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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. wow!!! i feel like i need some water too and take a brake.g;ad ya finaly got it switched out.
  2. a lot of miles for a day,just drink pleanty of fluid and keep alert. ride safe
  3. checked mine yesterday and it works just fine,just ride. i use to say go or blow,of course i'm a chevy man so
  4. thats good advice,ride safe.
  5. ok,yesterdays ride was one up and 95% of the time i ride two up. so after today ride with momma and raising the front tire air pressure to 41psi rear tire 48psi the rear shock to 33 1/2 psi,the forks to 5psi and a little taller windshield and what a different bike it is today. of course i changed so many things around i don't know which one helped,may all of them put together.
  6. a lot lighter and more nemble threw the turns but its air cooled,a lot hoter and the v-twin will shake you a lot. i was thinking of going back to the v-twin but after a demo ride i'll just keep the smooth v-4 and enjoy the road.the 1700s a good bike but a total differnt beast than the venture or the tour delux.
  7. wow!!! sweet looking ride.
  8. i had to cancel but i'm sure somebody will,of course i'm having trouble just seting my air in the forks so count me out. P.S. i'm not afraid of work,i can lay right next to it and fall a sleep!!! LOL:bluesbrother:
  9. o and by the way sleeperhawk the side wall read 42 psi cold.now i got 40 psi in them and might go to 41 psi in the morning and see how it rides at that pressure.
  10. believe it or not it didnt have a wobble and i know no one will believe it but i couldn't hardly tell any differance at all. i thought it would have road like a different bike,the most i could tell it didn't seem to blow around as bad ont the interstate and the front end didn't seem as light.i droped it to o psi like v7goose suggesest and road down to 1roosters house and used his pump and put 5 pounds in each fork and 33 1/2 in the rear shock.go figure,guess i'm just crazy or to numb to feel the differance.
  11. thanks v7goose,i will do that right now.hope i didn't hurt anything in the forks. guess thats what i get for being a slacker.checked with my tire gauge but will go get one of those pumps today or tomorrow.which kind is perferred,i know harley has one of just get a bicycle one?
  12. thanks, i guess i need to lower them to 7 psi. i just rode it for about an hour,maybe i need to check them cool. just dont want to hurt them but i guess i've had it a year and no harm so who knows.
  13. i guess i'm doing something wrong or not understanding something.i just checked the air in the forks i think(pictures below)and the right one read 40 psi and the left one read 16psi, i thought it was only 7 psi max.what the h_l_ am i thinking or doing. HELP!!!! P.S. i ride a 06 second gen.
  14. thanks flyinfool i will do that,i usually just check the cold pressure but i will try both,thanks for the imput.
  15. thanks for the info jimbob5. cmike thats why i didn't go with the elite 3 and chose the avon,hopefuly they wont crack.good luck
  16. thats what happen to me with those metzelers,so now i have a avon on the rear at 48 psi and fixing to put a new avon on the front,the 130/90. hope is dose better,i will run 42psi in it.the front tire is cuped fairly bad now so i'm trying to figure out to try to get more out of it or go ahesd and replace it now.heres a couple of pics but you can't see it to good.
  17. has anybody tried this mini air pump??just wondering how it messured up against the slime pump.http://www.stopngo.com/products/Mini%252dAir-Compressor-%252d-for-Motorcycles%2C-Scooters%2C-%26-ATV%27s-only.html
  18. cool,thanks for the info.
  19. morning sleeperhawk,right now i still have that old metzler that is cuped bad do to what i think is low air pressure but i'm fixing to put the avon on the front like i just put on the rear.i try to run 47 or 48 in the rear i will run 42 in front when i get the new tire. i was wondering on uping the met to that and see how it works. it was cupping on the outside of the tire but noticed yesterday that the center is now cupping and i can feel it a lower speeds but the tire still has decent tread. what do think i should do, replace the met now or try to get more milage out of it? i'll try to take a pic in a minute and post it.
  20. thanks for the link mike g.i plan on buying one of those plus a regular one for my shop just dont know which style to go with,oil or non oil. thanks for the info
  21. glad he made it back in one piece.
  22. sun shine on it's way!!!!!! your welcome.lol
  23. thanks for the info. i use the same gauge all the time,it's a digatal one i bought somewhere. i figure if its wrong its wrong the same amount all the time.gonna get a new front avon in the near future and hopefuly will balance everythng out.
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