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Everything posted by Drreb

  1. Drreb


    Why when you shake nuts do they go in different directions?
  2. Drreb


    Why did you stay up all night because you were pondering the answer to this question? But why?
  3. Drreb


    WHATTTTTTTTTTT oh wait I mean Whyyyyyyyyyyy........
  4. Very sorry for your loss.
  5. Drreb


    Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't...but why is that true?
  6. Major Brain Freeze...
  7. Drreb


    Yea That^
  8. Well even though it's all your fault...forgiveness is important so this time I will forgive you because I still have a DQ nana nana:ice_thy-vi101212101 pu pu......
  9. Drreb


    Why Baby Why....
  10. Happy Birthday.
  11. Drreb


    Why all the discussion on crap? After all crap is simply crap...
  12. Wow that was a biggie announcement....:draming:zzzzzzzzzz...in any event congrats and you are now a official member of the "Old Farts" club..lol
  13. Happy Birthday to one of the nicest people I know who rides a Harley....lol Hope you have a great day Don.
  14. Drreb


    And you ask me why? Why not ask yourself why?
  15. Say What????????
  16. Drreb


    To be or not to be that is the question.....but "WHY" would I ask if I don't really care....
  17. Drreb


    why why why why WHYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....I just like saying why....
  18. Grass Itch..........
  19. Drreb


    All the why's and not one answer explains why we need to ask why...
  20. Don, Even though I have not made a MD event, whatever the difficulty might be, if prayer is needed then know that I have added you and your wife to my prayer list.
  21. Drreb


    Why=EMC2 to the fifth power which continues on to infinite......
  22. Very sorry for your loss.
  23. Dirt bag!
  24. No problems with 03. Great bike.
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