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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. new rear tire with about 800 miles on it. please look at pics. don't think it went straight in, i think it just caught the edge. with the luck i had last time with a nail( none at all) i will listen to sound advice on this one. i pulled the nail out without any air leakage. is there anything to do or just ride it. just don't want to loose another one at 82 mph with two up. the pic with the nail and paper is how far it went in.
  2. he's to cheap!!
  3. T.M.I. :rotf::rotf:
  4. Oil Filters: BrandPart NumberHome PageBaldwinB1400www.baldwinfilter.comFramPH6017Awww.fram.comNapa Gold#1358www.napaonline.comPerf-formPFJ503www.perf-form.comK & N303 (303C)http://www.knfilters.com/oilfilter.htmWIX51358www.wixfilters.comYamaha3FV-13440-00-00 heres a few options i borrowed from another place. he he
  5. if it weren't for this site I'd of never met the love of my life!! don't worry ECK i wont mention your name.:rotf::rotf::173::twing:
  6. F.Y.I. i bought my j&m head set from a lovely member here and had him send it to me and when i got it ,i looked at it and figured I'd cut off my hand with a exacto knife so i took it to a local shop were I've spent a lot of money and drooped it off. picked it up the next day at NO CHARGE!!!! hopefully this will help.
  7. best 12 bucks EVER !!!!!!!!!
  8. look forward to meeting you Kevin, ride safe.
  9. super good guy.
  10. I hear ya. Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
  11. when did you start listing to the warden???:rotf:
  12. great news!!! i talked to Mike Jones yesterday the owner of blue ridge riders, http://www.blueridgeriders.com/ and he said he would have a bikers appreciation day for us and grill some food . he owns a small shop but carries a few items such as helmets,riding gear, sunglasses,luggage etc. check out his web site.
  13. Bring brown sugar, I got the cherry to go on top. Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
  14. always!!!! this time i'll take it out of second. lol
  15. happy b-day aussie annie!!!! remember, no rules just right.
  16. just checked the radio and it seemed to work properly but will check it in the morning and see how it goes. fat hand and headlights don't go well together.
  17. well i got it torn down and all looked well but when moving the wire with the blue tape on it i got it to crackle a little bit. figured i may as well do the head light while I've got it apart. now i know why people say get the spacer for the road lights. i took pictures and will post later on.
  18. one more thing i forgot. i all so have to turn down my Mic volume on the intercom,if not i can hear the wind roaring in it and i never had that issue before. so i had to turn the intercom all the way down. wish me luck.
  19. thanks Brain and Walter for the tips, i will tackle this this afternoon and hopefully be able to post in the morning on my progress.
  20. Thanks andy, im lighting some candales and incence just in case. Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  21. different strokes for different folks but i know to many people that have had trouble out of these times shares and the RCA is a complete rip off. you'll hear well your time share is in the red zone and this one is in the blue zone but if you'll pay Little etc etc etc it goes. just my two cents Worth but as Jannie said RUN FOREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. well i have a 06 and lately it works fine in the warm part of the day but in the cool of the morning or night i loose control of it totally and the screen fades in and out than stops playing music(in FM setting) and the next day when its warm it works like a new one. i guess I'll be taking apart the front fairing and putting the grease into the connections and hoping this will take care of the problem. i just don't understand why the cold weather affects it, and yes i checked the battery and it was fine according to napas tester. i think it showed 380 or 430 cranking amps and i think 13.2 on the volts.
  23. some great suggestions here, i will have to check them out. thanks all.
  24. Sure does. Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
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