know the bike has K&N Filters! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover004_zps10513349.jpg http://inlinethumb52.webshots.com/45235/2789763760101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Shot of the rear quad pipes: Think they are Barons Nasty Boys http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover005_zpsfd156eb7.jpg http://inlinethumb12.webshots.com/3275/2607327560101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Yamaha's Comfort Cruise Seats made by Corbin, and Tank: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover006_zpsdbda4006.jpg http://inlinethumb53.webshots.com/46708/2694000440101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Side Motor Covers to be blasted and re painted: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover007_zps1f362dd9.jpg http://inlinethumb51.webshots.com/48050/2556630150101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Fairing Backside: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover008_zps678f716f.jpg http://inlinethumb40.webshots.com/359/2310931100101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Rear seat and windshield: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover009_zps49835fea.jpg http://inlinethumb59.webshots.com/13306/2960733780101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Oil leak on the right side: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover011_zpsfb610ef2.jpg http://inlinethumb01.webshots.com/26176/2902507960101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Left shot of bike: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/1997RoyalStarTourDeluxmakeover012_zps33e48000.jpg http://inlinethumb45.webshots.com/46700/2436787720101950171S600x600Q85.jpg So I will keep everything in this post as progress slowly moves forward. I am sure that I will be needing some advice as I get into this project. We plan on keeping this bike for some time so if you have any suggestions or advice I would be happy to hear it! Thanks! Darrin
  2. Thanks! I have reallly enjoyed the 200 miles that I was able to put on it before it got too cold here. From the research tha I have done I was sure that I read someone here had the same issue and used these risers instead of the stock ones. I think I will pick a pair up and give it a try. It really isnt necessary, it will work with the stock risers but it will be the right way to do it if I can get another 1/4 to 1/2". I got an Invicta Fairing off of E-bay. I took a risk getting one from them, and it was for a Road Star, not a Royal Star, and they dont have the best feedback but I got it, it was a great deal!, it will work great and look pretty sweet as well. Once I get the project started I will start a thread on it with pics. I will also need some ideas for audio, and gauges so Ill be picking the collective brain on that when the time comes. Thanks again, Darrin
  3. Great, Thanks! It is what I figured on the caps. For the risers, Do they bring the handle bars back a little? It appears that they would according to the pic, but I didn't know if someone here has actually done this swap. Thanks for your help,..
  4. Here is a couple pics: http://inlinethumb50.webshots.com/45937/2791428610101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb51.webshots.com/6706/2726501960101950171S600x600Q85.jpg
  5. I have a 97 Royal Star Tour Classic, My question is,.. will the risers from a RSTV work on my bike? It appears that they will pull the handle bars back a little. Here is what I have on my bike: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Tour-Touring-HANDLEBAR-RISERS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e5f0741caQQitemZ130443329994QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Here is what I am looking at: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-HANDLEBAR-RISERS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19be0722d6QQitemZ110562321110QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Also how do I remove the top half of the risers? It appears that the bolts have chrome caps on them? I have not dug into them yet, just trying to get my ducks in a row before I do. The reason for the question is that I am going to install a fairing, and need a little bit more room in front of the risers. Thanks! Darrin
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