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Everything posted by Spyder

  1. It sure would be nice if one of you more "innovative" members would design and sell a set of brackets to work with the light spacers. You know who you are. And I know you coud do it!
  2. Got the bike back Saturday and they didn't have tome to look at the brakes because I was pressuring them to get it back to me by the end of the day. I'm leaving on the 30th and needed to do some other things to it myself. Jacked it up at home and the brakes were not dragging but I am anal about this stuff so I had to check it out myself. First I loosened the axle nut and pinch bolt and used an Allen wrench to rotate the axle. I could see the rotor moving! Next, I removed the rear wheel and aligned the differential as per the factory manual. After inserting the axle without the wheel I positioned an indicator in the middle and rotated the axle again. I found that the indicator moved about .022" as I rotated the axle. I slid the axle in thru the pinch bolt section of the frame and rotated it until is aligned best with the bore. Then I marked it for reference. After assembling the wheel with the axle installed (Did NOT need to use force to insert the axle) I Paced the indicator on the face of the rotor at the outer edge. When I rotated the axle the indicator moved about .022". I positioned the axle as I had marked it previously and tightened everything per the proper sequence. I next installed a new set of pads and all was good to go. When I get back from the Grand Canyon I'll probably be do for another rear tire. The next time I have it apart I'll bring the axle to work and have it straightened. Not trying to start any arguments on this. Just explaining what I found. Thanks for all your input. That's why I respect everyone on this site. Dave
  3. Hey, I'm getting ready for a two week trip and I LIKE that cooler location! Never thought of that.
  4. Maybe that could still be used if was just installed and rotated it to the sweet spot, then marked it for future reference
  5. Ruffy, I was going to do the spines but did not have time. I've had the rear wheel off many times and have never loosened the final drive bolts and never before and never had to align the axle. My very first thought was that the caliper needed rebuilt. That's how the conversation started with the mechanic in the first place. Either way it would be covered under warranty and that's why I wanted them to look at it first. Normally I would have just taken it all apart and redone it myself. Dropping it off tonight so we'll see what happens. Thanks for the reply.
  6. I just checked the washer and it is correct. I don't have time to work on it tonight and have to drop it off tomorrow after work. I'm going to let them check it out on Wednesday and see what happens. I always do my own work unless it's warranty work. I'll keep you all posted and as always, thanks for any advice.
  7. I don't think he meant the hub pins becuase I told him I knew about that and I have checked for best fit and marked that. But now that you mention it I will question him again.
  8. I am skeptical as well. That's why I want to find out "how bent." Could he actually see it or did he measure it and how? Either way I hope it's not my caliper hanging up because they may not have time to get a new seal kit and rebuild it before I leave for the Grand Canyon.
  9. I took my 06 RSV to have the rear shock inspected a couple of weeks ago just before the warranty ran out. I mentioned to the mechanic (who I have come to trust over the years) that after I installed my rear wheel with new tire mounted it seemed like the rear brakes were dragging but I hadn't really paid any attention to it before removing the rear wheel. This first thing he asked me was if I had marked the axle location (referring to rotation) before removing it. I said no I never do. He said that he had a customer one time that complained about a noise after having a tire installed somewhere else out of state. He knows about the pins needing greased, etc. and noticed that the axle was bent so he ordered a new one from Yamaha. When the new one came in it was bent also. So he called Yamaha and they said "Yes, that's the way they are. You need to install the axle and rotate it noting when the wheel spins free or tight and then tighten it at the best place." The mechanic said that did indeed fix the problem and he now always checks and then marks any axle he does in relation to the swingarm so he doesn't have to check it the next time he works on it. I have an appointment this week to have the rear shock replaced and I told him that I want the dragging brakes checked. I intend to ask him what he means by "bent" because we have a machine at work that we use to straigten precision ballscrews for our positioners and I could have it straightened. Has anyone else ever heard of this condition? I didn't think I had ever seen a post about it.
  10. I use the Bestem and like them. No complaints. congrats on the new bike!
  11. I ride in all kinds of weather and cut my original shield down so I could see over it but I don't like it on trips. Next I purchased a tall wide shield which is great on the road but on those mornings when it fogs up I can't see over or around it. Anti-fog stuff just doesn't work on some (most) of those mornings. Last, I purchased a used stock shield so I can at least see around it if it fogs up. I wish I would have seen this shield before! I could deal with the looks to have a shield that versital. Can't afford one for my trip to the Grand Canyon on the 30th but maybe in the future?
  12. Hey mine did that and a little WD40 dit the trick. Good idea to do that once in a while anyway.
  13. Amen!!
  14. Always!
  15. I'm interested. PM sent.
  16. I just got my modified seats back from Rick yesterday. I love it! Thanks Rick. I only rode 10 miles to work this morning but the seat feels great. From the first day I bought my Venture in 2006 I wished they would have done a better job in shaping the seat. Rick has it right! I can't wait to try a longer ride. I sat on the rear seat while the bike was in the garage and can't really comment on the difference because I only rode back there once or twice for a short distance. My wife Maureen has not been able to ride with me since her car accident last August. At this point she is still not phisically able to ride yet. She will still need to deal with the emotional side of things. After rolling her car five times she is aprehensive about riding again but she is determined to do it! Thanks again, Rick. I would definitely recomend this modification as "Money well Spent" Dave
  17. Any excuse for a ride. Maybe after my wife recovers from her car accident:biker:
  18. Frank, I agree that just because it's new doesn't mean it's right. When I got my bike back after the first 600 mile check up I thought they put a new engine in it. I just assumed that they balance the carbs because I can usually notice the performance difference when they start to go out again. I'm waiting for my seats to come back from Rick Butler. Maybe after they come back we can get together. Dave
  19. I purchased a Morgan Carbtune last year. Great tool! I used to have to do my XS1100 often but was using a set of mercury gages. If someone needs help locally to sync their carbs maybe I can help. I've done mine a couple of times without a tach but I'll be ordering one soon so as not to be guessing at proper rpms. Dave Irwin, PA
  20. Thanks Cougar, I'll send them out tomorrow!
  21. Thanks Bubber!
  22. Has anyone heard from Rick lately? I have my seats boxed and ready to ship but I sent him a pm and an email on Saturday and am waiting to hear from him before I ship them.
  23. I wish I had put one on my wife's Subaru. A wwek ago last Friday some woman on a cell phone cut over too soon after passing. Maureen blew her horn but the woman kept comming. After the second attempt the woman finally reuturned to her lane. By then it was too late and my wife's car was already off into the soft stuff. According to a witness she rolled the car 5 times before it stopped. Car was totalled and Maureen escaped with no broken bones but continues to get stiffer each day. The witness chased the woman long enough to get a plate number but she kept going. The State Police later told us that the woman admitted seing the car rolling in her rearview mirror so she called 911 but since she never actually hit my wife's car she didn't stop. Therefore not a hit-and-run but she will be cited for causing the accident. We will be getting another Subaru and I will be ordering a louder horn!! Praise God that he spared Maureen's life!
  24. I find that if I do not wear my ear plugs (baby blues) I can not hear my passenger or radio clear enough. Sound quality is MUCH better with the earplugs in even at the same volume level.
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