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Everything posted by Drreb

  1. Do I see lighting and hear thunder.......oh just kidding Congrats!
  2. My guess would also have been a bearing.
  3. Most of you first gen. riders are to old to pull a recoil starter..
  4. Well all I can say is "it's a dog's life".....LOL:rotf:
  5. I have them and love them, they are a little loud, but got a great sound at crusing speed.
  6. Check! If I had one that is...lol:178:
  7. Yep sure would. Both great bikes just be fun to ride something different for awhile. I'm not so caught up with Brand myself, I just like to ride.
  8. Down south we say "You touch my beer I will throw you in the ditch"
  9. That's a plus??????????????
  10. Holy Crap Batman......
  11. Drreb


    Goodm..........oh wait I need.......now where was I.........be right back..........
  12. Dang now there killing babies.....
  13. Time for some Dairy Queen....
  14. Carpenter ants would enjoy tasting that bike....munch:shock3:
  15. Someone hit them with the ugly stick for sure!
  16. No problem...no wife....
  17. Stock Harley made in India....
  18. Enjoy your turkey..don't let your turkey enjoy you!
  19. You looking for another blow out to get repaired...hope you recovery quickly!
  20. What joke????
  21. Wow, talk about major life changes.....
  22. Hope you had a Super Birthday if you didn't don't gripe at me...gripe at freebird!
  23. Man that's tough..sure hope things workout for you.
  24. That's easy for you to say....
  25. Good show. Sounds like you got the type of treatment I perdicted. They are good people at the VA.
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