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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. i also agree on the liner looking,well lets just leave it at that. but thats why they make more than one kind because everyone has different taste. good luck.
  2. bump,bump!!! just trying to keep this fresh as this is a great time of riding and hanging out.
  3. i like there web site, there all the same thing with different names but the same part number. lol
  4. almost forgot. in a car with four tires you might be alright to trust a thing as this but on a bike with just two tires I'm thinking i want to know for sure myself. just my honest opinion. and yes it's a pain to get on the ground and check the rear tire thats why i keep a thin sheet in the trunk to help me not get to dirty.
  5. seems that i read somewhere that there not to accurate and you have to worry about them leaking down. I've never used them so i don't personally know, good luck.
  6. what about the bear?????:rotf:
  7. what ashame after it went so well and for a great cause.http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/04/02/3143313/two-dead-in-motorcycle-wreck-at.html
  8. couldn't find what they charge to ship it. i did see that the f-4 19.5 is two inches taller than factory and wider where as the clear view is only one inch taller than factory and wider,i think three inches. clear view gets $39.95 to ship it to blk mt,NC which brings it to around $288.00 i think(tinted and with the vent). a little skeptical on the clear view however, i saw one take a hit on a saddle bag being drooped in a pull over and it didn't stand up at all to me. it had to be taken off so to get it home. i know these things weren't made to be indestructible but i sure did think it wasn't to strong at all. having said all this i guess i will have to ride down and see it for my self and make a decision than.
  9. This is a wide range of thoughts. Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  10. looks good to me. i thought a member sold the deka battery but not sure of the price. good luck on the shock replacement.
  11. o yea, and by the way I've got your grandpa!!! LOL
  12. here it is good luck http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68110
  13. someone just posted on this with pics the other day. I'll try to find it and post it here for ya.
  14. there ya go Lewis,hope all is well and hope to see ya at Steve's if i can make it and get his address.
  15. sounds alright to me but when i return to work don't know how active i could be.
  16. thank you for the info. i think your right about being able to pull in the VA members.
  17. boy,this is a tough crowd. no worries though i will continue to try to put together meet and eats and such. i know that everybody has busy schedules and all but I'm not looking for blood or anything just some input. i know Freebird, but I'm not getting testy this time just trying to get some info. guess being out of work has given me to much time on my hands. wow thats one of my favorite songs. is anybody planning to do thunder in the smokies this year? the dates are may 4th - 6th.
  18. for what its worth,I've never rode one but did sit on one when they first came out and they changes the pitch of the gas tank and the seat when they went from the old 1500 & 1600 platform and the new 1700 platform just wasn't comfortable for me. I'm 6'1" dress out at 273 lbs and the seat pinched my boys pretty badly,however i did like the bike over all just didn't think i could handle the pressure. as far as the wing (sorry ECK) theres just no leg room for me. when i test drove one my legs were straight up and down,no room to straighten them out unless on the high way pegs. good luck.
  19. hey yammerdan, just don't die looking for a corner to pee in if the room is round. LOL hey Steve,gonna take another look at this thing. i might be able to come it just depends on the weather and if i get a riding partner. in my health condition it would be better for me if i can get one. will let you know by Fri evening i hope. good luck and be safe.
  20. i thought it said that it happened in Cody,wy and not at any maint day. i agree with freebird about over thinking it. I've never met David or Kathy but I'm sure they will be fine and all will work out. will still keep them in my prayers and thoughts.
  21. i'm not touching this one.:bowdown:
  22. ?????? !!!!!! hope all is well.
  23. best i can remember the 06 were famous for bad fuel pumps which is no big deal. i bought one at napa for 39 or 49 bucks and watched akrefuge put it on, i mean helped.
  24. WHOEVER thought your comment was rude or out of line needs to take more medication cause its not working to good. i thought you cleared it up on the next line but ya know some people would gripe if you hung them with a new rope. I'll kick back and wait for the messages to roll in. P.S. i have plenty of wine to go with that cheese. LOL this stands for LAUGH OUT LOUDLY!!
  25. a little boxier but I'm sure when the paint matches it wont be as noticeable. I'll give ya three stars for your marksmanship.
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