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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. if you try leaving us you will be swimming with the fishes!!!LOL good luck with new toy.
  2. whats the big dirrerance in running the factory type bias tire vs going with a radial?? i noticed the dun e-3 offers it in both but dont know about the avon.
  3. if it checks out its a great deal,just dont do like i did and thought i checked it out, take your time and ride it in different terain and than realy take your time and go over it with a fine tooth comb,again not like i did. good luck.
  4. thanks for the info tom,now i'm gonna have to slaughter a hog to get that image out of my head!!! LOL
  5. i guess i missed something by not getting on here as much as i should,what happened to blackjack? sorry for the dumb question.
  6. our prayers are with you and your family,may the peace of god over shadow you and yours and give you streangth to carry on. gods speed
  7. p.s. yammer dan, if you would stop trying to keep up with the second gens you could keep a back tire on it. he he ha ha:bluesbrother:
  8. great topic,now i dont know weather to punt or pass!!i have second gen and fixing to replace my tires also. i run the smaller tire on front seems to handle better at low speeds and twisties and i noticed that the smaller size had a higher weight limit????? dont know if that matters but thinking about the avon vipper.i guess the second gen came with bais ply. what the diff in the radial?
  9. talk about being blessed,wow they both owe the big guy upstairs alot of thanks!!!
  10. somebody make the voices stop,please!!! whos on first o never mind----i'm like you yammer its med time!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. my best pic is in the gaurage.of course secong gen rules in the snow,rain,fog,sun etc!!!! happy new year
  12. we dont get caught up in the comercial part of it which is all good, i'm glad to hear that people had a great time and got some cool preasents. as far as mine went it was the worst one on record but hey life is still good and god is still god, just cant figure out my oldest,o well everybody have a great new year!!!!!!
  13. welcome aboard and if you have any questions someone here has two or three answers,good luck
  14. dont hurt your back yammer dan,you might need to ride that old first gen one more time!!
  15. word up
  16. good one.that will bring a tear to a glass eye!
  17. no problem,i have my inturpter on the way. LOL
  18. got my mugs yesterday on friday,thanks boss man,i still want my carb covers!! LOL
  19. good one,my kind of people.
  20. happy turkey day to all of you and have a merry christas.dont care for happy hoiladays be proud and scream MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. dont eat to much yammer dan,and why are you laughing skid?i'm watching you also.
  21. thanks avon it is
  22. thanks for the info. i guess its like ford or chevrolet good and bad in all.
  23. i've heard good things on both the claerview and the tulsa windshields. i have a cut down version of the show chrome i think. just do some research
  24. also triple a is a hell of a good idea.i did like the mention of the venture rider help in the area you plan on riding in. i may ad some emergency flares,and some kind of protection just in case god forbid. i just had a flat and sat on the side of the road for 3 1/2 hrs when know one stoped and had my wife with me,i'm not scared but you never know anymore!!!!
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