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About SeekerFor

  • Birthday 03/02/1950

Personal Information

  • Name
    John R McLellan


  • Location
    Georgetown, Ontario, Canada


  • City
    Georgetown, Ontario


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    golf (scratch)
  • Bike Year and Model
    84 VR
  1. Put a new starter (V-Max 1200 4 brush) on my 84VR. Using silicone as a gasket material on sidecover however when I tighten the sidecover the starter drags really bad to where the wires want to get hot. It seems when I tighten the top screws on the left it starts to drag. Any ides?
  2. Check with BongoBob
  3. The only reason they make comments like that is they know NOTHING about how to repair a bike and are afraid or to lazy to learn. To ride the classic bikes you need to be willing to get your hands dirty once and awhile as more than one shop is staffed by "technicians" who can only plug a bike in and are lost when it comes to the classics. And by the way these bikes are Classics not old! You ride and hold your head high as you're amongst the finest! Welcome!
  4. I was riding a 58 Panhead down the 401 doing 70 and a BIG bee flew up into my helmet. I could feel him walking around up there trying to get set. Fortunately the bike had a lockable steering dampener and no return throttle. It just stayed wherever you put it. So off came the helmet and he stayed in my hair. Must of looked pretty silly going at that speed beating myself in the head. But I got him!!! Juicy critter he was! Has anyone tried carrying a can of instant freeze or other type of cold spray to shoot down your boots? The cold slows them down instantly. I'd be a little careful spraying down some places. However I would rather have a cold body section than have to hit up with an Epi Pen!
  5. Hi I need a carb body for a 84VR. Where would I post this request? Thanks
  6. Thanks Utadventure. On your recommend I just ordered the J&M 584 headsets.
  7. Does anyone know what size; grade etc.. the bolt is that goes through the engine/frame at the front top of the mount? Thanks
  8. I have read a number of posts discussing about how the light bars draw so much power etc.. Wouldn't LED's solve this issue? Am I correct that LED's draw far less power? I want to get the back of my bike noticeable to the 4-wheelers. Any suggestions? 1984 VR Anyone in Ontario Canada get a good deal on chroming?
  9. This is my personal opinion only. The car driver had no business using his car like a weapon to get even with the biker because he can lane split. At the same time the biker lacked common sense when he kicked the idiot's car. I have yet to see a bike win when it comes to a match-up of brute force and size. A bike arguing with a car is like taking a knife to a gun fight. The car driver should of had his ass whupped to the ninth degree and then charged with attempted vehicular assault. Not only for knocking the bike down but for then trying to ram the driver on the hood. The biker could of easily been seriously injured. My father once said (and he couldn't read or write) "Never hit a stupid man; because when he gets up he will still be stupid however you will look like a fool"!!!
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