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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. happy turkey day to all of you and have a merry christas.dont care for happy hoiladays be proud and scream MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. dont eat to much yammer dan,and why are you laughing skid?i'm watching you also.
  2. thanks avon it is
  3. thanks for the info. i guess its like ford or chevrolet good and bad in all.
  4. i've heard good things on both the claerview and the tulsa windshields. i have a cut down version of the show chrome i think. just do some research
  5. also triple a is a hell of a good idea.i did like the mention of the venture rider help in the area you plan on riding in. i may ad some emergency flares,and some kind of protection just in case god forbid. i just had a flat and sat on the side of the road for 3 1/2 hrs when know one stoped and had my wife with me,i'm not scared but you never know anymore!!!!
  6. based on where i live i do alot more twisties than anything, although i realize on the interstate in windy conditions i get beat around more than i'm use to.
  7. i have noticed with the avon,in order to get the venom for the front i have to go with factory size when i perfer the 130/90 15 but it comes in the cheaper marathon,whats up with that?
  8. how are you liking them skid? handleing,wear etc?
  9. yammer dan thank for keeping me in your mirrors but i'm kinda getting tired of laping you!! skid,help him out.pour some brown sugar on me in the name of love.
  10. thanks for all the input. since v-gooze seems to have tested alot of tires according to other post i've read, think i will go with his reccomendation of the avon venom and hope this dealer can balance them,if not i'll just lean to one side.
  11. thanks yammer dan,i noticed thats what sleeperhawk rides on.
  12. fixing to buy some and i've heard alot of you say dont go back with the met go with the avon vennom. my local dealer said that he's had trobule getting the avon to balance,has anybody run into this problem? according to the laod limt u think that the met had the highest but may not be good for thr rsv.
  13. good one skid!! you have to also remember that yammer dan is still lost in the 50's lol i just bought some star rear floarboards for 80.00 plus 25.00 shipping for a total of 105.00 true one of them has bubbles on it but still look good for the price. new they list for 219.00 or a little more. trying to chrome it up skid
  14. will be praying for you bob from black mountain,nc if you can believe, all things are possable!! gods speed
  15. yes he dose,hang in their yammer dan,one day
  16. hey i won the rear floor boards for 80.00 not bad. theirs some bubbles on one of them but i can live with that for the money.
  17. thanks bro i feel the love.lol
  18. well at least i'm not by myself
  19. i still want my covers!! LO L c-me later:bluesbrother:
  20. bet he was glad you told the officer what you saw.
  21. p.s. you dont wont the floor boards their junk!! LOL
  22. ronherny4 had a bunch of parts listed one of them being milled carb covers which i wouldnt buy last night,now i hate myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o well easy come easy go next time i wont delay. nice rad cover,rear brake res cover,led tail light etc. ebay has rear foor boards for bid 80 dollars and i think list is about 219.00 to 265.00 but one has bubbles.think i'll go for them
  23. always,unless when i turn them off before i kill the motor to restart for less drain than no but when i dont forget, always.
  24. great pics bobbie but i didnt see any of us, o thats right my stupid tire went out, glad ya'll had a good time and thanks for making sure we're alright. next time i'll do a little better planing and and pluging
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