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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. just hiding.
  2. like most things,it is what you make it. if your worried about information getting out than the web is not your friend especially sites that are public. i just use it to keep up with some distanced friends from other states and other countries. i try not to put or let things get on FB that i don't want anybody to see. if you don't like it than I'm thinking don't join or delete it if you can. just my two cents worth. o yea, IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i saw a naked pick up truck that my wifes drunk boyfriend was driving while passing a first gen.
  4. i'm in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. thats right, SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. hey guys,check out asheville 2012 post. i listened to all your tips, well most of them anyway!!!
  7. here it goes, i was on my way to the K.O.A. early today when i saw a first gen broke down in the center lane of the highway and turned around being careful not to draw a lot of attention do to the fact i had my wifes friend with me and now mine,when all of a sudden i heard a loud explosion and looked up and saw a pick up truck burst into flame while the bomb shell driver jumped out taking her clothes off that were on fire. let me catch my breath, than from out of no where a second gen pulled up and whisked the damsel away into the sunset.
  8. no doubt Skid, no doubt.
  9. cant view,it say error.
  10. well if i where in my big truck I'd tell you to get another pl-259 connector but being that I'm not,good luck.
  11. still praying for you guys. may the God of peace overshadow the entire family and strength them.
  12. be right back,busy out running a low flying helicopter. o. my bad that wasn't a helicopter that was a cloud. i love my second gen. lol:bluesbrother:
  13. i'm taking notes as i type. first or second gen,thats a good one. lol yes yammer dan i know brown sugar is the fastest,to pull off the road. he he ha ha
  14. still wet behind the ears,but i'll grow up one day.lol
  15. o my bad,sorry for that. LOL lets see if i can do better.
  16. don't tell freebird but here they are. i'm in the floor!!!!
  17. sorry but i'm no help, good luck.
  18. thanks for the info.
  19. i like it. my wife has ribbed me for 28 years so I'm almost seasoned. lol free prize at the end of the rainbow!!!
  20. what would be the best way to keep a thread active without being annoying?? alright I've got my helmet on and ready for battle, LOL
  21. me not paying attention? what where you thinking??? LOL I'm glad you made the young mans day,that would have been worth it to me.
  22. i love it when they have a dog with them!!!! i asked one one day where he found the cardboard and the marker at?? he just looked at me. i wont even look at them anymore.
  23. need a rough idea who wants to stay at the quality inn in oteen,NC? got a discount for the rate of $80.00 bucks a night wed through sat. didn't sound like a discount to me but do to the time of year it is, things are pretty busy and the weekend rates Fri and sat are usually higher and they said they would do $80.00 across the board. no one has to stay here but i do know i heard some talking back in 2010 and said it was pretty nice and a lot better accommodations than black mountain. heres there link. P.S. when the time comes to make a reservation you will need to call to get this rate,do not book via the INTERNET. tell them your with the venture riders group to get the discount. went to there web site and found two nights at $70.00 bucks and two nights at $90.00 bucks so theres no real discount.http://www.qualityinn.com/hotel-asheville-north_carolina-NC179?sid=xJMDJ.JPrb9gRaNg.8&sarea=407202&sname=Asheville%2C+NC%2C+US&sstate=NC&scountry=US&sradius=80.00&slat=35.59846&slon=-82.55314&schain=Q&exp=&scity=&sort=&type=&map=n&dateFormat=mm/dd/yy&arrivalDate=08/08/12&departureDate=08/12/12&srp=RACK&nroom=1&nadult1=2&nchild1=0&nadult2=&nchild2=&nadult3=&nchild3=&nadult4=&nchild4=&nadult5=&nchild5=&sstate_country=&listpos=1
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