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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. welcome to my world!!! things are just rough now for a lot of people and i know it's for a good cause but people are down on all these help projects,example united way and so on that have seem to get a little dark news about them. haven't checked out st Jude's nor am i saying that there not good just a lot of people are not going for that sort of thing. i think people want to help with things that they can see a little closer or have more contact with,locally if you will. good luck with your efforts!! i just put $2885.00 into my pick up and if i wouldn't have borrowed it from my 401-k i would be out of luck. i know Dave Ramsey says never do it but when it comes down to being able to get to work you do what you have to do. i guess no light upgrade,brake upgrade or other things i had planed for the little lady. i just thank God i could fix it. i know now i wont be able to go to frrebirds this year either but it is what it is.
  2. this can be a very useful tool when used properly. i know that things change and can't be helped but it sure would make it easier if it was used more. i don't think anyones asking for blood just a little help. i know when your trying to cater a meal it makes it nice if you have a rough idea of how many people to look for,I'm just saying. have a blessed day.
  3. can't wait to see ya'll again!!!:bighug:
  4. hey Randy,you still alive???
  5. i sent a pm. sorry to hold up the group but i have to work for a living and bumping 70 hrs and have to work tomorrow. hope you get my pm. i'll try to find you on pay-pal and take care of it.
  6. got ya covered. prayers on there way my friend. hope all works out for you and try not to feel guilty.
  7. no problem friend,take care. glad ya;ll made it safe.
  8. mike jones at blue ridge riders is the best however for a tire i believe mr will be the best choice. 828-277-3980 ext 400
  9. cant wait to meet new friends and see old ones!!!:bighug:
  10. glad no one went, it was a bust again!!! if you just want a weekend off to do a little riding not bad, but to go with the mind set its a rally, no way. y'all ride safe.
  11. thanks boss man.:bighug:
  12. i would like 2 of the 3 1/2, 2 of the 5 3/4, 2 of the 7 and one 14.
  13. if I'm being a pain in the a#%,please let me know!! looks like its going to be a small turn out. still need some help here please. hell i take a shower every night.
  14. i calculate not, what a tough crowd. i know freebird, i shouldn't get so testy.
  15. that time of year again for thunder in the smokies,this weekend at Maggie valley. was wondering if anybody was planing to go???
  16. bumping it to the top,only about three months to go to Asheville 2012!!!!! just wondering where all the people are that said they were insisted,not many signed up on the calender yet and no response on the t-shirt thing so i guess I'll take that as no instance which is cool. plan on taking three days off of work to see everyone if they show up. not trying to be pushy here just trying to get a rough count. still trying to get a better deal at the motel however if know more sign up there will be no use to do so. sure could use some help here and some free plugs from other members. thanks
  17. sweet, might have to take you up on that.
  18. hadn't made it to the shop yet, i was thinking of tubing it but than thought if i get another nail in it on the road i won't be able to patch it.
  19. just let me ride it a day and i promise you,that you will pull out three nails and need a new tire!!!
  20. I'll tell you what Joe, i don't believe ya so I'll bring mine down and see if you can duplicate it. LOL let me know how it rides.
  21. thought i ordered some but cant find the thread. maybe i'm dreaming again.
  22. good luck with that. make sure all the connections are good and tight and zipped tied down than make sure all is clear when put back together. if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer!!!!
  23. wow!! thanks for all the info. sorry to hear about your tire going down on you Dave77459 and hope you get better soon. and yes ECK i do have a problem with the reamer thing. i think i did all the step's except maybe the 180 turn but i did go right out and ride it,well it sat for three days and than i rode it. i got alot of good advice here and i thank all for chiming in and giving me your opinion. almost decided to go with new tire and than went back on my computer and blew the pictures up and it appears that the nail was heading in sideways so after much debate i think i will ride it down to the shop and let them put a inside patch over the area that it may have weakened. thanks for all your help and input.
  24. just found out that i have got rls. Dr put me on mirapex or the generic is pramipexole. I've been out of work for eight weeks due to having problems staying awake which is huge for me being that i drive a 18 wheeler. i had over 900 leg movements in a eight hour sleep steady and 53 of them woke me up. the wife says there better but still moving some. hope this helps.
  25. well it didn't go all the way in and the last time i used a rope type plug it spit it out after about 50 minutes at 82 mph. hey Joe,i hear ya just wondering maybe about doing a plug patch on it, i hate to have to get a tire but if i do it will be awhile before i can get it. just went back to work Monday.
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