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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. Thanks for the info, I hope to do some testing tomorrow, Has anyone had these symptoms before,..? If I need to replace the Stator I want to be able to do it on Thursday at the latest,....Or just risk it and take the trip,... Hmmm,.Decisions decisions,...
  2. On my 97 RSTC, I have installed a fairing with gauges 3 years ago, Well I have noticed lately that my Voltage gauge has been running lower than normal , Running down the road it is about 12.5, let it down to idle then it goes up to about 14V. Normally it will run 13.5 to 14 all the time. I have not noticed anything else different, no starting problems, no dead battery etc,.. We are taking a 4 day Color Trip this weekend, but need to know if you all think this needs to be addressed first,.. Stator going out,.? any better way to check that? Let me know what you think, and I appreciate the input,..
  3. Great weekend for riding, On Saturday We left Grand Rapids at 10 am, worked our way to the Blue Lake Tavern for a late lunch, Then over to Muskegon for Bike Time, then back to GR by 10pm. Put in 250 miles with our gang. We are pretty Bad Ass,.... http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-20120521_zps12a1981c.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-20170716_zps99cc211c.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-20170728_zps96194f16.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-20135732_zps6ec74174.jpg Then Today I got to take my Daughter for a ride through Ada and Cascade. We stopped at the Covered Bridge park in Ada. I am pretty honored that at 18, she will still do stuff with the ole Man! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-21142234_zps1a4c25c5.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-07-21142222_zpsbeda2058.jpg Great weekend all around!
  4. Thanks Guys, Glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed your comments, Very Funny! I actually rode my real bike tonight, I rode it from the Back Garage of the shop where it was stored, up to the front Garage of the shop. Bout 75 feet Total! Ye Haw! Got the new battery installed, and gonna get it cleaned up tomorrow and will be ready to ride, weather dependent! The camera cut off, but when the hub cap fell off, I said,,"typical Harley",..It did have a twin cylinder motor (from a 1963 Trabant, if anyone knows what that is) and the mufflers are from a Sportster, complete with Bearings, Pre Lubed! It literally took us 10 minutes to put that bike together, just grabbing parts sitting around the shop, I hopped on it and shot the vid. Originally I just shot it for our group, but decided to pass it on here as well. Thanks for checking it out, Hope to be on the road as soon as tomorrow if it doesn't rain again. Later,....
  5. This Christmas our rider Peeps exchanged White Elephant Gifts, I received a pair of handle bars, mounted to a makeshift dash board made from wood, an old tread mill fascia, and some foot pegs. This was so I could sit at my desk this winter and go Vrroom Vroom and act like I was riding my bike,.. ,.....Welll,...It has been a long winter, and I may be going a little stirr crazy, so I took the Handle Bars, and expanded on that idea,.. Here is a video of the result,... http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-04-17173424_zps2ef2ef6f.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-04-17173408_zps5c807867.jpg http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/2013-04-17173455_zpsb70d00d5.jpg I wanna ride,....
  6. Best idea yet! Mine stays in my headed shop at the car lot, so it can get started and run every few weeks. Sometimes when the roads are dry and it gets above 45, Ill take it out for a spin.
  7. Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate it. Lori and I have really enjoyed the bike. We did about 13,000 miles on it last riding season, this year is only about 8,000 as we had a lot going on. Couple things that we have done to the bike is a new set of Studded Mustang Seats, and Avon White Wall tires. Other than normal maintenance the bike has been flawless. Right now it is up on the lift getting oil, and antifreeze changed, hope to get in a couple more rides this fall yet. Going the opposite direction is not a bad thing, These bikes look great striped down!, and the Hard Patrol bags will add to the look, Sounds Great! Thanks for the heads up on the Electrical Load, I have watched that since I was able to put a Volt Gauge in the faring I can see the load. I took out the 55w driving lights, have reinstalled the ones because of this. The Radio only gets used when I ride solo, so by watching the Volt Gauge I can monitor the drag, Seems to be fine so far. Thanks again guys, It is just a bummer that all of the pics may disappear when Webshots shuts down. Ill keep an eye on it and see what happens with it. Ride Safe,..
  8. Well it appears that in the next month or so this thread will loose all of that pics that I have posted,.. All of my pic were uploaded to Webshots, then imbedded in the forum to get the bigger pics that you don't have to click on. Now webshots have been sold, and they are getting rid of all of the pics when they change owners. So I would assume that all of the links will now just be big red x's We will see what happens when they make the changeover, in the meantime I will be looking for a new pic provider that will be around longer than Webshots! Just wanted to give you the heads up,..
  9. I have been off for a while, just checking in, Sorry to read the news but please know you will be in our prayers as well. Lori and I will be watching for updates. Where in Traverse City did this happen? We are dealing with a bad crash in our family also, Lori's Brother Mike and his wife Viki were involved in a hard crash when an older couple in a Lincoln pulled out in front of them on their 06 Goldwing, In Traverse City, right on Munson Ave, 37/72, about a Month ago. Viki flew like Cat Woman, 30' over the car and is fine, Mike piled into the car and has a badly broken left hip and right wrist, but may not get back full motion, and has had 2 surgery's so far. Good news is he already replaced the Wing! It doesn't matter how careful you are, accidents can still happen. Again, you are in our prayers for a speedy recovery.
  10. Ya got it done yourself, and saved a ton of money! I agree that Clutch Upgrade is worth every penny, Mine slipped a couple of times and put the Upgrade in last winter, I now have 13K miles on it (a lot in your neck of the woods) and have had no problems since. Ride Safe!
  11. Looks like you guys are going to have a Beautiful Weekend for the ride! Hope you all have a great time and I hope we can join you on the next one. Our plans have changed for our ride this weekend, My 16 year old daughter has their homecoming game tonight and this week Her and I were helping build the Sophomore Float, Well she volunteered me and my truck to pull the float through the town parade, and to the Homecoming game. She is very exited about it, so we are cutting our ride down to 2 days and leaving on Sat Morning instead. I dont think our paths will cross but you guys have a safe trip, and we are looking forward to pics.
  12. Yea, I was wondering that also and since I had no almost no miles on the bike to test for fuel mileage before the fairing, I have nothing to compare it to. The larger lowers were just installed about 100 miles ago. My Brother in law installed a fairing this winter on his VTX, along with lowers on his forks as well as his engine guards, He has had no drop in his fuel mileage, still gets 48 with it. I was wondering if I installed a set of Venture Carbs this winter if that would help with performance, and/or fuel mileage, But I really don't need any more "performance" In fact I would be willing to loose a little if I knew my mileage would jump up to 40, but not expecting that. Thanks for the input!
  13. Thanks Guys, Yes the mileage is poor, however it does have the Barons Big Air Kit, and the Nasty boys exhaust. The Big Air Kit puts bigger needles in the carbs with K&N Filters. This is the only reason that I can see why my mileage is so poor. I do have a tendency to use the right wrist more than I need to however even when I do a fuel mileage tank run and take it easy, I might get 37 tops,..but that's about it. It does have new plugs, cleaned the Air Filters and had the carbs synced. I will probably look more into it this winter and see if I can put different needles in the carbs to see if that helps for next year. I just dont know what i am doing on that front but am willing to learn. thanks again! Darrin
  14. Lori and I have put on 13,000 miles on the Scoot since the Makeover this winter: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56020 It has been a great riding season, and we are heading out on a trip this weekend as well, and hope a few more. The bike has been basically Flawless. The only problems that we have had are the Driving Lights like to flash once in a while, and my autio input fell inside the fairing last week. with 13K miles it was time for new tires, front and rear so I decided to go with White Walls. I found some Avon Venoms, so far I have agout 200 miles on them and they are very smooth! I also decided to try the 130 on the front instead of the 150. Seems to respond quicker and easier to turn. Here are a couple of pics: http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/46756/2576194990101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/47064/2273397730101950171S600x600Q85.jpg I also had some larger lowers made last week, They are about 1.5" wider than the stock ones. They took a lot of wind off of our legs. http://inlinethumb15.webshots.com/45838/2549347030101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/45988/2429408350101950171S600x600Q85.jpg So we are very happy with the bike and look forward to many more miles on it. Our only complaint is the relatively poor 32-35 MPG, but we are dealing with that. Ride Safe!
  15. No Doubt It looks Perfect so far, 70 Deg and 0% Chance of rain. Our weekend may extend into Monday,...
  16. Sea Foam is Awesome,..,especially the Dark Chocolate,.
  17. Sorry, I meant That Weekend, not This Weekend,..Other wise , Yea! we would be there!
  18. Thanks for the link I did some more Googleing and found some more that are available, I just have to decide what I want to do. Right now I am getting bigger lowers made and will see what a difference that makes. Should have them back tomorrow. Thanks again!
  19. WOW great turnout guys! Now I wish we had not have planned out fall ride this weekend. Well shoot for joining you on the next one!
  20. Very strange that you cant see it in the slow motion part,.. You can also see his passenger give the driver a death squeeze right before impact. Dodged a bullet for sure!
  21. A buddy of mine just got a Vulcan Nomad and it came with Air Lite Lower Engine Guards. Looks like a great idea but according to their website they don't make them for my RSTC. Here is their website: http://airlite.ca/index.php So is there a company that makes them for my bike or would I need to have something custom made? Its getting cold and these make sense to me! Thanks!
  22. Thanks for the Invite Larry, PM Sent. As it turns out we are planning a ride that weekend as well with 4 other couples. We will be staying just north of you guys in Frankfort Area and plan on covering the inroads of the Leenlenau Peninsula. I sent Larry my cell number we might be able to cross paths and say HI. I'll keep watching this thread to see what your route may be. We will be riding with the following bikes: Silver Honda VTX with matching Fairing, Burgundy VTX with a windshield, Burgundy 06 Goldwing, Black 02 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad with a Harley Fairing, and my bike,....see pic,.. Looking forward to it and hope that our paths will cross at some time.
  23. Well There ya go! Thanks!
  24. I just bought some Avon Venoms with WWW's for my bike. I am gong to try the 130 on the front instead of the 150. http://www.chaparral-racing.com/Product/avon-am41-venom-bias-touringcruiser-front-tire/330-5300.aspx Bridgstone has them: http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/31/402/30611/ITEM/Bridgestone-Exedra-G702-Whitewall-Rear-Tire.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch Shenko has them: http://traxms.com/Motorcycle_Products_Tires_Street_Shinko_777R.html http://traxms.com/Motorcycle_Products_Tires_Street_Shinko_777.html I think Metzlers has them as well. Good Luck!
  25. Sweet! Ill bet you got lots of funny looks on the way home! Those Goldwings are tow trucks in Japan.
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