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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. cant wait until next sat to taste the food and see some buds,looking forward for a great time. the vibration was just the rear tire cupping. c- ya'll there.
  2. prayers from black mountain.
  3. i am so sorry randy if i caused any problem for you but others said they had know problem so who knows,call me or im me and i will put them on a disk and mail it to you.p.s you might want to open them somewhere other than work or at home,like maybe at yammer house, just kidding first gen. the blue ghost is dead he he
  4. sorry for the miss spell sylwoody
  5. whats up slywoody? hope you and your are doing well.
  6. good deal yammer,sorry randy and ridderduke dont know what could of happened.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/mark.s.hopey?v=app_2392950137#!/photo.php?fbid=1276420470523&set=a.1276418270468.2037341.1230313121
  8. wronghttp://www.facebook.com/mark.s.hopey?v=app_2392950137#!/photo.php?fbid=1276420470523&set=a.1276418270468.2037341.1230313121
  9. thanks minimuffin,were gonna try to make it to lexington if i can take care of the vibration.
  10. i still did it the wrong way.someone please tell me how to do it the right way, thanks
  11. here goes nothing http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y107/warrior703/koa%20at%20asheville%202010/
  12. your killing me yammer. second gen must be to fast for web site!
  13. sorry it took so long for me to post but i'm a little slow,just me yammer not my second gen!! o by the way skid mary lost all of her pics. hope the link works, if not someone will have to walk me through it.i'm trying to post it from my photobucket account.
  14. thanks freebird,will do
  15. no its in a straight line.
  16. yea me to but i go to another part of it where it says new post but not foe me i guess. maybe i'm just stupid or it dosent like me. both i'd say
  17. thanks yammer but it still out runs first gen with no wheels on it,ha ha. back tire is cupping a little but ran fine on way to station and than i made a real wide left turn like a u turn and thats when it started the vibration.
  18. can anyone tell me why i still cant post anything on vr tech??? it says i'm not auth to post,why
  19. thanks for the input,i dont think it will fall off either just wondering if theres maybe something else going on.i guess i need to let someelse drive it ,o say like muffinman or ridderduke. thanks
  20. i know i need a steering head barron,had it tighten up took care of some of the prob.just hooked up my stelel horn and took it to gas up for the ride tomorrow (cops for kids) and in first gear at very low speed .almost at idle there is a vibration you can feel but when you speed up it goes away. will this thing be safe for ride tomorrow cause its for a realy good cause.
  21. congrats skid!! try and pace yourself:bluesbrother:
  22. nice pics mini muffin,wish i didnt have the motel paid for at maggie valley,looks like ya'll had better weather than us. hope to see ya'll at the bbq at lexington
  23. thanks,have the relay with the stebel,got the plug and play wiring harness. read in the service manual on pg 22 &23 it looks like the t fasten the horn leads and the negative battery lead with the holder. after i check this out i will check for 12 volts like you said. i know the other horn is working off the switch so i dont know if its possable for half to work or not,thanks for the info,back out to the garage.
  24. so heres the deal.i finaly bought a stebel horn to replace the factory horn on right side so people can hear it. the factory horn(lower right)didnt work but the front one dose.must be a bad connection either in the switch or in line somewhere because the stebel horn dosent work either. i did hook the new horn up straight wire to make sure it works and it dose. cant hear a damn thing now but o well. dose anyone have any thoughts on this problem?
  25. great news. i might have to run the cherry bomber over to you and get it back into shape, good shape that is. hope to see you at the bbq in lexington
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