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Posts posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. has anyone tried putting other tips on the nasty boys other than the barron brand? like to try to find some a little cheaper although they have marked them down a little.i believe the diameter is 2 1/4" outside and 2.06-2.16 inner and needs at least one inch to insert inside.

  2. bring it old man!!! i guess i'll have to hit thrid gear this time. lol hope to see you in vogel,ride safe. and as far as the cpap goes____ wait a minute,what was i saying???? gonna have to work on it,it must have first gen parts i'll have to update it to second gen.

  3. sorry to hear about your friend flyinfool but sure seems like the people he was riding with were not his friends and he paid the price for it unfortanently.anybody that tries to push someone beyond there skill is an idiot and should not be riding. it is a shame however that personal apperance means so much to some people that they would not wear there helment or riding gear just to fit in. guess thats why i'm a loner most of the time,just never fit in most groups and refused to change myself to fit in. the good news is i fit in here so i'm happy,well most of the time.:bluesbrother:

  4. i also am guilty of not wearing my riding gear all the time which is crazy after seeing my youngest son go down behind me on hwy 9. he had his jacket,gloves and helment on but just jeans and tennis shoes . guess were his damnage came from??? thats right,his knees and the top of his feet. if he would have had on his boots and riding pants he would have been fine. it is hotter than the third circle of hell out there but i guess i could stand to sweat a little bit and loose weight. just dont want to get to hot were i pass out and than wreck the bike and get killed but damn it i had on my gear. i think like anything else you have to use your head for something other than putting a helment on it. drink pleanty of fluids and take breaks more often. i wear mesh which i've read on here is the wrong thing to do because the wind dries you out and makes you hotter. all i know is one time i got so hot i thought i was gonna pass out and took the gear off,drank some water and road on and was fine so i dont know about the wind heating you up.:bluesbrother:

  5. pretty broad statement concering fuel milage,to me way to many factors to try to throw a blanket statement on it. i guess the 37 mpg is close but you'll find 15 other people tell you why you should be getting more and 12 saying they wish they got that much so carry on good sir.i'm sure there will be a flip chart and a spread sheet on this by dinner time, or is it super time?? see what i mean. guess i;m just boared today.:bluesbrother:

  6. glad to hear you didn't have to shoot it out with that crazy truck driver,wow!!! i've found going up hwy 80 is alot better than going down it. might go up to little swit today to cool down some.glad you and aka had a good ride,good seeing ya'll again.and yes motorcycle mike i can't belive it either.

  7. still trying to secure a place to stay,i thought the park was a little high or for me it was. i looked a few months ago and thought the rate was from 115.00 to 130.00 a night.my sister can get me discounts but the closest ones are 17.4 miles to 22 miles,not bad but i wanted to be with the gang so i'm still trying,wish me luck.i did find some cabins close so thats an opp also however i think they were around 350.00 and up plus 7% state tax and 5% county tax so 350.00 is realy 392.00:bluesbrother:

  8. sounds like 44 psi is to high for the front.i dont have the avon on the front just the rear but i think my front says 42 cold psi and i run 40psi. on the rear avon i run between 46.5 psi solo and 48 psi two up. sure i'm glad you didn't get hurt,and as far as skill i don't know how thats factors in when it blows out and your reaction takes over.

  9. well i drive a tractor trailer(18 wheeler) for a living and have taken a lot of deff drining courses and know that a lot of act are preventable however never liked the safty directors point of view!!!!!!!!!! momma said you draw more flies with sugar than vinger. lol

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