Okay, The bike has 28k on it and it's an '87 royale. Looks great. rebuilt carbs. But now the problem is the darn thing has left me stranded 3 times. I'm seeing voltage gauge running typical range (highest is 14v read on handheld meter) . However, after an hour of driving or so...fan running...etc. hot day...all of a sudden the voltmeter shows no charging (reading 12 v) no matter the rpm, immediate battery drain, fuel pump dies, and I roll into a shady spot to sit for awhile until the bike cools and I know i can start it without the fan coming on.
Once it starts, runs fine for some time then it does it again. On a 80 degree day it's not happening.
Stator checked out 55 vac across the board, and .7 ohms. when it's running good. Rectifier seems okay, but the manual really isn't clear on the test points.
After reading similar stories, (except for the intermittent part) I decided to replace the stator. And if it's not the problem, well, at least now it's something I won't have to worry about. And no, I haven't had the opportunity to run electrical checks when the bike died. which would have been more telling.
Now, I have checked and cleaned some grounds, but being an old car mechanic I also think that the main symptom of it only happening after bike gets hot and pulling heavier load with fan, tells me it could be stator wiring breaking down under load and heat, and not a bad ground, which I would think would be more of a consistent problem, and not typically heat related. I also checked continuity of pos / neg from rectifier to frame/battery and it's good.
Any suggestions on what else this could be?
I'm taking my license road test this friday, so I need to ge this this fixed NOW. LOL.