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Everything posted by Drreb

  1. We are in the politcial season, surveys abound...
  2. I don't understand is the contest over..if so not fair I did not get to guess....look's:rasberry: like Obama, Pelosis, and Hillary to me....just kidding!!Honest!!!!!!!
  3. Hope wellness and speedy recovery heads your way! Where does a 500lb gorilla sit everywhere he wants to.
  4. Sun hell he needs thick lense glasses he's almost blind.
  5. You know there are somethings you just should not tell in life and this might be one of those times....
  6. Thanks! Man that's a tough deal. But no helmet I'm sorry I never ride without a helmet. Not going to debate it but it might have helped in this case?
  7. Boy oh boy talk about sympathy pains I hurt just looking at the pics. Dang! Hope all goes well with the surgery.
  8. I'm Blind I'm Blind....
  9. If you could them running they might be some good.
  10. Very cheap advertisement for them. See you are telling everybody already for them. But it is a great warranty!
  11. NO THANKS! If I wanted a overdress Stratoliner I would buy a Stratoliner and dress it myself.
  12. Man that's tough. I have seen stuff fall off of trucks hauling many different things. A constant obstacle for bikers. The worst around here is when you get behind those trucks hauling pulp wood. They sling crap all over you!
  13. Harley makes a decent bike, but for the price difference I like what you get with the Venture. Differences are of course price, looks (I think the Venture looks better), power and smoothness (hands down to the Venture). Up keep (hands down to the Venture). And we got the chirping too remember! Lol But hey to each their on, buy the HD if that's what you want or go with the Venture. The one I would not waste my money on is that ugly cruiser, Victory Freedom cruiser. YUCK! I believe it's call a Freedom but looks like a low flying space ship.
  14. I had the same problem develop. My AIS is plugged and have Sampson slip on's on my exhaust. Hopefully syncing will help. But I found that the only thing that got rid of mine was cleaning the carbs. The gas we are getting down here has the 10% crap (forgot what they call it sorry but crap is a good name for it) in it which causes the problem. I use two products and will try to get the names posted on here by tomorrow. I tried Seafoam and it had no effect at all. The two products I'm using now have kept the problem at bay. Let you know about them tomorrow and maybe they might help you.
  15. I was just wondering how many bikers does it take to get a pair of those Boobs? LOL Great cause!
  16. You could still "stack and link" more stuff...
  17. Rather have the new 2011 Roush Mustang! Had a red Mustang Gt but traded for a new 2010 Ford F150 XLT Super Crew Cab with the 5.4 liter engine and all the whistles and bells. Love the sync system. It is Royal Red got tons of metal flake in the paint when the sun hits it awesome. Has the nice chrome wheels and twenty inch tires. Awesome ride! Love it.
  18. I'm impressed!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Very true have seen this quite often!
  20. Nice ride! A person needs to ride what a person wants to ride. Brand loyalty is one thing but if it's not what you want then you need to get what it is you want. I like my Venture but if I stopped liking it I would not hesitate to move on to what I wanted.
  21. Ok what he said^...whatever it is he said?
  22. GGGEEEEZZZZZ it suxs don't it...lol:confused07:
  23. I did not go anywhere but if I do I will let you know if I get home ok!
  24. They don't thus no egg to roll down the roof....LOL:whistling:
  25. Huh thought we were discussing chikins and eggs???
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