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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. wake up oldgoat!!!!!
  2. that would never happen here!! LOL
  3. just made my res at seasons inn for wed thru sun,getting close now. cant wait to get there and relax,riding everyday is relaxing!!
  4. hang in there ponch,we are still praying for you, family and friends. makes you very thankful,my bad day isn't bad at all copared to poor ponchs day.god speed to all.
  5. thanks for the update. still praying
  6. thats what i figured as soon as i said it.
  7. i agree with that eck, think i'll do that as well instead of staying in helen or dahlonega.
  8. a little late by now but 100% percent sure i will be there but will be solo, and were did he get camping for 12.50 i looked at it and it was 26.00 bucks a night.
  9. dont know how i missed this this morning but prayers are on the way from black mountain,nc. not much to say at a time like this so praying will be the best thing to do right now. our prayers and thoughts go out to family and friends!!!
  10. thanks for the post.
  11. hey aymmer,i'm surprized you made it out of the parking lot!!! lol i know i know your bike is faster than mine.
  12. more better and better,can't wait myself. i'll get to see some old friends and make some new ones also.:dancefool:
  13. thanks for the info v7goose and i have no idea what i was trying to show myself,as far as the filter,gas being turned off,floats checked all of that but thats not to say that now one off them is whacked.i do believe the fuel pump is going out but only some of the time. seems like after the bike sets for a week or so(which dosent happen often) is when the problems shows its ugly head but sometimes it will do it at other times which is why after searching this topic out and my dealings with this problem leads me to think intermitted fuel pump. if i'm wrong which wouldnt be the first time i'm only out 50 bucks.if this dosent take care of the problem i will have to park it for a while until i can get someone who knows these things better than me and fix it. dont feel comfortable riding it with this going on. again thanks for all the help and suggestions, will follow up with the fix.
  14. i think yammer will be to busy looking for gloves. lol p.s. they caught that bear a week ago trying to hold up a gas station,no finger prints at the sceen however they followed the empty ding dong wrappers,wait a minuate thats no bear thats yammer dan!!!!!
  15. 4 1/2 days and will start packing things up tomorrow and getting the bike ready for wensday departure.
  16. thanks for the info.when ya'll are done laughing check out these videos i did.http://www.youtube.com/user/warlord703?feature=mhee#p/ahttp://www.youtube.com/user/warlord703?feature=mhee#p/a/u/1/k95e8CBbn3I/u/0/U3e5NzvBi4M
  17. look forward to meeting ya there,i will either pull in tue night or wed morning around 11:30 from blk mt,nc.
  18. thanks rick,do you like pretzels with your beer?
  19. hey eck,i'll give you two beers if you don't tell him.i use the standard 32 oz.
  20. thanks rick,i see you have the same labor rate as i. LOL. i'll go tomorrow and get the pump. should i bring some tools or will someone there have enough to this small job?i'm affarid i'll be a little close on room.
  21. either gonna have to replace fuel pump or bring one with me and maybe get some help,but i'll be there. the mrs will not make this one unfortanatly.i'll bring my reg and cash,c-you there
  22. thanks, i found this one at napa.https://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/CatalogItemDetail.aspx?A=BK_6101051_0067330545&An=0. 50 bucks not to bad
  23. thanks for the info larry,got get busy and get it ready for vogel next week.hope this takes care of my demon . i figure if not i'm only out 50 bucks but after searching this topic out i think it will.
  24. hope v7goose is on here. looked up replacement pumps and found the napa posi-flo part # 610-1050 but saw were it had 4-6.5 psi and thought that v7goose said its better to go with the factory spec at 3 psi and not dobule it. i did find a napa pump with part # 610-1051 whis has 3-4.5 psi so is this the better choice??? thanks for your answer.
  25. thanks for all the info everyone,and you too yammer.lol i guess i will take my chill pill now boss man,sorry for my shortness guess if i had some nice carb covers that would help. i know i know,no speaka the english. lol
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