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Posts posted by GolfVenture

  1. Ok, my 2013 year resolution. Yep, the goal to reduce my weight. After all the Holiday eating, I have surpassed my all time weight of 182 lb (year 2009) for my 68 inch height frame. My new all time high is 183 lb now, and I can’t get into most of my pants without sucking in my gut, and then it is still a real tight challenge. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, to be 163 lbs, or reduce my weight by 11%, in 5 month (By 1 June). An average of 4 lbs per month or 1 lb per week. Looking at it that way the goal seems very reachable.

    No special diet fad or a book, just my own personal process. This is my plan.

    1) No restriction as to what I consume just control the quantity.

    2) I will scale weight every morning and chart it in Excel.

    In most business, goals are tracked and weekly reviewed by presenting measurable metrics. When the chart rises it will discipline me to control the quantity.

    3) Retrain and control my mind on the feelings of hunger.

    Each time I experience hunger feelings in between meal times, I will verbally profess, “My body is converting stored fat into needed energy, and it feels Great!”.

    4) I will use my wife’s Elliptical twice a week for 30 minutes watching a movie. Once on weekend & on Wednesday for 30 minutes each.

    I should have been doing this 2 years ago after my open heart surgery anyway.

    You can help by bumping this thread and asking for my progress, and keeping me accountable.

    I will respond with a copy of my Excel chart.

  2. The 2 joints of my 4 fingers starting from my nails are flexing at about 95% :-). But the main knuckles are flexing at about 70%. I can make a fist, the finger tips almost touches the palm. It’s the main knuckle tendons and ligaments that are keeping me from pushing my nails into the palm to make a tight fist for a good grip. I hope to at least get the tips to touch the palm. I do not realistic think I'll be able to dig the nails into the palm. Great progress since the accident in June where I could move the fingers only about ¼ of an inch. And it pained to just look at it.

    The first joint of my thumb is at about 40%. I can take my thumb and touch the tip of both the index and middle finger and just barely the tip of the ring finger.

    I have my hand/wrist/arm in a wrist cpm machine. It bends my wrist back and forth.

    Moving the hand side to side needs a lot of work. It is hard to bend my wrist down in holding a golf club. Also in the golf grip the little pinky needs more work to put a firm grip on the rubber handle. But I plan on to getting back in the swing by March to reestablish my golf handicap. I was a 26 handicap back in May of 2012 before my open heart surgery, and have not played a ground of golf since, for later I had a hernia operation, then now the m/c accident. My handicap will probably go back to a 40 like I was when I started playing about 10 years ago.

    My hand grip can press about 30 lbs compared to my right hand of 85lbs. But strength can always be gained later. It is the range of motion that is time critical. The window of time is closing in on me. It has been 8 months since the accident with 2 surgeries in June & Oct.

    I will soon start strengthen therapy in my left arm and shoulder for my left wrist/hand is getting strong enough to hold a 5 lb dumb bell.

    As for another Venture, I still have my 89 VR with 26K miles and in great cosmetic and mechanical shape. It can be viewed on my profile photo gallery “From Vacaville CA to Buckley WA”. It ran good for a couple of years, but encountered carb issues in 2012. You might ask why I bought the 91 VR. Well I was looking for a parts bike for my 89 VR everyday on craigslist when I came across this 91 VR with only 6500 miles from the original owner. He rode it a little every year, and put new tires on a year ago. All I did was change all the fluids, grease all fittings, synced the carbs and it really purrs. Had I not encountered the carb issue in the 89 VR I would have sold it last spring. Never thought the 91 VR would become my parts bike. Pretty expensive parts bike.

    My 89 VR will look just like my 91 VR for I will move all surviving accessories from the 89 VR and add others from ebay. I just picked up a set of gray/black rear trunk arm rest from ebay for the 3 pouch bag with the back rest and the Butler modified seat survive and with a little leather cleaner looks like new. I really like the gray/back vinyl color over the brown color with the Burgundy plastic color scheme.

    I got a new helmet and surprisingly my boots survived. After a good clean and a shine the Left boots looks like new, not a scratch. The right got a gouge where the sole attaches to the main part of the shoe, mostly cosmetics, but I will see if I can find something to fill it, that can flex a bit an waterproof. Any ideas?

    I like my 2 piece Tour Master Transition Series 2 Jacket and pants, but I think I’ll go for the Tour Master 1 Piece. I got a slight upper butt road rash, I say slight for in 11 days it all healed up. I started my trip with the pants zipped to the jacket but at the 1st rest stop, I never zip it back on. Also they need to put a hook rather than a snap on the front of the pants. 1 Piece will take care of that. Plus I will upgrade to a Rev IT SLR Glove.

    My Wrist/Hand Surgeon is well known in the USA. He teaches and trains other surgeons. Been awarded many awards, writes books. He said that he has not seen a situation where every tendon & ligament from the wrist up were so traumatized. He said I’m making great progress.

    My main obstacle, is my wife. I want a new riding suit and gloves for my up coming birthday. My goal is to get back in the saddle by 19 June, the accident anniversary date.


    Goooooo. SeaHawks......

  3. In Panama, getting ready to ride over the Bridge of the Americas into Columbia.


    Tell all the folks on the VR forum that I am doing fine, taking lots of pictures, and keeping a daily running story-log on my laptop of what happens each day.


    I hope all is well with you, and that you continue to heal well.




    Gooo.... SeaHawks....

  4. And of the 5 losses each lost was 7 or less points.

    Lost to Arizona by 4

    Lost to St Louis by 6

    Lost to 49ers by 7

    Lost ro Detriot by 6

    Lost to Miami by 3.


    Had Hawks beat Miami the Hawks would have an 8 game winning streak.

    It is all about peaking at the right time.

    Getting both the Offense and Defense complementing each other.

    Seahawks are on the move.


    Go SeaHawks... Seiges the Moment...It Is Seattle's Destiny...

  5. Ya, I watched the entire game also. Glad to see some of the 2nd string players get some quality time in and still move and score.


    Hoping the Seahawks will peak at the right point and take it all the way.

  6. Sounds like your ready to ride to me. :happy65:


    Signed Dr. Bill



    I still need to build strength into my arm and shoulder to balance the bike when it begins to lean to the left. It has lost a lot of strength after 5 or 6 months of not much use. I'm hoping to be ready by next spring. Need to fix my carbs first and finish installing some accessories.


    Then I need to invest about $1000 into new riding gear. So far my insurance money was used to remodel the basement. Ever last cent. But I have a plan.

  7. Wife says probably not a M/C after my last trip. Was wondering if some of you Canadians would advise what some of the things one would do in and near Panorama BC.


    I do plan to golf some.


    Any Casinos near by?


    Any shopping near by for my wife.


    Any good places to eat out?


    Any recommendations appreciated.


    What fishing licenses cost for a US citizen?

  8. Brian, SeaFoam is NOT to be used for everything in life. I know that some people on here use it as syrup on their pancakes, and BigTom uses it as a topping for his ice cream. But...SeaFoam was really designed for use in the fuel system of a gasoline or diesel engine.


    Other than that...avoid it.


    BTW, how are the bones healing? How is your hand?


    Left Hand is progressing well. I can almost make a closed fist. Finger tips sill won't touch the palm. Thumb can stretch to touch the index and midddle finger but not the ring or pinky. Wrist is still quit tight. Still working on mobility and not much on strength. Strength can be worked anytime but the mobility window is closing in on me.

  9. So I'm guessing that the round push knobs broke off. I took the advise from this group a couple of years ago.


    Drilled out the broken end installed the ball stud with nut. Works great.


    Side Cover Push Connectors:

    OK, after double checking Russel's size of the ball stud it turns out to be 5/16"thread with a 10mm ball. It can be found at McMaster-Carr and is Sku#9512K73. It makes the best replacement I've seen, and it's because of Russ's diligent searching... Many Thanks..

  10. When I bought my PlasticX kit, it came with a few retangular pieces of heatable plastic sticks. You put the plastic sticks in boiling hot water. Take the plastic sticks out and then mold it over a good tab. Once cooled then remove the molded plastic stick, let it harden. Now pore the black PasticX powder into the mold then add the chemical and stir. Actually I put some powder in then chemical then stir then repeat until desired concinsisity. Then push the mold onto the broken tab and let it set over night. Hope this is clear as mud.


    The kit also comes with a small DVD. How to do instructions.

  11. On June 16 2012 I rode from Buckley Wa to Vacaville Ca (780 Miles). It took me 18 hours. My butt did not get sore or tired. What I did notice is that all my joints began to get stiff from lack of movement.


    Well worth the investment, and does not detrack from the looks of the VR for one can not see any part of the modification.

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