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About BrileyR

  • Birthday 12/12/1970

Personal Information

  • Name
    Briley R.


  • Location
    Mechainicsburg, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Yamaha Venture Royale
  1. Had the same leak on mine, new freeze plug stopped the leak. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=57946 Later.
  2. longrider, those shields look great, makes the new pipes look factory. I've got to find some of those! Briley.
  3. lyle62801, post some pics, I'd like to see those pipes. Where did you get the heat shields? I put HD pipes on my 87' and need to cover the new connector pipe. Briley.
  4. If you run up to Mansfield, stop by and pick me up, I'm just outside of Springfield. Briley.
  5. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-04-02_11-59-07_877.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-04-02_11-59-17_428.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-04-02_11-59-32_855.jpg
  6. I did try to get a sound recording, but it sounded like crap, nothing like it's real sound. The idle has a bit more rumble to it, and when you get into the throttle, it's a little louder and more pronounced than the stockers. I haven't had a chance to get it on the road yet, I'm interested to hear it at speed. Briley.
  7. The new pipes are done, and they sound sweet!! Here is the final connector pipe. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_15-29-17_46.jpg The pipe is 1 3/4" OD, 13" long, with the 20 degree bend at 8 1/2". The long end of the pipe goes onto the collector, so it needed the end swelled to 1 3/4" ID to fit. I had to cut 4 relief cuts so it would seal properly on the collector bushing. I used the stock muffler clamps on the collector end. The muffler end fit into the Harley pipes perfectly, and clamped onto the the pipe using the Harley clamps. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_15-43-18_786.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_15-43-37_122.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_17-50-42_430.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_17-51-29_353.jpg Everything sealed and lined up well. The pipes sound great, they have a nice rumble at idle. I still have to get the bags put back together, then I'll get more pics. I also need to find a heat shield to cover the connector pipe, the search is on. Briley.
  8. Here's the new breather tube and filter. It exits on the right side. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-30_17-59-14_545.jpg
  9. Thanks for the info. So it's a freeze plug? Should I go ahead and replace them all? Thanks, Briley.
  10. I noticed coolant leaking from the left rear cylinder... http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-28_16-40-52_203.jpg I removed the side cover from the cylinder and found this brass looking plug leaking coolant. What is it, and how do I fix it? http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-28_16-45-54_601.jpg
  11. Those are awesome! I need to make a set!
  12. RK pipes I got for $75, and the 1 3/4" 20 degree bend pipe. I'm not too happy about the bend, but it shouldn't affect the performance much. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-23_17-34-48_914.jpg Hanging the pipes from the bag hangers. I had to drill out the threads to accept the larger bolt that threads into the pipe hanger. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-23_18-16-48_484.jpg I used some rubber grommets with a spacer inside to drop the pipes so they don't hit the bottom of the bags, and to isolate the vibration. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-24_17-52-12_618.jpg http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-24_17-58-10_692.jpg Here's what they look like from the side. I'm still working out the connector pipe dimensions, I may have to put more of a bend in it, and get the ID of the collector side expanded a bit. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-24_19-03-12_936.jpg
  13. Ummmm....wellll.... I didn't get any of the collector, but it looked like the one in the Tech section. I'll get some of the new breather tube and filter. Sorry, I was too excited to get her back together and running. Briley.
  14. I got the collector off, cut it open and removed a bunch of loose baffling, also noticed that the left side exit pipe had a crack where it is welded to the collector body, the crack was about 3/4 of the way around. I took it to a local welder, he fixed the crack and welded a new stainless steel plate over the opening, and also rewelded all of the tacks that hold on the chrome covers. $30, not too bad! Also decided to remove the airbox, clean the oil out of it, and remove the breather tubes. I used a rubber tube with a 90 degree bend off of the "twinkie" so the hose exits to the side with a filter on it. I also drained the oil down to half way in the sightglass, that should help. I just got it back together, and it runs smoother than before, and sounds great, a deeper sound, and no rattling or leaking sounds. I'm really surprised that these changes would make such a difference to the way the bike runs, it's a lot smoother. Is it possible that removing the breather tubes and fixing the exhaust leaks could make it run better? Removing the collector was not a hard job, I only broke 1 clamp bolt, the rest were ok. If your thinking about tackling this job, get to it. Next project, installing the Road King pipes! I can't wait to see what they look and sound like. Briley.
  15. Oh well, it was worth a try. Hope you find something soon.
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