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Everything posted by Drreb

  1. Wonderful news, God is good and right on time!
  2. Very sad news! I'm certainly sorry to hear of his loss. May God strengthen and watch over his family during this difficult time.
  3. I have moderate sleep apnea. Cannot use that torture machine. Tried and tried but cannot get use to the darn thing. My Dr. told me to not worry about it, because I am thin and it's moderate. Good luck.
  4. I have five grands but I'm younger than they are or at least more active all they know how to do is play with the smart phone playing games! Anyway congrats they are special love all five of mine! Looking forward to great grands.
  5. I also took the shot from the VA with zero side effects and thankfully no shingles!
  6. Go Dawgs!!!!!!!
  7. ​May Day May Day it's actually January Day Don. You all out of whack! Keep that white stuff up North we don't want it down here!
  8. Not mad just got white stuff all around and it's ok by me.
  9. So sorry to hear of your loss.
  10. I have heard that this is or possibly was a problem with Ride On and was told not to use it.
  11. Wow that was a real pain to watch almost put me to sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  12. Drreb


    All I can say about this bullet controversy is don't shoot your eye out....
  13. I love bowl games but have watch so many lately I am getting weary of them. Anyone else reaching their max yet?
  14. Well in a few days another year of our existence will pass and a brand new year will come. How will we respond to it matters most. Do we approach it with joy or do we grumble and grip the choice is ours. I can promise you not everything will be peaches and cream in the New Year but if we approach it with a positive attitude and a prayerful heart all thing will be accomplish in a positive way. To God be Glory Great things He has done!
  15. Christmas is the time to rejoice and forget all that commercial stuff. The reason to give is to bless someone else. But do it in moderation and certainly with in your means. God wants us to be good stewards over what he gives us and bless others because he bless us first.
  16. I do use drugs but it's the one the VA prescribes 19 different meds, a handful in the morning some more at noon and then another handful at night and then 2 more before I go to bed. My regiment day in and day out sux.
  17. ​I understand your plight well owned rental property also and went through much of the same situation. I lost a lot of money over people not paying rent and living rent free until I could get them out and oh boy the damage they left. Hopefully things will improve! Mine property is sold and don't want anymore rental property got enough grey hair.
  18. You good to go ride it like you stole it......
  19. As someone in Christian Counseling I would strongly advise you to tell someone in authority in the school system. Second your did the right step in placing your daughter in the hospital. Be careful though sometimes professional's use medication to quickly. This appears to be a case of bullying and your daughter made a mistake in responding the way she did. But it was a mistake. But it is clear this does not need to happen again. Prayers and thoughts for both of you!
  20. It's a secret sorry....
  21. Olds Cutlass early 80's
  22. Well seeing I have the progressive springs I guess I will go with them.
  23. Thank you for your help but I had already bought the Progressive Springs I thought they were the ones being recommended? Guess I should pay more attention. I have never removed the front forks so that's a no go for me. Guess I'll keep looking for the right answer.
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