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Everything posted by DarrinGT

  1. This made me Laugh,..My Bro in law Mike has way too much time on his hands. Here he is with his bike and wife Viki from a weekend ride last summer: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20130714_130555_zps3357e348.jpg He calls the Goldwing his Old Mans Crotch Rocket, and that is how he rides it. His bike is the fastest of all of the bikes we ride with, Mine is second, the others are Roadstars, and Kow Vuilkan Nomads. Well he has been following my progress on bike this winter, and decided to put this video together this morning, Pretty funny, check it out: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSGCIK9tYp0]ToshsTweaks - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Quick update, The bike is running nicely, no leaks, sounds awesome. Next thing is finishing up the Saddle bags, I have the brackets welded up and installed where I want them, It took a while, but I like the look. Now I am making the brackets for the mufflers, Once those are done I will take the brackets off and paint them up. Hope to get the Fairing repainted this week, and install a garage door opener in the dash as well. Then I can put the rest of the bike back together. Pics will come later,...
  3. Tinkering with the Saddle Bags today, For those with leather bags, I did a fix on mine that has been bugging me for a long time. Whenever I open them, the leather corners fold under, and it gets pinched so the lid wont seal correctly. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01115057_zps638c498c.jpg So whenever we close the lid we have to hold that corner tab out for it to seal correctly: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01113809_zps13e357a1.jpg So I made a cardboard template, made it fit, then cut it out of a thin piece of tin: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01113754_zpsa7b3ee13.jpg Here is where the cut out will go on the inside of the lid, it will hold the weak leather tab straight: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01115141_zps483a98af.jpg It slides inside the lid nice and tight, holds the weak part of the leather straight and now the lid will close correctly every time: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01115235_zpsef34ab27.jpg Lid Closed,.. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-03-01115249_zps20c15be6.jpg Just another Yamaha Royal Fix it Tip from yer ole buddy Darrin,..
  4. I just got done doing this on my 97 RSTD, Here is the thread, check out post number 10. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=83141&highlight=makeover Should help you out.
  5. Yup, That is a Beautiful Bike! Love the color. Only thing I would like is to paint the motor fins the same color as the bike as well,,,but even with out that, I would still ride it! lol,..
  6. I bough the Monster Ovals used and they were already removed, so I have no clue, but from the remnants of what was left in the mufflers, they put up a pretty good fight! They are not made to remove.. Thanks for the props!
  7. Thanks Dave! Cant wait to see how it sounds out on the road,,,someday,...when the snow melts,...and the potholes are fixed,...*sigh*,.. Thanks you, And Yes,.You all were right about the mirror,..it spun the mirror the other way and it came right off,..it was pretty tight tho,.... Got my saddle bag brackets back from the welder, got them installed and doing some tweaking on them before they get painted, or powercoated. Tomorrow picking up the right gasket for the side Stator Cover. I think I may be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel!
  8. Hmm,.Nope didn't try the other way,.. Ill give it a shot tomorrow,,..Thanks!
  9. Well I was hoping to have the stator installed, and have the motor completely back together and running yesterday,,,but I got the wrong Motor Cover Gasket for the Stator install, DOH!, I cant get one until Tuesday now,..oh well... I did get the new Regulator Rectifier installed, and the Stataor installed in the housing, so it is all prepped, cleaned and ready to install once I get the new gasket. So I changed gears, and installed some Harley Parts on the Yami,..Kinda scary, I now.. I have been wanting to try the Harly faring Mirrors for a while so I picked some up of ebay and decided to get them installed: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140222_152221_zps711bdee1.jpg The Install went well, and I think they will be good for riding, Wont really know until its on the road, but I like the look! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140222_152232_zps9430076a.jpg But I couldn't get this mirror off,...I cranked on it as hard as I dared but it wouldn't budge, The other one spun right off. Ill try agin tomorrow, but I assume this is just one nut, not a douiblenut like it looks. The other one had one single wide nut on it. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140222_152306_zps9c11eba3.jpg Coming up very soon are the redone Saddle Bag Brackets, They should be done at the welders, on Monday, and then get them sand blasted and powder coated. Once I get them back I can instal them and work on the muffler Brackets.
  10. Just sent you a PM with Lynns email. I just got some from him. You will need the 32MM Carb Boots or Holders as well, You send them to him and he will have them milled down, and make the adapters, Runs about $100.00 including shipping back to you. I am doing this on mine as well, here is the link to my build. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=83141&highlight=makeover One thing I didn't do was the VMAX Cams.
  11. Yup,..I would say you are Mechanical! Nice Job on the Bike and Welcome to the forum. I am planning a Bobber Build starting soon as soon as I get my RSTD done. I have a Yamaha V-Star sitting in the back of the shop just waiting,.. Lots of good info here to help you out! Good luck with the new ride, Get the maintenance done and it will last you for Years!
  12. Up Next,...Stator Install: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140219_193050_zps283e2a94.jpg More to come soon yall,...
  13. Moving on to the Back of the Bike, I installed turn signal visors, and the Chrome Cover for the tailight,,along with the LED Tail, Brake, Turn Signal kit. Pic of the tailights: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140219_183921_zpsd5d593bd.jpg Tailights with Turns Signal Activated, The Red and yellow Bulbs alternate: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140219_184000_zps0f4253c1.jpg Then the Brake Lights all light up brighter as well, Just cant tell in the pic very well,.. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140219_184058_zps2f355b5c.jpg Very cool setup, and the install was not as bad as I was reading about.
  14. Been busy dealing with snow and more snow, but was able to get some work done on the bike in between plowing and working. The carbs back on and not leaking, they work great so far, Here are a few pics of the carbs installed: Defiantly BIGGER all around than the 28MM carbs: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140215_115924_zpsc1d853d6.jpg Top View: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140215_115828_zpsb89d1409.jpg This is the Seal Tite Plug that I used from NAPA for the Throttle Position Sensor: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140215_115813_zps5bf419e1.jpg Here is a video of it running, Sorry abut the bad audio, the noise overdrove the microphone on the phone but you can sorta hear how it sounds. It is exactly whatt I wanted for a low deep rumble tone. You just cant really tell from this video, but here ya go anyway,.. http://s1306.photobucket.com/user/Darrin-GT/media/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/20140212_185512_zpsda481f71.mp4.html ,...
  15. All you really need is the back header pipe, The front ones are the same from 4 into 4, and 4 into 2. Then you need a bracket bracket for the rear header pipe, on the Ventures it is the lower saddle bag brace. I bought one and cut it down to just use the hanger. I read that you can adapt a Chrome Chevrolet Alternator Bracket for this as well. First Gen pipes wont do you any good.
  16. Hey Joe, I am replacing the Stator and Regulator this winter as part of a Upgrade Project of sorts. I have not ridden the bike since this happened, just working on it. Hope to have the Stator and Regulator installed in a week or so. Here is the link to that thread: http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=83141&highlight=makeover Sorry I cant be more help yet...
  17. Carbs are off, Got the new Bowl gaskets, Looking to work on the bike tonight, and hope to have the carbs back on and running if all goes well,...
  18. Good News,...and Bad News,.. First the Good, I got the carbs installed, and hooked up today, along with the air filter, put coolant back in it, set the tank on it and went to fire it up. It cranked for a little bit while the carbs were filling up, and it fired right up. Sounded AWESOME! Had good throttle response, no popping or misfiring at all. Very exciting and quite a relief! Bad News,...The Carbs are leaking at the bowl seals pretty bad..so I had to shut it down and will be pulling the carbs back off. I ordered new bowl gaskets and will pull the carbs off tomorrow. Since Lori and I are going away for the weekend on Friday, there wont be any more progress on the bike till next week. Still overall a very successful day just being able to hear it run and have no major problems! Very]Happy!
  19. Thanks Dave, Here is waht I found out from another member at Delphi;,.... "Run those hose down in the the "V" there should be two little nipple brackets, insert one hose on each. Those hoses are not drains, they are for balancing the carbs to the barometric pressure which helps it run better at changing elevations and such." That works for me, got them run down so I am all set with that..
  20. Any input on this,..?
  21. Thats pretty Crazy, If no one claims the bike it will most likely go up for City Autcion, It would be nice if you were able to get it back, just a real bummer of a situation for you! At some point I wold think you would be able to go get your tools but is it prolly too late for that,... Bummer,,...
  22. Got some more done on the bike tonight, I am not going to wait a month to get the Carb Boot Clamps so I grabbed some from our shop and made them work, So The Carbs are mounted on the bike, and I started to get stuff hooked up. Couple of pics: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-02-04203033_zps46c91012.jpg Top View.., You dont realize how big these carbs are compared to the 28mm carbs, They fill up the frame big time. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-02-04203043_zpsc6efd582.jpg THese rubber lines are the hoses for the vents for the carbs,..I just dont know where they are supposed to drain down to, or where to route them?? My 28mm carbs didn't have these, Can someone let me know where to run them please? I didnt spend much time on it tonight but there was nothing obvious to me so far. THANKS! http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-02-04203015_zps14ddb9bf.jpg Still a lot to do but I hope to have it running soon, Looking forward to hearing the mufflers now that the baffels have been wrapped: http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s564/Darrin-GT/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Makeover/2014-02-04203054_zps4dea7186.jpg
  23. Thanks! Dont really have the deep pockets but I do buy and sell a lot of stuff that helps pay for this project. It also helps that I have a wife in full support of having the bike the way we want it so we can enjoy the ride. For the wires I used NGK Watertight Splices and they are built just for bikes that you cant remove the plug wires. Here is a link to them: https://www.denniskirk.com/ngk/wire-connector.p200355.prd/200355.sku Little cheaper here: http://www.ngk.com/product.aspx?zpid=20074 Pretty easy to do, just like unscrewing the caps. The wires that I bought are actually for a first gen, the only difference is that the front plugs have a 90 degree angle instead of a 45 degree, so they will have to sit sideways in the head because they wont clear the valve cover. Ill have pics of them installed soon. Thanks again, Darrin
  24. As far as the Tac Connection goes, If it is properly done the tac will not interfere with the Coil Signal. This is how I have my tac setup as well, No problems. Sorry to say that is all of the knowledge that I can help you with,,....
  25. NEEDED,... 32mm Carb to Carb Boot Holder clamps! If you have any sitting around I would be interested in buying them, Seems that they are on back order from Yamaha. Part number 4XY-13575-00-00 Thanks!
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