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Everything posted by Coke

  1. Coke


  2. I'm new to the Ventureriders forums, but want to say thanks to all that have posted. I purchased a 2006 RSTD Midnight about a month ago with 12,000 miles on it. I bought it from a local Harley dealership, so don't know how it was maintained. All was fine until I went to work two weeks ago. The bike ran like it was running on 2 cylinders and had no power. A guy at work shamed me into paying the $12.00 to become a full member. Best money I have ever spent. Been busy at work so haven't had time to work on it until the night before last. Some post I have read said it sounded like a stuck float or a plugged jet. I tried to tap the carbs after shutting off the gas...etc. Well I thought it was time to pull the carbs and clean them. Thinking 12,000 miles on a 5 year old bike wasn't all that much and the bike may have sat for some time. I decided to grab some spark plugs, oil and filter, and a CarbTuneII ($50.00 on Ebay), brakes, and an Avon Venom rear tire. Started tearing the bike apart. pulled the seat, then the tank. When I went to pull the Airbox, I noticed the two boots that connect the airbox to the carbs were loose and had some oil on the carbs. I pulled the airbox and cleaned the oil from the boots and the carbs, replace the spark plugs, synced the carbs, change the oil, changed the brakes, and replaced the rear tire. The bike is running fantastic now. I want to get out for a ride but the rainy Ohio weather is keeping me in. Everything I did to the bike in the last two days I learned here on this forum. I have to say it would have cost me well over $12.00 to have the steelership work on it.... Just wanted to say thanks.
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