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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. i know from freebirds maint calander that motorcycletom and bongobobny are going to americade,i was just wondering how the show is from people that have been to it in the past. looks like alot to do and some good riding but looks like it will be very coastly.
  2. i love you yammer!!!
  3. thanks joe, good idea. seems like i read somewhere someone was looking to split a cabin.
  4. need some info,wanta go to the international rally in new york but don't know if i can swing it,here are some of my figures and please tell me if you think i'm high. F.Y.I. i use a cpap machine and wife has a bad back so i dont think camping will be a option for us.reg 45.00 50/50 tickets 10.00 trailer tickets 25.00 t-shirts 50.00 some dinner 22.00 some ride 31.00 gas for the whole trip 220.00 (1760 miles) food 280.00 motel 630.00 for a total of 1313.00 i left out some such as the niagara trip and so on.i know i could cut out the 50/50 trailer t-shirts but why go if i cant help support and win a trailer? thaks in advance for you info.
  5. praise the LORD, prov 25:25 as cold waters to a thristy soul,so is good news from a far country.be blessed
  6. thanks for the info.
  7. tach looks good,what about the wires,how are they routed,wraped etc?
  8. thanks for the info skydoc 17 and others.i will be needing one soon.
  9. thanks for the info will be checking them out,haven't found them online yet.
  10. i've did some searching of old threads and seems that most say the odyssey is a great battery. i was just wondering why there seems to be more batteryies with a higher cca raiting than the odyessey but seems the majority likes the odyessey?
  11. i truly hope you are a drinker of the wind!! LOL
  12. i also liked the cup as well as the 101 bannana.
  13. prayers up and thanks giving as well,glad shes doing better,hadn't been on here in awhile but always willing to pray for people that need it,i guess we all need it,god bless and happy new year!!!
  14. everyone ride safe,HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
  15. hey eck,maybe they were telling you to get screwed. LOL i love ya big guy, kiss kiss hug hug. p.s. i still have my green neckless. xxxooo xxooo ooxxx
  16. back at ya skid hope you and your are doing well.
  17. not early just delevered it to the wrong adress so heres the right one, LOL
  18. back @ ya
  19. see thats what i'm talking about,thinking of giving that harley rider a tow!! just kiding,don't want no hate mail. nice looking trailer.
  20. amen, happy birthday and thanks for the true gift that keeps on giving the whole year.
  21. back at ya big guy!!
  22. priceless!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. thanks for the updateand we're still sending prayers up for him.
  24. hate to hear all that randy,i haven't been getting on hre much so iv'e got lazy on keeping up. if you need me to do anything just call me and i will make plans to do whatever i need to, gods speed
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