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Everything posted by warriorhoneybee

  1. more info.You should select a tire gauge so the typical pressure you will be testing is in the middle of the gauge span. Example: for a typical car tire that runs at 32 psi you would select a 60 psi tire gauge and for a light truck tire that runs at 50 psi a 100 psi tire gauge.
  2. just answered my own question,thanks. A 15 psi tire gauge is accurate to ± 0.5 psi from 4 psi to 11 psi and is calibrated to ± 0.25 psi at 7.5 psi. A 30 psi tire gauge is accurate to ± 0.6 psi from 8 psi to 22 psi and is calibrated to ± 0.5 psi at 15 psi. A 60 psi tire gauge is accurate to +/- 1.2 psi from 15 to 45 psi and is calibrated to ± 1 psi at 30 psi. A 100 psi tire gauge is accurate to ± 2 psi from 25 to 75 psi and is calibrated to ± 1.5 psi at 50 psi. A 160 psi tire gauge is accurate to ± 3.2 psi from 40 - 120 and is calibrated to ± 2 psi at 80 psi.
  3. guess i don't understand or should i say have a good understanding on how air gauges work.i think it was condor that said he has two progressive pumps,0-30 and 0-60.my question is if the 0-60 is accurate why wouldnt be accurate for the lower pressue? not trying to stir a bunch of s@i*,just trying to get an understanding on the differance in the two.i think it stated they were both zero loss.
  4. [COLOR=red]must be an optical elusion,the right saddle bag and exaust looks like they stick out further than the left.[/COLOR]
  5. already have one of those and it works wonders,nice and clean mix without it leaning out. LOL
  6. thanks for posting randy,it was good talking to you today. like i stated eaely in our talking i dont pick up any time until aug the 8th. the first one of these i went to was in aug so i'm thinking that should be fine with the masses. hopefuly we will get some good hits and start planning in the next couple of weeks so we can give as much notice as we can so people can plan to attend.it is a great time of fellowship,eating,riding and scaring the wild life.
  7. thanks for the info
  8. 10 4. i agree the 900 was nice but needed more for two up and long haul.
  9. thanks cougar. hey squidley,besides the money differance,which of the three did perform the best?if you want to pm with the info you can. i'd like to save money however to me the performance is the bottom line,well with in reason i guess.
  10. djh3 this is what i did to my 06 900 vulcan and it out run and pulled most of the 1500 kia. barron big air kit which removes the factory air box,cobra short dragsters and the cobra fuel processor i think it was the 3200 or something like that. set it to the cobra specs and than ran it for a while and made one ajustment on it and it was perfect. so after the big air kit i ran it and noticed a pretty good differance but after all the other it was a totally different bike. when i traded it in like a dumb A@* they couldn't believe how good it ran.
  11. sorry dude,i think they have it in aug. just your luck.
  12. happy b-day chicadee!!!! spaken on it's way.
  13. good luck cougar,let me know how the stator works out. i would like to do mine in the near future,seems like i read a post somewhere on which one to get,also thinking i need to change out my rear shock. it seems to keep leaking down,any help on this matter would be helpful to. thanks
  14. you just may be right,i've just had real good luck in the past with barron products.i know some here said dont waste the money on the carbs/big air kit and they maybe right but on my ole 06 vulcan (900) fuel injected it made it come to life. peace out.
  15. good deal. i will try to get up with randy and see what we can come up with. p.s. and whoever else wants to help,i'm new at this but i'm realy good with bees!!!!
  16. wow,thats what i'm talking about. what about the clutch basket?seems like i've heard something about this. i thought all it did was hold all the parts.please explain.
  17. was supose to do mine last fall but that fell apart ,but hope to do it this year. of course i 'm not doing it alone,i'm going to a closed location were he will attempt to teach me to do this. his has the proper tools to do the job and the know how.he did say it was a long job to do.dont know the exact hours but i'm figureing around 7-9 hours.please, i know someone will tell me how they did it in 4 1/2 hours,so i'll go ahead and tell you now @#%* *@%.lol
  18. good luck on yours.are you just doing the srpings or springs and disc?( friction disc)
  19. thanks rick
  20. thanks for the info cougar,just trying to think outside the box and see if there be any newer design or tec. thanks again. any other info would be nice. and i did a search also.
  21. thanks rick,mine is all right just seems to me a little weak.just like the rider. looking to maybe upgrade in the fall or winter and was just wondering which way to go.i know i've heard the barret upgrade is good, just wondering which is the best route.
  22. here's a venture with them on it,wow i love the sound!!!![ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRN_hp_Bksc&list=FL8Xg9OaaHLfuIFo_z_l8jqQ&index=2&feature=plpp_video]Vance & Hines Monster Ovals on Yamaha (Star Royal Venture) - YouTube[/ame]
  23. here's another question,has anyone used this type of clutck kit, and if so how was it?http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/554/index.html
  24. has anyone tried these?http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/305/index.html
  25. thanks boss man,thats what i thought but last time i thought it coast me dearly. P.S. i've been practicing my spanish so look out carb covers!!! LOL
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