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About lizard62

  • Birthday 11/10/1962

Personal Information

  • Name
    stefano mollicone


  • Location
    middletown, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Hunting, sports
  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture XVZ12
  1. Just in case the unit is bad does the replacement unit need to have the exact numbers or would other one's work. Thanks
  2. Thanks guys, just removed the tci unit and what a *****. I'll try your suggestions and the resolder part to. Let you know what happens. Thanks again.
  3. Hello fellow riders, hope everyone doing fine. Just wondering if anyone could help me out. This is the problem took bike to work one day and I had to stay overnite, during that evening there was a heavy rain storm. So the next morning got bike started and drove off. then the problem started. First I noticed that the tach does not register until I really goose the gas, it seemed when I slowed down the bike would run rough and almost stall. Ran fine when it reached 55mph or better. If anyone could guide me so I can get riding again thank.
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