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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. all i can say is good luck!!! if you have a question someone here has the answer,you may not like it but someone knows. LOL great bunch of people here.p.s. once you join you can never leave.
  2. whats the differance between the levaling links and the barron lowering link? sorry for the dumb question.http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/Barons_Rear_Lowering_Kit_Royal_Star_Venture_p/ba-7530-00.htm
  3. 10 4 sounds good
  4. sounds great,will be nice seeing ya'll again. next time i get that way i'll give you a shot out.
  5. hey,anybody in the aera up for a ride tomorrow? the weather is supose to be nice. out of work for at least two weeks so cant go to far but would like to squeeze in some riding. got a sleep steady tonight from 9 pm-5am,i'll check before i leave or when i get up.my number is listed here if anyone wants to call. dont know if your working tomorrow tdstd but maybe you,aka and i can meet up.
  6. he's trying to hide from the bears thats are chasing you. lol
  7. last time we went we stayed at the excalibur were the beds were very comfortable and the motel was nice as well. we also stayed at circus circus were the beds were terribale and the motel was in need of a face lift. i guess it was more for the kids type of place. when we go back i want to stay at the luxor.but ya gotta go to the seafood buffet at rio's.
  8. thats right assie annie,not again the last time it like to put me out. lol did you say mushrooms??? lets go td
  9. cool,still dont know for sure if i'll be able to come this year but this info will be good for next year also,thanks.
  10. i can try. working 55-70 hrs weekly dosen't leave much time plus i've never done anything on this big a scale but maybe with a little help we can pull it off. and yes rooster we will try.
  11. looking forward to it honey bun!!!!
  12. hey randy,whats up with asheville this year,2012? i know awhile back you said you would have some info on it,just wondering if i missed it? call me if you need to.
  13. will be planning some more meet and eats this year but not as many as last year do to the economey and in hopes that if i dont have one every month that the turn out might be better. i'll post some times and dates in a few days or week. still open to suggestions.
  14. thanks for the info and by all means more please.
  15. good luck on the lemon law,i tried it years ago and it's not as easy as people say it is. you realy have to stay with it,peace out
  16. you were bleesed rick,everytime i go i see at least three,but no worries i poke.
  17. guess i'm slow,what chat room???is it like going snype hunting?
  18. http://www.moonshiner28.com/
  19. if you have time after the dragon i highly recamend hwy 28 (the moonshiner) from the dragon all the way to highlands. wow what a great road with pleanty of views and water falls,you wont be disapointed. o yea and it's pleanty twisty.
  20. i second that motion randy. lol
  21. sorry for your loss,however it sounds like she's in a better place now so i will pray for you that you will look back on all the great memories and good times you had together and knowing that she's in a better place now will give you some comfort and ease your pain and loss.theres realy no words that can help you out, but knowing that your family,friends,venture family and of course GOD is there for you in your time of need. god bless and be of good courage.
  22. sweet,thanks for the info hunter 1500,i will be checking it out further.
  23. would love to make it but have to get up early fri,take care and ride safe.hope your eye is doing well now randy.
  24. thanks for all the insight. i was thinking about going to freebirds as well,i booked last year than had to back out,maybe i'll make it this year.
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