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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. thanks for the reply,i was wondering if i stank or what the h-l-,i seem to not get many replys to my stuff,once againg thanks,in that short distance my frot went up 2 1/2 pounds and the rear 4 pounds.i put them to ,the front 40 1/2 and the rear to 51.
  2. after talking to some members yesterday i got some answers but forgot one question so here it goes. check my pressure before riding and the front is 36 and the rear was 44.5,my question is if i drive 2.7 miles to the station(outside temp is 75)and recheck them and i want my front at 38 and rear at 48 do i just ad the differance (say front i need to ad two pounds)from the temp at the station example the front temp went up to 37..5 do i make it read 39.5 which will be ading the org two pounds or not. guess i could of wordrd it a bit easyier.
  3. i'm comming and will try to buy tickets and such later today or tomorrow.
  4. sorry to hear that joe.
  5. glad you were on your AAA game.be safe.
  6. SWEET!!!!! glad to hear itmya'll have a safe ride back home.
  7. dont know how much they are but i'd like 2 of the 5 3/4 and 1 of the 7
  8. glad he didnt hit you joe,i'd hated to ride over there just to shoot him.
  9. sorry yammer,had mine removed years ago with no problems. mine wasnt even working so i guess it didnt matter what i ate,of course mine didnt come back up but rather straight out the bottom. i know TMI.good luck
  10. well said boss man!!!!keep up the good work.
  11. they paided for something,i know some tanker yankers and they have told me the same thing about branded and none branded gas.its like fat free and other things we buy.look into the crystal ball and all is well.
  12. thats right,wow!!! you go first gen. to much for me.
  13. ya just never know do you???my heart goes out to the family and the pick up driver that has to live with that horriable image the reast of his life.lord please help us all and over shadow us with your grace,amen and thanks.
  14. no problem rooster,i dont think your gonna miss much espically with the forecast. good luck with the vets.
  15. i'm not as savey as some but i've been running the 10% and haven't had any problem out of my 06.good luck.
  16. good question,i dont think you can.people are so busy thinking about everything else they forget their driving!!!!!!!
  17. if someone dosent like it than they shouldn't pray but as for me and my house we will be praying for the family and your hubby!!!! o yea and the person that dosen't think it appropiate.
  18. went yesterday and had a ball riding the raider,r-6 and the v-max and the spider which i wasn't crazy about but that v-max is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! didn't look like like it was gonna be a good show.low turn out buy the vendors and manufact but maybe it will get better. gonna try to go to the j&s caff right before the agg center around 8:00 and eat breakfest and than sign in at 9:00 and the rides leave at 10:00. hope the weather holds out,there calling for 60% chance of rain but i'm hopeing it waits til later.the price is five bucks for daily and 10 for the whole weekend.
  19. welcome aboard!!!!!!!keep your hand inside the vehicle at all times and enjoy the ride.LOL
  20. f.y.i. to any of you that live in nc. i'm gonna be leaving thursday morning(june 2nd) at about 6:00am and should be hiting interstate 77 at about 7:15-7:30 so if anybody would like to meet up just let me know,looks like momma will be missing this one.talked to one member that was gonna go to charleston and than finish fri morning but i will need to do the whole trip thursday straight shot.would love some company.
  21. http://www.olympiamotosports.com/airglide/airglide.htm i have the olympia mj149z neon yellow mesh and it not only works as a nice riding jacket it also helps people to see me which is a good thing. i know its a little loud for some but i need all the help i can get.mine is the old style with a quilted linner which acts as a rain linner but a little warm on a summers rain but the new ones have a quilted linner for cool days and a seperate rain linner.the pads are nice and fairly easy to take out and wash. still a little warm for my liking on a hot summer day but i like the vis it gives me. i'm think of getting another riding jacket thats cooler.
  22. i try to all the time,i don't like surprizes on the bike plus i think if you pay atttencion to what gear your in it helps your driving abilatiy such as not lugging it or down shifting when you dont need to especially on wet roads,good way to go down.so yes i always do however sometimes i forget,-----what were we talking about??o yea keep your head in the game.
  23. i dont care who you are thats funny right there.
  24. hey everyone,lets not forget about these meet and eat in,nc. this month may 28 @11:30 in greensboro the info is on the calander and next one is in asheville june 18, again the info is on the calander,i did see where someone signed up for greensboro which is great,see ya'll soon.still open for suggestions to get this thing up and running other than time.
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