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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. what was i thinking???? thanks for the info super star,stud muffin,unstopable biker dude.lol:rotf::rotf:
  2. i mean silvrt
  3. thanks silver-t
  4. when you order these do you need the lower cord also or not?i have nothing on my bike but the factory plug.
  5. thanks for the info. i am on their web site now and will check them out. :-)
  6. what a shame!!
  7. yep,great bunch of people here and know matter what bike i ride i will also be staying here as well. p.s. plus i still have to go to freebirds to get my carb covers!!! LOL
  8. did you get the hs-bcd279-ff or the hs-ecd629-ff-ho? i priced them at sierra for 159.99 and 219.99 with the lower cord 22.99 and 59.99. hcdc and hc-2c.
  9. wish i could help,i have the 4-2-4 nastys and love the way mine sound and perform but i think my baffels are out. good luck with that. when i crack my throttle the bike lunges forward and i've been told by alot of others here that heard it in asheville last year that they thought it had a great sound to it,maybe i just finaly got lucky.
  10. which ones did you go with? j&m or what?
  11. thanks for the info.she, thats right she told me even though they could give me a date on the tire theres no way to say what tire i'll be recieving so theres realy no point in telling me the date on the tire their looking at, however if thats the dates than its to old for me.i did go to avons web site to check out how to figure out the numbers on the tire and your right those numbers didn't ad up to me either,thanks.
  12. price of tire was 130.99 now i will try southwest moto and see what they have,their price is 142.95. my local dealer wants 162.00.
  13. here's a question i dont think i've read and if so please forgive me or you can thump my head in june at maint day.called jake wilson before i ordered my 150/90-15(80h)avon venom am42 rear black wall tire to get date off of tire and they told me its from20 09 09 which i figure is sept-09 2009 which puts it at being a year and a half old already,didnt ask if it was a controled temp warehouse but what is the oldest tire (date) i should consider????
  14. wow!!!!!!!! some great pics!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing.
  15. would realy love to make it this year just cant take two weeks off in a row to do it. its 1894 miles from black mountain,nc to cody,wa. just a little to much for me to bite off at the time. but thaks for the show.
  16. not posstive but it sounds to me like you got a head light modulator which some like and others dont. i was thinking about getting one myself. it just flashes your headlight so many times a minute. check your state law concering the acseptable amount of times aloud.if i can find the link i'll post it so you can check out your state law.
  17. sweet little video and great song!!!!!!
  18. sounds like poor yammer dan is off his meds again!!! we love yammer dan and when you grow up and be a good little boy than you may play with us second gens. we'll stay in third gear so you can keep up. he he ha ha.
  19. welcome aboard. as you have already found out these guys know more about the bike than yamaha and have alot of great resourses and besides that, you will meet alot of great people and make new friend,i know i have. when i joined it was like i was a member all of my life,they took me right in and treated me like family. the fact of the matter is that we are family and will do anything that we can for one another.look forward to meeting you at a get together. c-me later
  20. they were a couple of good ones but over alll they sucked,you just exspect alot better than what they did,maybe someone forgot to tell them this was the super bowl.
  21. what half time show,i didnt see one, i saw something but dont quite know what it was. although some of the lights were pretty i thought it sucked out loud!!!!!! i guess the sound person can use this as a spring board to launch them into the future.lol
  22. breathe in,breath out,100 times!! lol c-ya at hundred time/:bluesbrother:
  23. thanks for the info on the tires and price.
  24. thanks for the info
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