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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Yup It was a Success, She Loves It,.. I wasn't surprised,... Thanks again for the comments!
  2. Hee, Hee,...Sure next time I get to FL Ill let you know!
  3. Yea there is a little wasted space there,..Ill work on that,.. I can see how that conversation would go. "Honey you need to stay off the computer,.....Ok you can go on the computer, just stay off the internet,.....Well then dont go on Venturerider.org,.....Stay out of the Watering Hole!" So good luck with that!,. Thanks for the props!, I will find out how she likes it when they get back in town on Sunday. Been a long 3 weeks!
  4. They are Ensenada Mexico on a mission trip, They do it every year for abuot 8 years in a row, I was able to go last year but it didnt work out for me this year. SO,...I usually find some project to do around the house while Lori is gone and suprise her when she returns. This year I decided that we need some storage area for all of our Motorcycle Stuff, Helmets, Jackets, Chaps, Touring Bag etc. They usually get sprung all around the house after a ride. I built a shelf on an un-useful wall in the downstairs family room, and also decided to get some pics of our bike trips and make a collage of photos. Here is the end result: http://inlinethumb54.webshots.com/45621/2060146090101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb64.webshots.com/36351/2549971900101950171S600x600Q85.jpg HERES THE COOL PART,.For Hanger Hooks I used a set of Rider Pegs that came off the Royal when I bought Floorboards. http://inlinethumb45.webshots.com/46892/2355996130101950171S600x600Q85.jpg AND for the Helmet Holders I used the stock Risers: that came off the bike when I got new pullbacks: http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/48685/2401736520101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Ans also used the front center covers that I had laying around for the end caps: http://inlinethumb56.webshots.com/46647/2859021840101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Anyway I think she will like it, I thought it turned out pretty good and just wanted to show it off! Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the input guys,.. I bought the bike last fall and the Barons kit was already installed, We have put about 4500 miles on it so far. I have no idea whet the jets are in it and what they are set at. I have a lot to learn on this bike and will have to do some research on it. I did download the Barons instructions but the Big Air Kit but with there are no pics,..I work better with pics. However I am not afraid to tear into them either. Guess Ill have to check it out and see what I have. Thanks again,.
  6. I know that it has been discussed a lot and I have been searching reading through past post to see what I can find as well. My bike(97 Royal Star Tour Classic with 35K miles) has the Barons Big Air Kit installed: http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/254/ ,....along with Barons Nasty Boys Exhaust. It runs Strong, Sounds great, but I only get about 32-34 MPG with it,..No matter how I drive it. This seems very low compared to what I have been reading in past post's. I have new plugs, run synthetic oil, have had the carbs synced at an idle (they needed it), but still have no improvements. Would the bigger jets in the Barons Kit make for the poor fuel economy? I would consider different jets if it would bring me closer to the 40 MPG mark. I called Barons today and they were no help at all,.. Any input would be appreciated,. Its just a bummer to have to fuel up every 125 miles when the others that we ride with can go 200 miles on a tank with their v-twins.
  7. Congrats on the new ride! That is one that you don't see very ofter, However my first car (and my dads first car) was a 1954 Mercury, They were e almost identical to the 53 save for the taillights. I always loved that body style! It made my heart race little as I was opening up the pics! Thanks for the memories, and good luck with the project!
  8. My buddy that we ride with lost his pointer finger on his left hand, He has been riding for years and always gave a low piece sign, Now the only problem is when he does this, his brain is telling both of his fingers to extend, this but since one of them is missing just his middle finger is extended and looks like he is flipping someone off. So now he has to be careful to just give a full 4 finger waive. We give him a hard time about whenever we get the chance,....
  9. I added a fairing this winter, but have no real comparison to before and after since I only put about 200 miles on it before. http://inlinethumb13.webshots.com/47756/2619010430101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Here is the link to my build. lots of info and pics: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56020 The Fairing that I got was for a Road Star, since the windshields were interchangeable I figured the fairings were as well, It worked. I love it, I also like the looks better, compared to a stock Venture fairing, but that's just me,..
  10. We just got back from a sucessful 1,239 mile trip from Friday to Monday with the new ride. Most have seen my "tearing into the bike" thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56020 over the winter, working on the bike getting it ready for our riding season. Well I am happy to say that all of the work paid off for us. My wife and I had a great ride, no mechanical problems other than loosing a rear brake caliper cover, went back and found it. We got 35 MPG riding 2 up fully loaded. We left Grand Rapids Friday morning, and ended up in Alpena MI for Firday night. Saturday morning we rode the Mackinaw City, then to the UP out to White Fish Bay along Lake Superior, and back down to St. Ignace for the night. Sunday we rode the Lake Michigan lakeshore down to Traverse City, hit the Peninsula's and spent the night there. Monday we went down the lakeshore back to Grand Rapids, about 6PM. Only spent 30 miles on the highway, the rest was all back roads. Here are some pics: Lori and I in Travers City. http://inlinethumb14.webshots.com/48269/2803200730101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Checking in at Alpena: http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/48173/2675728800101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Our Rides: http://inlinethumb09.webshots.com/46728/2250786870101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Bro in law Bruce and wife Carrie: http://inlinethumb27.webshots.com/47194/2385049610101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Bro in law Mike and wife Viki http://inlinethumb30.webshots.com/48157/2932904840101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Lori and I http://inlinethumb04.webshots.com/46723/2168497760101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Killing some Bugs in the UP: http://inlinethumb45.webshots.com/45612/2246708790101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Bruce and Carrie on their Honda VTX 1300 http://inlinethumb39.webshots.com/47846/2616623040101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Mike and Viki on thier Goldwing http://inlinethumb55.webshots.com/48630/2868776040101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Crossing the Mackinaw Bridge http://inlinethumb14.webshots.com/48333/2828726390101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Sunrise out of our Motel Room in St Ignace http://inlinethumb34.webshots.com/45473/2382333160101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Store before entering into the Tunnel of Trees: http://inlinethumb10.webshots.com/48457/2125772260101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb39.webshots.com/44966/2851284180101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Bald Eagle flying with us for 1/2 mile http://inlinethumb64.webshots.com/48703/2091793220101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Misson Point Lighthouse http://inlinethumb03.webshots.com/46210/2746093380101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb50.webshots.com/45873/2613403180101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Heading south out of Traverse City: http://inlinethumb52.webshots.com/499/2904345580101950171S600x600Q85.jpg The weather was cold at times but had no rain and sunshine for most of the trip. Our seats were very comfortable but we were a little sore on the last 60 miles headed home so overall we are giving the Corbins a Thumbs Up! If you want to see the rest of the pics you can go to my webshots here http://rides.webshots.com/album/580175385SLgHDM There is some video that was taken from Mikes Goldwing Cam, I am waiting to see that and if it is any good Ill pass it along. Thanks for lookin!
  11. Couple of updates: Lori and I have put 500 miles on the bike since the makeover and are still working on a few improvements, We are loving the ride! smooth, powerful, comfortable and sounds great. A few more things that we have done; Kuryakin ISO Grips, Throttle Lock, and Throttle Boss. I took off the Offset's for the highway pags and installed standard ones. They put the pegs more where I want them. We also installed new PIAA Headlight as well as the Napa H7616 Driving Lights. Way better lighting than the stock setup, especially with all of the lights adjusted correctly! I found out (the hard way) that there is no reserve in the tank so I need a new petcock with both straws. We pulled it out last night and ther is only 1 straw coming out of the top. MPG as been not great at about 31, so my buddy was available last night to sync the carbs. They were way off! I took it for a 50 mile ride and got 37 MPG out of it. Figure with the Barons Big Air kit that is about the best that it will get. I also installed 1.5" Risers and that eliminated the discomfort in my upper back. http://inlinethumb03.webshots.com/47938/2329657640101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Few more pics of the finished ride: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2012-06-14121949_zps317a0792.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2012-06-14122030_zps1e3cfbd9.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2012-06-14122044_zps7681983d.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/Bike%20Pics/yamaharoyalloriandI_zpsdfe12979.jpg http://inlinethumb03.webshots.com/12738/2812281860101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013%20IDI%20Weekend/2013-07-05131235_zpsd4e7aef8.jpg http://inlinethumb22.webshots.com/32533/2019040170101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb30.webshots.com/15069/2202800350101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb49.webshots.com/21296/2936810180101950171S600x600Q85.jpg
  12. I recommend the Carbon one bracket as well as the wiring kit that he sells. Simple plug and play and worth the money!
  13. Risers are Installed,..: http://inlinethumb03.webshots.com/47938/2329657640101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Pain is GONE!,..We rode 87 miles yesterday, and 127 Miles today. No pain, discomfort or twinges! Big Thanks to all for the advice!
  14. Here is the email that I got from my Dad regarding the Alfalfa regimen. Just some quick info,..My Dad is turning 70 this year, he is in great health, he has been self employed for 30 years. He and my Mom make candles and works with his hands. They have traveled all over doing shows, and State Fairs. He is not one to sit still and would not let his arthritis keep him from making living. Hey Darrin, Yes, I'm still on alfalfa. A decade ago, I thought I was going to have to quit our business due to arthritis in my fingers. I would soak them in the hot wax vats before I could shape the candles. The affected knuckles were so sensitive it was painful if they were bumped. I do not think this is Rheumatoid (RA). I think it is Osteoarthritis (OA). I have no idea if Alfalfa is effective with RA. About the time I starting getting the stiff, swollen, painful joints in my hands, my Dad-in-law was suffering with it in his shoulders and could not raise his arms over his head. His doc's were not much help and someone told him to start taking alfalfa tabs. He enjoyed complete relief and told me I should try it. I went to Sams club and they did not carry it, so I asked the Pharmacist about it. He said Alfalfa is the best kept medical secret for arthritis. (I don't remember if he specified the type, RA, OA, or?) He offered to order it in for me, but said Walmart carries it. I have been taking 6 to 8 tablets daily ever since. I don't remember how long it took to get relief, but think it was a few weeks. If I got careless and did not take it for a few days, my knuckles would remind me, and I'd get back to taking them faithfully. It is recommended to take 1 to 2 tab's 4 times a day. I knew I would not be organized enough for that, so I've always taken the 8 tabs once a day with wonderful results. My swollen knuckles have returned to near normal size, but that took years. 2 years ago while recovering from back surgery, I quit my alfalfa regiment for over a month! Neither the pain, swelling, nor stiffness returned. I then made the statement to my wife that I didn't dare say for the previous 8 or so years, and that is that I think alfalfa has cured my arthritis! Nevertheless, when I got back on my feet, I started the regiment again, because I didn't want to give it a chance, and have been totally pain free and have full flexibility and strength in both hands. Wallmart no longer carries alfalfa, but I go to GNC now. Walmart was cheaper, but GNC is very inexpensive, and are easier to swallow if you have that problem. The bottle says: GNC Natural Brand Alfalfa 500mg 480 tablets bottle. Hope that helps! Dad If anyone else needs any information let me know. Hope that this helps someone out with their arthritis
  15. I just hope the computer doesn't break down now,....
  16. Left em stock don't want it to be that loud in the office,...
  17. I would be happy to. Ill get it out here as soon as I can get it from him. Lots of good input here as well, It has been cold this spring, and one warm day that we had I didn't get sore. I also have a full faced HJC Helmet flip up, but have had it for 3 years and it had not affected me as far as I know. But I will keep this in mind as well. Thanks!
  18. ,.....On my Desk,.... http://inlinethumb39.webshots.com/46310/2758122200101950171S600x600Q85.jpg My wife and I have been working on redoing out Car Lot Office, I found a bunch of Harley Mufflers from Chraigslist and decided to use them as part of our office Theme. They make the computer sound Sweet!
  19. Does anyone have a set used of Risers for sale,...? Id like to give them a try.
  20. So did you try the 1.5" risers,..? Sorry, couldn't resist,.. But seriously, I am sorry to hear about your problems, One thing that all riders hate to think of is the time when we cant ride anymore, for whatever reason. I hope and pray that you are not screwed, and that they get you taken care of. One thing that My Dad did when he got arthritis is started taking Alfalfa Tablets,. A lot of them. No other drugs or surgery, and it was a night and day difference within about 2 weeks. He has been taking them for 5 years and it worked great for him. Just a suggestion and if you would like I would be happy to let you contact him and talk to him about it. let me know,
  21. Sine I have These Risers,.. http://inlinethumb49.webshots.com/12144/2891287080101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Are these the correct extenders? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-1-5-Handlebar-Risers-Venture-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2eb4c3210bQQitemZ200601182475QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  22. Thanks for the reply's,.. I'll look into risers but it seems like the handlebars are just right for my riding. I did install Venture Risers instead of the RSTC risers to clear the fairing, so I could use Risers for a Venture. If I got 1.5" risers would I need to get extended cables?,...and do they come in Chrome?,... I have looked into the Butler Mod but so far I like the Corbin Seat, and from the research that I have done there is no Butler mod for the Corbin Seat. So far well be keeping the Corbins like they are, Lori is happy with her saddle as well.
  23. I just wanted to throw this out and get some opinions. I am getting what feels like to be some sort of pinched nerve feeling in my upper back, just to the right of my left shoulder blade while riding the bike. It doesnt take long for it to show up, maybe after 20 minutes or so of riding. I can move around and make it go away, or start to feel better, but it is there. Not real painful, but more annoying than anything. I have only put about 500 miles on this bike, and I don't remember it happening on our old bike (1982 Honda Silver Wing Interstate with stock seats) both bikes backrest, as I just added one to our new bike. Its a 97 Royal Star Tour Classic with the Yamaha Comfort Cruise Seats by Corbin. The most that we have riden so far is 125 miles in one day but we have a 1200 mile trip coming up next weekend so I am looking for suggestions on what to do? I appreciate any input,.. I also wanted to ad that I am 45 years young, 6'0, 195Lbs
  24. A week ago Sunday, it hit 86 deg and we got to go for a 125 mile ride down Michigan Lakeshore. I took a few pics: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/094_zps249726a6.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/097_zps3c9bc9e5.jpg http://inlinethumb23.webshots.com/47062/2698229390101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb53.webshots.com/47220/2284752020101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/47012/2427875490101950171S600x600Q85.jpg The Biker Chick on the right is my wife Lori. http://inlinethumb42.webshots.com/40873/2420387210101950171S600x600Q85.jpghttp://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/096_zps1beb77eb.jpg http://inlinethumb14.webshots.com/44877/2561005320101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb49.webshots.com/47984/2196712380101950171S600x600Q85.jpg We had a beautiful stretch of weather so along with this Sunday ride, we also rode Sat, Tues and Wed before the weather turned cold and rainy again and will be for the next week or so. So we were able to put about 450 miles on the bike since it has been done, and we are loving it! One thing that I have been chasing is the rear suspension. It just seems like we are bottoming out, or there is not enough suspension travel. My wife weighs a buck and a quarter, and I am at 190, so it is not like it is overloaded. I bought a Spanner wrench and have been adjusting the preload on the spring and it might be changing it a little but no real noticeable difference. How far can I crank the nut into the shock? or am I really doing anything with this adjustment? Is there a heavier spring of shock that I can install? My buddy (No Harley Charley) put a heavier one on his Road Star, but it is a different setup. I am worried about loading the saddle bags and tour pac for when we take our 4 day weekend trips and how it will handle those loads. I have been searching the site but have had no luck getting input on this subject, since it is not a Venture and does not have Air Ride. Other items, I put together a Tool Kit so we are all set there, I also got a Riders Backrest off of Craigslist, It is a Protact http://www.protac.net/page7/page5/yamaha.html Got it installed yesterday and it is DARN Comfortable! Ill get some pics of it soon. This afternoon wer are installing ISO Grips. Now we just need some good riding weather,..
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